where do you people meet...


Really Experienced
May 27, 2002
where do you people meet your significant other(s)? you all seem to have them.
StrawberryPez said:
in the bathroom

sorry, couldn't help myself. Welcome to lit.

Id say welcome but I know hes been here a while! lol
magicpenis said:
where do you people meet your significant other(s)? you all seem to have them.
we are net geeks ... well most of us :)

As such, i do not have a "significant other" in the real life sense, but i did meet someone on here who rocks my socks off, and well, given even the tinyest chance..... *wicked grin*
freakygurl said:
My boyfriend is my daughters fathers brother.
I drew this one out the first time I heard it. :D

I met mine fleeing from a man named Carrot.
Mischka said:
I drew this one out the first time I heard it. :D

I met mine fleeing from a man named Carrot.

And I thought mine was strange..

were you fleeing or was he?
I was the flee-ee. I was at a party, and talking to a guy that seemed relatively normal. Then he started showing me all his tats of carrots - on his forearms, calves, and neck. When he started unzipping his pants in the middle of the room, I decided it was time to depart. I looked up frantically, saw the future Mr. Mischka walking in the front door. I quickly excused myself, ran over, and blurted out, "Hi!" We talked until five in the morning. :)
Aquila said:
thats sounds like a sticky situation, does his brother hate him?

Yeah... they hate each other. But it's not my fault. They hated each other before I came into the picture.
magicpenis said:
well.... my post has gone to hell....

Actually that is just a breif hijacking it will go on...just breath and relax a little bit go with the flow.....it is pretty nice
Why do you think your post has gone to hell?

We aren't hijacking.. we are talking about how we met our SOs. I thought that is what this thread was about.
Freaky Im just interested to know how that happened. I mean thats not like an everyday situation your in.
My SO - whom I technically haven't met yet, was someone whom I ran across here at Lit.

It all happened rather accidentally actually. But boy has it changed my whole outlook on life.

But the best place to meet that potential SO is to have a life that is involved with the Real World. Have hobbies, activities, join a group, go to church, volunteer, do something that makes life worthwhile whether or not you meet somebody. Chances are the type of person you'd like to meet will be doing some of the same things you are doing.

Bottom line, however you meet someone, you have to have something to give, and that only comes through living life wherever you are and whatever the circumstances
Aquila said:
Freaky Im just interested to know how that happened. I mean thats not like an everyday situation your in.

Do you want the trailer park version? ;)

Ok.. boyfriend #1 and I had a child and were living together. I wasn't happy. He didn't seem happy.. just content to have someone to care for him.

About 2 years into the relationship boyfriend #1's brother moved home from New York, where he was stationed in the Army. We met.. and hit it off immediatly. Personalities are pretty close, we had the same interests and such. I broke up with Boyfriend #1 and started dating the brother.

He and I have been together 6 years and are as happy today as we were 6 years ago.