Where can I find free ringtones?


Literotica Guru
Aug 29, 2001
Hello gang. I just bought a new cell phone. I would like to know where I can download free cell phone ringtones?
What kind of phone?

Most of the bigger Cell Companies have ringtones you can download for free on their web sites.
Are you serious?

Please don't tell me you are one of those people that have those funky songs for your ring tone?
And i was going to ask if i there was a URL for sending free text messages to US phones.

I know there are a couple for the UK through BT, and the one i did know for Australia shut down.... anyone know one for the US?
make sure you read the small print on the webpages before downloading the ring tones...

My friend downloaded a few "free" ones.. and was charged $2.99 per minute long distance charges (it can take up to 5 minutes to download some of those tones).

The tones are free.. the call wasn't
MorgaineLaFay said:
Are you serious?

Please don't tell me you are one of those people that have those funky songs for your ring tone?

LOL...that would be me.