Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?


Jan 23, 2011
Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?

By Peter Kirsanow

When Nancy Pelosi asked that question in 2003, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. The unemployment rate for blacks was 11 percent. GDP, however, was growing at a 7.2 percent clip, and barely more than a year later the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.9 percent. That didn’t stop Pelosi and her allies, including many in the news media, from repeatedly asking the above question and proclaiming the jobs picture to be the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Today’s jobs report for December marks 48 consecutive months with unemployment at 7.8 percent or higher. Black unemployment is at 14 percent, up from 13.2 percent in November. And the labor-force-participation rate remains at historic lows as waves of people continue to drop out of the job market.

But Nancy Pelosi has lost her curiosity about the location of the nation’s jobs.

Welcome to Obama Normal.
theirs no jobs here in CT, so that's why if you do got one, you're one of the lucky people with it.
Oh I know

Millions of JOBS will kick in with ObamaCare

I know, PUSSYPELOSI told us:cool:
"We own the economy. We own the beginning of the turnaround and we want to make sure that we continue that pace of recovery, not go back to the policies of the past under the Bush administration that put us in the ditch in the first place."
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

If you ask me, I think what we're experiencing isn't in fact closer to a "growthless" recovery than to a jobless one. Because GDP started to grow more than a year and a half ago, but with the exception of just a couple of quarters, growth has not been noticeably above its trend rate of about 2-1/2 percent a year. I don't rejoice at the news that we added 216,000 jobs in March. About a hundred thousand of that 216,000 is needed every month just to keep up with the growth in the labor force. At this rate of job growth, it would take most of the decade to replace the eight 8-1/2 million jobs that were lost in the recession.
Christina Romer
Chairwoman of Obama's White House Council of Economic Advisors

Last week, 150,000 jobs got a standing "O" from the Obama News Media...

Proof that their plan worked, from Day One.

One can only assume that the plan did work precisely as designed.
What, you don't believe the big titted, bug-eyed, Looneytunes bitch? :eek::D

- 35 million more people will be getting health insurance coverage.

- 35 million more people will be getting prescription drug coverage

- 35 million more people will be getting medical device coverage

- 35 million more people will no longer be at risk for foreclosing their homes due to medical debt

- 35 million more people will require a growing number of medical professionals to treat them

- 35 million more workers and their families will have greater productivity due to access to the best medical care in the world.

Add the value of these things up and factor it in to whatever job formula you were told to use by Fox News. Because they always forget to consider that Merck is going to have to hire when their target market explodes in size.
Note that 100% of the job growth since the recession is in age group 55 and over.

Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/#fJt2IF44DX2fJeqW.99

Irrefutable Evidence Falling Employment Not Based on Boomer Demographics

This plunge in employment in the prime working age group of 25-54 is irrefutable proof that the drop in employment and the falling participation rate is not based on aging boomer demographics.

By calculation, 4,960,000 jobs (6,300,000 - 1,340,000) simply vanished into thin air (in age group 25-54 alone).

Thus, the plunge in employment in the prime working age group of 25-54 also provides strong evidence the stated unemployment rate of 7.8% is bogus by a more sensible measure of unemployment.
- 35 million more people will be getting health insurance coverage.

- 35 million more people will be getting prescription drug coverage

- 35 million more people will be getting medical device coverage

- 35 million more people will no longer be at risk for foreclosing their homes due to medical debt

- 35 million more people will require a growing number of medical professionals to treat them

- 35 million more workers and their families will have greater productivity due to access to the best medical care in the world.

Add the value of these things up and factor it in to whatever job formula you were told to use by Fox News. Because they always forget to consider that Merck is going to have to hire when their target market explodes in size.

^^^Low Information


Add the value of these things up and factor it in to whatever job formula you were told to use by Fox News. Because they always forget to consider that Merck is going to have to hire when their target market explodes in size.

More Key Facts For Age Group 25-54

Between 2007 and 2012 the civilian population declined by 1,340,000
Between 2007 and 2012 the labor force declined by 3,100,000
Between 2007 and 2012 employment fell from 100,450,000 to 94,150,000.
Between 2007 and 2012 employment declined by 6,300,000 jobs on a mere decrease in the civilian population of 1,340,000!

Let's take a look at the above table in chart form.

Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/#fJt2IF44DX2fJeqW.99
Obamacare opponents warned that forcing companies employing 50 or more full-time workers to buy healthcare would prompt employers to slash jobs and worker hours. And that’s exactly what’s happening, says one of President Barack Obama’s favorite economists, Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics.


Merc's GO-TO GUY????????????

“It will have a negative impact on job creation” this year, says Mr. Zandi.

The Obamacare employer mandate doesn’t go into effect until January 1, 2014, but the government requires businesses to track worker schedules for three to 12 months in advance. That means many employers plan to get a jump start on avoiding Obamacare’s $2,000 per-worker fine by firing workers now, reducing employee hours, or replacing full-time employees with part-time workers.

A survey by the International Franchise Association finds that 31% of franchisees say they plan to cut staff to duck under Obamacare’s 50-employer mandate. And another study by Mercer consulting firm found that half of businesses who don’t presently offer health insurance plan to reduce employee hours to avert triggering Obamacare’s penalties.

As Breitbart News has reported, Pennsylvania Community College of Allegheny County has already slashed the hours of 400 adjunct instructors, support staff, and part-time teachers to sidestep the Obamacare fines. Doing so will save the already cash-strapped college an estimated $6 million.

