When facts support unPC beliefs



This will most likely be taken out of context by some people and to those offended I don't apologize I only am drawing conclusions based up my local experience. I live in Indiana which is experiencing a boom in Hispanic immigration, legal and illegal alike. In the last year the amount of illegal drug arrests has climbed as well, the majority being illegal aliens found in posesion of huge amounts of cocaine, herion and marijuana. From vehicles being stopped on the interstate, rural meth-amphatimine labs discovered and high speed police pursuits in the larger towns, the common denominator has been that the vast majority have been Hispanic, and almost to a person each was in the United States illegally. What is really gauling me is the local (Indianapolis) Hispanic community claiming that racial profiling is being applied against them, to that I say if you are here legally and not involved in illegal activities, sit down and shut up. If you don't like the enviorment your less law-abiding countrymen are making for you here, the border is just south of Texas and to my knowledge it does not close for holidays.
I'm just posting on this thread because I wanted to see our AVs side by side.
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It's a valid point. In all likelihood, the arrests occur because of leads that are followed by law enforcement. If they had leads to members of other groups, do you think they would discount them for not pointing to Hispanics?

A danger lies in jumping to conclusions based on ethnicity. It's feasible that a drug ring exists composed chiefly of Hispanics. But it would be wrong to then reason that Hispanics are more prone to becoming drug traffickers, or that they are generally insular in their associations, or even that they are more likely to squeal on other Hispanics.
Bull Shit

phrodeau said:
It's a valid point. In all likelihood, the arrests occur because of leads that are followed by law enforcement. If they had leads to members of other groups, do you think they would discount them for not pointing to Hispanics?

A danger lies in jumping to conclusions based on ethnicity. It's feasible that a drug ring exists composed chiefly of Hispanics. But it would be wrong to then reason that Hispanics are more prone to becoming drug traffickers, or that they are generally insular in their associations, or even that they are more likely to squeal on other Hispanics.

Yes you can ascribe certain behavioral aspects to certain people
In a society that disregards its lesser fortunate - whatever their skin colour or ethnic origin - and caters to the higher classes, it is not surprising that crime seems to be a way out out of the gutter.

This in an American problem and, with 16 million forgotten people living under the poverty line with no way out and no help arriving any time soon, it doesn't surprise me.

Another one of those......Its never the fault of the bad guys for being bad......

What Fools Believe!
In context....

Usually, only 1% of any group is a problem, even though they are the most visible to society. Take bikers for instance, my personal experience. The "outlaw" clubs (1%ers) are in the law's gunsites all the time, and the rest of us are profiled into that mold by the cops. I get pulled all the time because of the profile, Harley chopper, leathers, visible attitude, and any other flag they want to put on that profile. It's been going on for 50 years, and it's not going to stop.
Society in general, have got into this loud whine and thinned skinned attitude whenever they get profiled. 99% of them are innocent, and good people, but mistakes will be made. I think it's the education process people are taught, considering they lump cops into a profile. Profiling is as natural to humans as sleep, any profile of a threat to a race, society, or status quo is profiled into a tangible "boogyman".
You can bet that the 99% of the Hispanics are scared shitless of the garbage that hangs out in the alleys, and street corners. You might want to look into a community policing program with the cops, videotaping illegal acts, and getting all the neighbors involved. :D
“In a society that disregards its lesser fortunate - whatever their skin colour or ethnic origin - and caters to the higher classes, it is not surprising that crime seems to be a way out out of the gutter.

This in an American problem and, with 16 million forgotten people living under the poverty line with no way out and no help arriving any time soon, it doesn't surprise me.” coolville

What are the numbers for Europe and England especially? On this issue, I don’t think the ocean has an effect.

[Secondly, this is below your usual style. More on a REDWAVIAN, DonKianDickie, p_p_ish sort of level. :D ]

I’m going to lay you dimes to donuts that the illegal Hispanics are not selling the drugs to Hispanics legal or illegal in Indiana…
Sure, 7 posts to comment on and you pick MINE!!!:D
Not the thread starter with his interesting points, not the bottom-feeding racist sleazybuddy, but MINE!
Are you trolling me, flatlander?
SINthysist said:
What are the numbers for Europe and England especially? On this issue, I don’t think the ocean has an effect.
The number for England is 44
Denmark is 45
France is 33
Don't forget the international dialing code prefix...
With reference to your first post, it is possible that race isn't the issue.

Perhaps poverty is.

That many people of a certain race have immigrated, aren't likely to find gainful employment and probably lack either the necessary paperwork or skills to do so would lead me to believe that the new influx of people in your area probably isn't turning out to be the "american dream."

Poverty contributes to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, burglary and violent crime.

The devil's advocate at work, here.

Miss Taken


No Paperwork



Blah Blah Blah

All liberal Bull Shit used to excuse violent and criminal behavior by the dregs of society.

If we let them get away with this this type of behavior, what incentive would they have to become normal and law abiding members of society?

You are miss taken;)
It's called free enterprise....

Supply and demand. If the demographics are like other drug areas, a great deal of the buyers on the street are middle to upper level white people. Example: "If I'm looking for work, I can either make $7.00 an hour, or $700.00! Yeah, it's illegal, but I have a family to provide for. Just because the gov't doesn't decriminalize it, knocking out the profit base, it isn't my problem."
Like I said, 99% of the people are not the problem, besides, it's not newsworthy to make news programs showing the good people! :D
Poverty and a Racist White-European Leadership in Mexico that does everything it can to force "brown" MExicans into America so they can be rid of them.

The damn Indians too as far as they are concerned. A tiny, embarrassing reminder that they killed the Fawkers off better than the British of French. Of course, the Spanish have tended to BE a bit extreme in the past...
If you are Anti War with Iraq, you are PRO TERROR!

