Where I live, a bag of sand costs $20 for 5kg!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
Here in Tassie, we don't have sand.
We have rocks.
We have glass - the Indiginous people here were using glass 20,000 yrs ago. The result of a meteor impact.
We have great rich loamy soil for growing anything you want in.
But no sand.

I need sand to mix with my soil for planting out my cactus.

So now I have to become a criminal and go on a secretsquirrel midnight raid to a building site, because I refuse to pay for fucking sand!

Note: this has been my fluffynice thread for today :)
You have your agenda, I have mine. The rain falls on the just and unjust.

The rain falls on the just and unjust fella.
But moreso on the just.
For the unjust has stolen his umbrella.

I can't remember who originally wrote this, so it's google-time.
“The rain falls upon the just
And also on the unjust fellas
But mostly it falls upon the just
Cause the unjust have the just's umbrellas”

― Cormac McCarthy, The Stonemason

OK so I mis-remembered.