When you get email from someone you've never corresponded with before..

Luscious Lioness said:
How do you deal with it?
So when you get an email from someone who says they see you around but to your knowledge never said even, "hey!" How do you respond to questions about your personal being and the requests to "send me pictures".

Is it only me? But that sound like some kind of warning buzzer or bell should have gone off, LL.
I tread unsolicited email/PMs like I treat telemarketers. That's what they are. Uninvited intrusions trying to sell you a bill of goods.

If they're nice/normal then I answer them politely. If they're fucktards looking for cyber-smut, I ignore them (hang up on them, as the case may be.).
that is why I like P.M.s. They let one get to know another pretty well. E-mails to my yahoo address are good...but I like to know that I have at least talked to someone a bit before going to that stage. More due to conveinence than anything I guess for me. I have little fear other than perhaps a wanting to know someone first.
Nora said:
I tread unsolicited email/PMs like I treat telemarketers. That's what they are. Uninvited intrusions trying to sell you a bill of goods.

If they're nice/normal then I answer them politely. If they're fucktards looking for cyber-smut, I ignore them (hang up on them, as the case may be.).

I'm with you...a nice, friendly, even a bit flirty can be fun and flattering. A random request for pics is creepy.
got to be someone I know, or feedback from Lit, for me to read it.

I'm tired of getting enlarge your Penis/breast size in my emails.
I read it th en determine if I'm going to ignore/delete/bar the address from my email system or if i am going to respond.