Where are the new folks?


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
Don't tell me you all watched the TV all night, I know better. I can feel you lurking out there. Listen, here's a tip:

Go register. You can use an anonymous email account, at hotmail, yahoo, or wherever, and not reveal a LOT about who or where you are, but then you can jump on in and add your two cents worth (even if they are canadian cents.)

If you get bold and introduce yourself in a new thread you'll be greeted, and a few people will go out of their way to talk to you for awhile (OK, so some of them are assholes and you've seen how they talk... there's this cool "IGNORE" feature once you're registered that makes them MUCH easier to cope with.) Even if you don't there's just no harm. You know you're thinking you have something to add already.

Come on, it'll be fun. Don't stand on the sidelines just because you don't want to discuss politics with rabid extremists on a porn board - you don't have to go into ANY thread you don't want to. I promise.
You think we don't have enough people posting here? There are so many that I can't keep track of them.
Here I am!!!

Thanks for the encouragement! After a couple of years of wandering around Literotica I finally got the nerve to registar...although I'm not so sure there are those that would like me much....I guess I'll just have to keep things too personal to myself...:D
Re: Here I am!!!

pensive said:
Thanks for the encouragement! After a couple of years of wandering around Literotica I finally got the nerve to registar...although I'm not so sure there are those that would like me much....I guess I'll just have to keep things too personal to myself...:D

*Shaking head...*

You're in deep, deep trouble...
Way to go, pensive. If you haven't already seen the stuff about LitAnon meetings I can see if I can scrounge up one of morninggirl's posts, but I trust you have already, so skip on past the dubious Manx and say hi to kiwi (but don't stare at his feet.)
What a lovely welcome, LK.... it almost made me want to re-register all over again. I am so glad I didn't know about the rabid extremists before I got here....lol I jumped right in and registered my first day. :D
LukkyKnight said:
Way to go, pensive. If you haven't already seen the stuff about LitAnon meetings I can see if I can scrounge up one of morninggirl's posts, but I trust you have already, so skip on past the dubious Manx and say hi to kiwi (but don't stare at his feet.)

Nope, haven't seen any such thing about LitAnon meetings.....Manx scares me.....Hi Kiwi (looking anywhere but at feet)............
LukkyKnight said:
Way to go, pensive. If you haven't already seen the stuff about LitAnon meetings I can see if I can scrounge up one of morninggirl's posts, but I trust you have already, so skip on past the dubious Manx and say hi to kiwi (but don't stare at his feet.)

Foot... singular buddy. And it's okay... I washed them in October. :D
pensive said:
Nope, haven't seen any such thing about LitAnon meetings.....Manx scares me.....Hi Kiwi (looking anywhere but at feet)............

LOL... yep you'll fit in just fine. First rule of fitting in is you have to go and read my story and vote... high is good.:D

God i just love the ability to throw in shameless plugs.
~LOL~ @Jade

kiwiwolf said:
... high is good.:D
This would be one of those context-sensitive phrases, woudn't it?

Every so often one can tease a few out of the woodwork, Jade. Tonight the spirit moved me.
Re: ~LOL~ @Jade

LukkyKnight said:
This would be one of those context-sensitive phrases, woudn't it?

Every so often one can tease a few out of the woodwork, Jade. Tonight the spirit moved me.

Re: ~LOL~ @Jade

LukkyKnight said:
This would be one of those context-sensitive phrases, woudn't it?

Every so often one can tease a few out of the woodwork, Jade. Tonight the spirit moved me.

Well if that is ALL that moved you.
Well, I'm new...so darned new that I'm a virgin all over again *sigh*

BTW Kiwi, nice foot :)
Ah, the kiss....

First rule of fitting in is you have to go and read my story and vote... high is good.:D

Done. The Kiss really did it for me!

God i just love the ability to throw in shameless plugs. [/B][/QUOTE]
*cherie* said:
Well, I'm new...so darned new that I'm a virgin all over again *sigh*

BTW Kiwi, nice foot :)
Ixnay on the oot-fay!

Welcome to our asylum. I am hunting for the LitAnon stuff, but don't worry about the details because the meetings are held regularly.
LukkyKnight said:
Ixnay on the oot-fay!

Welcome to our asylum. I am hunting for the LitAnon stuff, but don't worry about the details because the meetings are held regularly.

Back off on the foot Lukky... it's clean it's mine and it's attached to the sexiest male ankle you'll ever see... in this house anyway.:D

Ignore Lukky *cherie*... he's on medication and had a bad experience with shock therapy.
*cherie* said:
Wouldn't you rather have the Visa card number?
Oh you'll do just fine here, yes indeed. Even people who don't qualify for plastic have checking accounts, ya know?