Other Obamacare provisions, like the medical devise excise tax, have forced Stryker medical supply to cut 1,170 positions, despite the fact that the founder of the company’s grandson was among Mr. Obama’s biggest campaign donors. Other medical device makers like Boston Scientific, Dana Holding Corp., Welch Allyn, Medtronic, Kinetic Concepts, and Smith & Nephew have similarly forecast the needs to cut hundreds of jobs each as the result of Obamcare.

The day after Mr. Obama’s reelection, a Las Vegas employer fired 22 of his 114 employees citing Obamacare regulations as the culprit.

Christine Ippolito of Compass Workforce Solutions says companies just under the 50 employee threshold now plan to hold off on hiring to avoid triggering the $2,000-per worker penalty.

Ernie Canadeo, the president of EGC Group advertising agency, agrees. Mr. Canadeo says he had planned to hire 10 workers this year, but may wait so as not to cross the 50-worker mark.

The looming Obamacare layoffs and hiring freezes come as a Labor Department report announced today that the unemployment rate remains at 7.8% (revised up from the originally reported 7.7%). Presently, 22.6 million Americans are either unemployed, underemployed, or marginally attached to the work force.

What about the 35 million that are still not going to be covered???
This doesn't mean that the falling participation rate isn't linked to the baby boomer generation retiring. In fact, since the 55-65 cohort is huge it's logical to expect that a large number of net jobs would be in that bracket.

The 25-54 bracket has plateaued since 2000 and 20-24 is unchanged?


Note that 100% of the job growth since the recession is in age group 55 and over.


Irrefutable Evidence Falling Employment Not Based on Boomer Demographics

This plunge in employment in the prime working age group of 25-54 is irrefutable proof that the drop in employment and the falling participation rate is not based on aging boomer demographics.

By calculation, 4,960,000 jobs (6,300,000 - 1,340,000) simply vanished into thin air (in age group 25-54 alone).

Thus, the plunge in employment in the prime working age group of 25-54 also provides strong evidence the stated unemployment rate of 7.8% is bogus by a more sensible measure of unemployment.

Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?

By Peter Kirsanow

When Nancy Pelosi asked that question in 2003, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. The unemployment rate for blacks was 11 percent. GDP, however, was growing at a 7.2 percent clip, and barely more than a year later the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.9 percent. That didn’t stop Pelosi and her allies, including many in the news media, from repeatedly asking the above question and proclaiming the jobs picture to be the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Today’s jobs report for December marks 48 consecutive months with unemployment at 7.8 percent or higher. Black unemployment is at 14 percent, up from 13.2 percent in November. And the labor-force-participation rate remains at historic lows as waves of people continue to drop out of the job market.

But Nancy Pelosi has lost her curiosity about the location of the nation’s jobs.

Welcome to Obama Normal.
More Key Facts For Age Group 25-54

Between 2007 and 2012 the civilian population declined by 1,340,000
Between 2007 and 2012 the labor force declined by 3,100,000
Between 2007 and 2012 employment fell from 100,450,000 to 94,150,000.
Between 2007 and 2012 employment declined by 6,300,000 jobs on a mere decrease in the civilian population of 1,340,000!

Let's take a look at the above table in chart form.

Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/#fJt2IF44DX2fJeqW.99

... because in a recession it's often the younger, newer workers who are laid off first? But this happens with every recession - younger people often stop trying to work and go to college. Or back to college - that's a factor as well.

Regardless, you're still not factoring in the swell in retirees as a factor that decreases the labor force participation rate. Why not give it an honest look?
Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?

By Peter Kirsanow

Step 1: Blame Obama for not doing enough to create jobs.

Step 2: Filibuster every job creation bill Obama asks for.

Step 3: Pretend like Obama is golfing and never asked for job creation bills.
Step 1: Blame Obama for not doing enough to create jobs..........He is a JOBS killer and more DEAD jobs from ObamaCare

Step 2: Filibuster every job creation bill Obama asks for..........You made that up

Step 3: Pretend like Obama is golfing and never asked for job creation bills...........He is a JOBS killer.......

it DOESNT respond at all to this

Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?

By Peter Kirsanow

When Nancy Pelosi asked that question in 2003, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. The unemployment rate for blacks was 11 percent. GDP, however, was growing at a 7.2 percent clip, and barely more than a year later the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.9 percent. That didn’t stop Pelosi and her allies, including many in the news media, from repeatedly asking the above question and proclaiming the jobs picture to be the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Today’s jobs report for December marks 48 consecutive months with unemployment at 7.8 percent or higher. Black unemployment is at 14 percent, up from 13.2 percent in November. And the labor-force-participation rate remains at historic lows as waves of people continue to drop out of the job market.

But Nancy Pelosi has lost her curiosity about the location of the nation’s jobs.

Welcome to Obama Normal.
The labor force participation rate has decreased about 1% since the baby boomer generation hit retirement age in 2010. This is exactly what was expected.

Pelosi has tried to pass every jobs bill the president wants, not sure what else you want her to do. She also says that the jobs picture is getting better which is true, but we need to act. Republicans say we need less action and block everything, then turn around and blame Democrats for there not being more action


it DOESNT respond at all to this

Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President?

By Peter Kirsanow

When Nancy Pelosi asked that question in 2003, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. The unemployment rate for blacks was 11 percent. GDP, however, was growing at a 7.2 percent clip, and barely more than a year later the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.9 percent. That didn’t stop Pelosi and her allies, including many in the news media, from repeatedly asking the above question and proclaiming the jobs picture to be the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Today’s jobs report for December marks 48 consecutive months with unemployment at 7.8 percent or higher. Black unemployment is at 14 percent, up from 13.2 percent in November. And the labor-force-participation rate remains at historic lows as waves of people continue to drop out of the job market.

But Nancy Pelosi has lost her curiosity about the location of the nation’s jobs.

Welcome to Obama Normal.