When do they carry out drone strikes within the US?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
When will they military start carrying out drone strikes against US citizens on American soil?

I reckon they're going to blow up people's houses with these strikes as a means of assassinating political opponents of the fascist government.

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When will they military start carrying out drone strikes against US citizens on American soil?

I reckon they're going to blow up people's houses with these strikes as a means of assassinating political opponents of the fascist government.


You think they haven't already done it? You obviously haven't watched The Bourne Legacy. :eek:

Though, Aaron Cross did shoot one down. With a sniper rifle. :cool:
You think they haven't already done it? You obviously haven't watched The Bourne Legacy. :eek:

Though, Aaron Cross did shoot one down. With a sniper rifle. :cool:

That was a movie.

The government has a hellfire missile with your name on it if you dare to question their authority or ask why your rights are being taken away from you.

That was a movie.

The government has a hellfire missile with your name on it if you dare to question their authority or stand up for your rights.

I hope they have something better then "hellfire." Hell isn't that bad, once you get used to it.
they have already laid the ground work

The president has already passed the laws to make it possible. Within the last year or so they approved the use of unmanned drones over america. I figure that they will start with using them on the border and in the war on drugs, but I feel sure that they will expand their roles in the near future.
The president has already passed the laws to make it possible. Within the last year or so they approved the use of unmanned drones over america. I figure that they will start with using them on the border and in the war on drugs, but I feel sure that they will expand their roles in the near future.

My point exactly.

The new NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) allows the government to carry out assassinations and disappearances of US citizens on American soil if they deem you an "enemy combatant".

The terrorist watch list includes over 2,000,000 names, most of them being US citizens. People are put on this list because for asinine and ludicrous reasons that include the following.

*Specific political affiliations
*Voting for a certain political candidate
*Engaging in activism or journalism
*Criticizing the government
*Questioning government authority
*Publicly making political statements that run counter to government policy
*Opting-out of the TSA body-scanners at airports

There are 5 year old children and 90 year old grandparents on this list. 99.99% of these people have absolutely NO ties to terrorist activity whatsoever, this is just the government's way of tagging and blacklisting their political enemies.

I would not be surprised if we see JDAM and Hellfire missile strikes on the homes of American citizens within the US itself, sometime within the next 5-10 years. If you study history, you would conclude that these happenings are the foreshadowing that the United States of America is headed down the same path as Germany, Russia, and China.

There are continuity of government (COG) programs that allow the whole country to be placed under martial law and for large masses of citizens to be rounded-up, arrested, detained, and interned at detention camps under military control.
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If they bombed Philadelphia, I wouldn't even flinch...

Well, maybe I would if I was there at the time.