Where is Siren?

Siren occasionally takes breaks from Lit, as most of us do from time to time.
Rubyfruit said:
Siren occasionally takes breaks from Lit, as most of us do from time to time.

You look a little pale in your av dearie...I hope you're not coming down with something...
Rubyfruit said:
Siren occasionally takes breaks from Lit, as most of us do from time to time.

Exactly. My last one was three months long, I think. Lit is so much more enjoyable with the proper perspective.

Side note/hijack: Ruby, you're so pretty.
It's just the lighting in that shot Shaq. So very kind of you to be concerned though. Were you going to offer to bring me something hot to swallow?
celiaKitten said:
Lit is so much more enjoyable with the proper perspective.

...and a working computer.

I hope she finally got things back in the same condition they were in before it was trashed and laughed about....
celiaKitten said:

Side note/hijack: Ruby, you're so pretty.

I swear, you guys have done more for my self esteem than four years of therapy, and this is Free! :)

Thank you, Celia my dear.

Shaq, I added a little color, does the picture look better now?
celiaKitten said:
hello, Pot? Meet Kettle.

Heh. I like that.

Is that what she said? Hell, I have no idea.

Ruby...I like the color on the av you're using now. It's almost sepia-toned and quite lovely. :)
Indigo.Rose said:
...Do you still hold grudges against your mother for spanking you when you were 5?

Do you really need this shit to support your POV ?
speaking of "perpetuating drama," who started this thread about Siren?

Oh, I remember now.
Just a note guys, she's just trying to get a rise out of you. She likes to give people reasons to attack her because she needs to be the center of attention even if it's negative attention. I've gone off on her a million times, doesn't matter. She's not a drams queen she's a head case.

Happy Turkey Day everyone!
Indigo.Rose said:

Prisoner of viagra?

you've noticed the little word "your" as in "your POV" ?

So why don't you tell me who that "Prisoner of Viagra" of yours is ?
Do you blame "him" for being that or do you claim it your own fault he had to use artificial turn-ons ??

Or maybe you should think twice before posting loaded lines.
Indigo.Rose said:
Jesus you people really have giant sticks up your butts.

Is there ever a time when you idiots stop thinking you know everything?

IR, c'mon
if you are that clever why don't you start a thread
without falling into insults within your third post for no reason.

Give it a try