Where Have All The Good Men Gone? In Fact, They’re Right Under Your Nose!


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Hey I didn't write this... A WOMAN DID.

Is she a fedora wearing neckbeard? Or is this offensive only when a man writes it?


“Where have all the good men gone?”, is a question that has crossed the minds of plenty single women. Ladies, at some point we’ve all huddled together with our girlfriends bemoaning the selection of men in the dating pool, and when all is said and done we usually come to the conclusion that all the good one’s are taken. Quite frankly they’re not, and you’ve been under the wrong impression. This is the one myth that women have been passing around for ages, and has been sabotaging their love lives. I want to dismiss this myth once and for all, because ladies there are tons of good men out here and you’re missing out. So, if you believe there’s no good men left, this will become your reality; just remember your outlook, determines your outcome. Trust me, it’s in your change of perspective is where you will find your good man.

It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah! Yes it is, and good ones! I swear to you, there are great eligible bachelors looking for good women to settle down with. So, you know what that means; what you’re looking for, is looking for you! Good men are right under your nose, but you’ve got to keep your eyes peeled. Good men are living right next door, attending the same schools, sitting at the same coffee shops, or you might’ve just placed them in the ‘friend zone’. On the other hand, could it be that you’re too busy paying attention to Mr. Emotionally Unavailable, to see the other guy who has been showing you interest. At any rate, you’re just ignoring, or overlooking them.

Now, what on earth would compel a single woman to ignore a good man? The answer is simple, he doesn’t fit into her picture perfect mold of what she wants, or believes she should have. All things considered, don’t take this the wrong way, but the reason why a woman can’t find a good man is her own fault. Yes I said it. Women hold the power to finding a good man, given that she makes the decision on which guy she allows to date her. So, it comes as a surprise to me, that women are passing up seemingly good men, just because he doesn’t fit her ideal. Naturally, we all have an ideal mental image of what we desire in a partner, for me I like a man at least 6 foot tall, built like a football player, and handsomely cute. However, if the man I’m dating lacks any of those characteristics, I’m not kicking him to the curb for that. As a matter of fact, my first love was 5’8, and no way near 6 feet, but I fell in love with him despite this. Anyway, I’m sharing this with you, because I want you to understand that in order to find love you have to change your perspective and have an open mind.

How about instead of going for your usual type, you allow yourself to be open to something new. What about that guy who doesn’t have the bulging muscles, but he calls you everyday, or text you “good morning” every morning; how about giving him a chance? What about that guy whose not 6 feet tall, but he remembers your birthday, and other days of importance to you, that’s your guy! What about the guy who doesn’t wear all the fancy labels, but he’ll come and pick you up from work at the drop of a dime if needed. How about him?