Where do I put this story


Jul 12, 2021
Im 90 percent done with it. Desperate couple signs up for a wife swap (for money) show with a legal divorce and marriage to a new person the tv show selects. There are no threesomes orgies, etc.

Sex is technically monogamous... with their newly selected by the tv show wife. Is such a marriage cheating if the tv show forces the divorce and new marriage? I was thinking Loving Wives but... I would like some readership so I would like to avoid a dead category... BUUUUT also does not have to be Loving Wives large. Just not novellas small.

I may be wrong. What does everyone think?
My story is drastically different. For one, mine actually involves them being on TV. Thanks tho. I mean that. I appreciate any feedback preventing me from disaster, besides the usual 'you suck' drive-by anonymous comments. LOL.

I read that one by HDK before. Didnt see the twist at the end until I read it. I liked it a lot.