I have always believed that if you do anything that hinders America from pursuing its obligation to protect us and the world.....from Iraq and other terrorrists.....You are aiding and abetting the BAD GUYS themselves......And I have an ally in George Orwell.....

Orwell, of course, is probably the most famous user of the "objectively pro-___" locution; in 1942, he wrote:

Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort on one side, you automatically help out that of the other.

I suspect that many people who use the phrase today are referring to Orwell.

Two years later, though, Orwell took a different view. In a Dec. 8, 1944 column (which I've checked in print, in Collected Essays, vol. 3, pp. 288-289 (1968)), he wrote:

The same propaganda tricks are to be found almost everywhere. It would take many pages of this paper merely to classify them, but here I draw attention to one very widespread controversial habit -- disregard of an opponent’s motives. The key-word here is "objectively".

We are told that it is only people’s objective actions that matter, and their subjective feelings are of no importance. Thus pacifists, by obstructing the war effort, are "objectively" aiding the Nazis; and therefore the fact that they may be personally hostile to Fascism is irrelevant. I have been guilty of saying this myself more than once. The same argument is applied to Trotskyism. Trotskyists are often credited, at any rate by Communists, with being active and conscious agents of Hitler; but when you point out the many and obvious reasons why this is unlikely to be true, the "objectively" line of talk is brought forward again. To criticize the Soviet Union helps Hitler: therefore "Trotskyism is Fascism". And when this has been established, the accusation of conscious treachery is usually repeated. . . .

In my opinion a few pacifists are inwardly pro-Nazi, and extremist left-wing parties will inevitably contain Fascist spies. The important thing is to discover which individuals are honest and which are not, and the usual blanket accusation merely makes this more difficult. The atmosphere of hatred in which controversy is conducted blinds people to considerations of this kind. To admit that an opponent might be both honest and intelligent is felt to be intolerable. It is more immediately satisfying to shout that he is a fool or a scoundrel, or both, than to find out what he is really like. It is this habit of mind, among other things, that has made political prediction in our time so remarkably unsuccessful."

What was said in the 1940's is correct today....
Re: Miss Taken

busybody said:

No Paperwork



Blah Blah Blah

All liberal Bull Shit used to excuse violent and criminal behavior by the dregs of society.

If we let them get away with this this type of behavior, what incentive would they have to become normal and law abiding members of society?

You are miss taken;)

So, the "dregs" of society are hispanics?


You show me the proof that race decrees criminal activity and I will counter with ten times what you have that poverty is the foundation of criminal activity.

Barring, mental illness....of course.

Phooey to you, busybody!

Perhaps your body is busy, but your mind is dormant. ;)

(Just a counter play on id's!)
Miss Taken

take a looksee at any SHITTY neighboorhood in this country.....

By SHITTY, I mean full of crime, filth, graffiti, crime, truancy etc......


It is worth noting that the Orientals that come to the US......Live in squalor......Yet by and large do not RESORT to similiar behavior.....and are disproportionally represented in high caliber schools....etc
Where I live at it's whitey and those crackers all dressing like gang-bangers too...

Minorities all seem to have jobs here.
fallen5of7 said:
This will most likely be taken out of context by some people and to those offended I don't apologize I only am drawing conclusions based up my local experience. I live in Indiana which is experiencing a boom in Hispanic immigration, legal and illegal alike. In the last year the amount of illegal drug arrests has climbed as well, the majority being illegal aliens found in posesion of huge amounts of cocaine, herion and marijuana. From vehicles being stopped on the interstate, rural meth-amphatimine labs discovered and high speed police pursuits in the larger towns, the common denominator has been that the vast majority have been Hispanic, and almost to a person each was in the United States illegally. What is really gauling me is the local (Indianapolis) Hispanic community claiming that racial profiling is being applied against them, to that I say if you are here legally and not involved in illegal activities, sit down and shut up. If you don't like the enviorment your less law-abiding countrymen are making for you here, the border is just south of Texas and to my knowledge it does not close for holidays.

Some points addressing your post and what others have had to say here.

1. Racial Profiling. It works, all there is to it. The law enforcement folks go where the smoke is. About 4 years ago there was a big stink in New Jersey concerning racial profiling and speeding tickets on the Jersey Pike and Garden State. It seems that a seemingly disproportionate number of speeding tickets were being issued to black male drivers. Far in excess of the population percentage. An independent firm was hired to look into this. They set up radars on both of the highways in question and radioed to observers down the road, who then profiled the speeder. No state police were involved and no tickets issued. The results were that black male drivers DID speed way out of proportion to the general population and that the numbers did agree with the tickets issued. Of course, this info was one page three under the fold.

2. All of the cocaine and a great deal of the heroin that enters the US is coming from latin American countries. As the cartels establish their own distribution chains it should astonish no one that the majority of mules, mid-level dealers, and street dealers are Spanish speakers. This is a no brainer.

3. Illegal is illegal. I really don't care one way or another your country of origin. If you're here illegally, you should be arrested and deported. The fact that our souther border is a seive would seem to indicate that Spanish speakers would make up the vast majority of illegals. And in fact, they do. It is no wonder that they 'appear' to be picked on. They make up the greatest majority of the illegal aliens in this country. Ipso facto, they will constitute the vast majority of those arrested.

4. Immigrants generally start at the bottom of the food chain. This is true virtually world wide. It is NOT the obligation of this, or any other country, to bring immigrants onto our shores to immediately put them on the welfare dole. As far as the illegals are concerned, they deserve nothing anyway. They are, by definition, law breakers as soon as they crossed the border.
