When Veritas meets Truth


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
I have been accused, by idiots, of course, the Left is flush with them and their Emperor's Clothes are quite resplendent, of claiming to be some self-proclaimed holder or claimant to "Truth" because Veritas means truth. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

The handle itself comes from the movie Tombstone and the Val Kilmer line, In Vino Veritas.

Truth is (Veritas) that in political discussions, there are only personal, not universal truths. Like economics truth varies wildly from those who like top-down Socialist-Marxian control of economy and culture to those more in the school of Smith and Mises (and Smith & Wesson). To me, the Left is more like the Bastiat parable of the broken window and the crowd who only sees the immediate good in the gain for the glazier of his Broken Window. The Right is more focused on the economics of the ripple effect created by the destruction of Capital and the loss to the tailor.

So, there are many truths out there and I am making no claim on having any special insight into truth. I'm not Toshiro Mifune claiming that saki makes me brilliant. Wine just gives me (and y'all) a looser tongue.

Don't ask me what I think of you,
I might not give the answer that you want me to.
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The ignore feature only works when you tell people that you're ignoring them šŸ‘
Remember AJ's thread where he claimed that his card was flagged for buying too much gas before he even got to the pump?
I'm not Toshiro Mifune claiming that saki makes me brilliant.


You're a smarter man than me. I had no clue what he was trying to say there. šŸ¤·šŸ»