Where are you ?????????

Fantastic day here, even above zero if you can believe it. I gotta get outside quick before it turns cold.
it's great really sunny and I'm going out soon to my local pub's beer garden to watch the rugby on a big screen.

What are you going to do with such a great day?
Work is where i'm at.... as always:(
It's raining cats and dogs outside, which must be God's sick sense of humour peeking out.

with all apologies to Depeche Mode
Hi Gusty

The warmer air and the drip drip of the thaw is calling me today but still there's too much snow to walk in the woods and the earth is not ready to be dug.

My palm is getting a garden itch.

I love to stick my head out on a rainy day....the air is so clean.

Don't forget to eat, sweetie.:kiss: