Where Do Migrants Get The Idea That President Biden Has An "Open Borders" Policy???


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2020
Maybe it’s from REPUBLICANS!!!


Every single time a REPUBLICAN is on TV talking about the border, they invariably say (lie) that the US currently has "open borders" and the "journalists" interviewing them either: agree, barely push back, or completely let the LIE slide.


Is it any wonder that the drug cartels and human traffickers are currently having such success convincing migrants to make the treacherous journey to the US right now???


Maybe the REPUBLICANS should STOP falsely declaring/ / advertising that the US currently has "open borders".


I know it’s infinitely more than unlikely that REPUBLICANS will stop LYING about the US currently having "open borders", but could the "journalists" at least do their job and have a prepared rebuttal to counter the REPUBLICAN disinformation.



American journalists I find think something as lame as asking a speaker or president "what's your favorite color " to be as hard hitting a question as they're allowed to ask. Anything harder than that would cost them their precious facade of objectivity they fetishize far far too much.
American journalists I find think something as lame as asking a speaker or president "what's your favorite color " to be as hard hitting a question as they're allowed to ask. Anything harder than that would cost them their precious facade of objectivity they fetishize far far too much.

Their feckless approach to "journalism" is facilitating the normalization and propagation of disinformation / misinformation, and is contributing to the deterioration of America’s National Security.

They need to be better and do better.

I’m not holding my breath.

Need to, yes. . But if I challenge the politician I'm interviewing they might get mad and never come back on my show again and my primetime veiwers share will drop. :eek:😭😭
So all the cities like NYC crying that there are too many immigrants in their cities-and mostly democrat run cities-are lying? These people don't exist?
From the drug cartels offering them “safe passage” to the land where the streets are paved with gold (fentanyl) for an itty bitty fee.
So all the cities like NYC crying that there are too many immigrants in their cities-and mostly democrat run cities-are lying? These people don't exist?
NYC should close its borders. It's their own damn fault.
There are no open borders. People are arrested daily for crossing the border.
Need to, yes. . But if I challenge the politician I'm interviewing they might get mad and never come back on my show again and my primetime veiwers share will drop. :eek:😭😭

That a "journalist" would even consider that in their calculus when deciding how they’re going to conduct an interview is quite unsettling.

If a "top" politician from one party won’t show up, give their spot to the opposition party and inform the audience of the reason.

Ultimately, ALL politicians want an opportunity to get their "facetime" and try to push their narrative.

The journalists have all the leverage.

They need to use it.

There should be a standing practice that an interview will not progress until a politician that is blatantly lying about "open borders", "the stolen 2020 election".etc, admits they are lying. And the cameras should cut away to a pre-scripted disclaimer if the lying politician tries to filibuster their way through.

That ^ would stop the bullshit pretty damn quick imho.

From the drug cartels offering them “safe passage” to the land where the streets are paved with gold (fentanyl) for an itty bitty fee.

Yeah, and the drug cartels use the REPUBLICAN LIES about "open borders" to help convince them.

Glad you admit that there is no "open borders" policy.

Share that ^ with all your "friends".



Where do migrants get this notion? From lying Republican propaganda, of course.
So all the cities like NYC crying that there are too many immigrants in their cities-and mostly democrat run cities-are lying? These people don't exist?
Point of the thread is that it's the 'Pubs who keep proclaiming the open borders schpiel. The goo(D) Americans are not. If the 'Pubs stopped avertising it, the flow might slow.
Yeah, and the drug cartels use the REPUBLICAN LIES about "open borders" to help convince them.

Glad you admit that there is no "open borders" policy.

Share that ^ with all your "friends".



If I admit there are no open borders, but I’m a Republican, then I must be lying so there are open borders and I’m not a Republican. Glad we got that straightened out.
Point of the thread is that it's the 'Pubs who keep proclaiming the open borders schpiel. The goo(D) Americans are not. If the 'Pubs stopped avertising it, the flow might slow.

It’s the same with REPUBLICAN LIES about late term abortions (and abortion in general), which led to the overturning of Roe, total abortion bans in several states, the shuttering of abortion clinics and ultimately (and ironically) more late / later term abortions.

