This will most likely be taken out of context by some people and to those offended I don't apologize I only am drawing conclusions based up my local experience. I live in Indiana which is experiencing a boom in Hispanic immigration, legal and illegal alike. In the last year the amount of illegal drug arrests has climbed as well, the majority being illegal aliens found in posesion of huge amounts of cocaine, herion and marijuana. From vehicles being stopped on the interstate, rural meth-amphatimine labs discovered and high speed police pursuits in the larger towns, the common denominator has been that the vast majority have been Hispanic, and almost to a person each was in the United States illegally. What is really gauling me is the local (Indianapolis) Hispanic community claiming that racial profiling is being applied against them, to that I say if you are here legally and not involved in illegal activities, sit down and shut up. If you don't like the enviorment your less law-abiding countrymen are making for you here, the border is just south of Texas and to my knowledge it does not close for holidays.