REPUBLICAN LIES invariably make every problem worse.


The fact is it didn't really slow during the Trump administration either. As long as the grass is greener here than where they live they'll come here the wall won't stop them, no border security can cover that much territory effectively, and even the barbaric prospect of getting separated from their children won't stop them. The Wall is just a band aid. We need to change things there so they look around and say the grass is pretty green right here at home why would i want to go all the way up to America for a job?
It's always been my thought that something needs to be done to help those countries so people would rather stay 'home'. But that doesn't seem to work. Somebody got the bright idea to 'help' Iraq for example.
If I admit there are no open borders, but I’m a Republican, then I must be lying so there are open borders and I’m not a Republican. Glad we got that straightened out.

Yeah, no.

That game doesn’t work when the issues the REPUBLICANS are LYING about are specified .

You know, specific REPUBLICAN LIES about "open borders", "stolen elections", "CRT", "late term abortions", "a two tier justice system that favors Democrats", etc, etc,

REPUBLICANS LIE a lot, but not invariably.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 HotmessGirl 🤣


“Of the combined 232,972 migrants
encountered border-wide in August, 145,278 were issued notices to appear in U.S. immigration court, a rough idea of how many were released into the U.S. interior with asylum or other protection claims. This is slightly more than the number of notices to appear or paroles issued in late 2022.”

145,278 in just one month, multiply that number by 12 the simple answer is approx 1,750,000 per year of humanity living on our streets.

Now playing the semantic word game that our border is not open because CPB took their names down with a directive to appear in court is and will bankrupt our cities for decades. Biden refuses to give financial aid to cities and has shown no interest in shutting down the border. That is how Biden is facilitating the onslaught.
The fact is it didn't really slow during the Trump administration either. As long as the grass is greener here than where they live they'll come here the wall won't stop them, no border security can cover that much territory effectively, and even the barbaric prospect of getting separated from their children won't stop them. The Wall is just a band aid. We need to change things there so they look around and say the grass is pretty green right here at home why would i want to go all the way up to America for a job?

If you remember the 2016 election, you know that the REPUBLICANS were LYING about President Obama and Hillary Clinton having "open border" policies to damage the Democrats.

When Hillary didn’t win, that message of "open borders" couldn’t be magically unsent. The republicans reaped the migrant surge they sowed with their "open borders" LIES, until Covid and title 42 provided an out. Of course the brutal “remain in Mexico” and “family separation” policies to deter the migrant flow were also the result of REPUBLICAN LIES about "open borders".

Obviously climate change and other factors are driving the migrant crisis as well, but the REPUBLICAN LIE about "open borders" is the gift that just keeps giving to the cartels and human traffickers.


ineedhelp1 doesn’t seem to understand the point of the thread.

ineedhelp1 also doesn’t seem to understand what an "open borders" policy means.

ineedhelp1 doesn’t understand much.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Same place they get the idea that anyone wants to take their guns away by force

“Of the combined 232,972 migrants
encountered border-wide in August, 145,278 were issued notices to appear in U.S. immigration court, a rough idea of how many were released into the U.S. interior with asylum or other protection claims. This is slightly more than the number of notices to appear or paroles issued in late 2022.”

145,278 in just one month, multiply that number by 12 the simple answer is approx 1,750,000 per year of humanity living on our streets.

Now playing the semantic word game that our border is not open because CPB took their names down with a directive to appear in court is and will bankrupt our cities for decades. Biden refuses to give financial aid to cities and has shown no interest in shutting down the border. That is how Biden is facilitating the onslaught.
You could give them work permits so they can afford places to live. 👍

Or hire more resources to accelerate their court cases 👍

Other options include whining because people claim asylum as they are legally able to do and whining about migrants in general 👍
You could give them work permits so they can afford places to live. 👍

Or hire more resources to accelerate their court cases 👍

Other options include whining because people claim asylum as they are legally able to do and whining about migrants in general 👍

But it's such a useful club to beat over the heads of democrats on fox news or Newsmax though.:rolleyes: