When did you first shave/trim/wax?

I was at the water park this summer with a friend and his kids, chatting randomly as the kids played.

He mused that much of what we call mainstream culture started in the porn industry. I forget the several things he listed (but had to agree with all of them), and then he mentioned removal of ones body hair. He said this as he was looking at his teenage daughter. I was not about to have that discussion pick up his lead, but I have always wondered.

How does a girl start tending her garden? Does she talk it over with mom and get her help. Does she just do it and hope no one ever notices? Is it so commonplace now that it's no big deal?

Anyone care to share?

I'm not going to go into details, but my first pussy shave turned into a lesbian romp with my mother.
This is almost as creepy as an old dude paying a young b - rate actress to pretend to be him on the internet.
I was at the water park this summer with a friend and his kids, chatting randomly as the kids played.

He mused that much of what we call mainstream culture started in the porn industry. I forget the several things he listed (but had to agree with all of them), and then he mentioned removal of ones body hair. He said this as he was looking at his teenage daughter. I was not about to have that discussion pick up his lead, but I have always wondered.

How does a girl start tending her garden? Does she talk it over with mom and get her help. Does she just do it and hope no one ever notices? Is it so commonplace now that it's no big deal?

Anyone care to share?


'YourMentor'? Yuck. You are one sick puppy.
My mom looked at me one day and said, "you look like a hick, go shave. I'm embarrassed to be seen with you." At the time I had no one to show me how so I just shaved. It's not fucking rocket science. I shaved my entire body forever, then I discovered wax and realized how time saving that way, so I did that instead. I even wax my fucking face when I can. But shaving makes it to where you don't have to exfoliate, so... I'm kinda torn on that one. I just can't get behind body hair- I think if there's grass on the field you oughta be cutting it. But that's not something I'd ever know enough to have an opinion about. I'd never make my kids shave or anything, but I'd probably have to mentally check myself not to be a dick about it.
My mom looked at me one day and said, "you look like a hick, go shave. I'm embarrassed to be seen with you." At the time I had no one to show me how so I just shaved. It's not fucking rocket science. I shaved my entire body forever, then I discovered wax and realized how time saving that way, so I did that instead. I even wax my fucking face when I can. But shaving makes it to where you don't have to exfoliate, so... I'm kinda torn on that one. I just can't get behind body hair- I think if there's grass on the field you oughta be cutting it. But that's not something I'd ever know enough to have an opinion about. I'd never make my kids shave or anything, but I'd probably have to mentally check myself not to be a dick about it.

please do not procreate.
A guy, my previous 'Sir', asked me to. I've kept doing it as my husband likes it even though another guy asked me to grow it back.

I had tried it years ago but it was irritating....hair removal methods have certainly improved!
Never. I like my body the way it is, full of hair ... The sad thing is that I'm very shy in real life and I haven't had sex yet. I'm sure when it finally comes to happen, I will take some time and shave my pubic hair before I get naked with the girl.

Do girls really hate an unshaved dick?
You know that perv has no need to worry about how his daughter's garden grows. Her mother, if she has one, or a trusted female friend can help her with when to shave her legs - if she wants too. My advice don't start too early. It gets to be a pain after years. As to the "bush" that is a personal decision whether she wants too or not. Tell dad to butt out.
I was at the water park this summer with a friend and his kids, chatting randomly as the kids played.

He mused that much of what we call mainstream culture started in the porn industry. I forget the several things he listed (but had to agree with all of them), and then he mentioned removal of ones body hair. He said this as he was looking at his teenage daughter. I was not about to have that discussion pick up his lead, but I have always wondered.

How does a girl start tending her garden? Does she talk it over with mom and get her help. Does she just do it and hope no one ever notices? Is it so commonplace now that it's no big deal?

I assume they discuss it with their girlfriends. Females share information that way. I would hope the parents don't know and/or don't approve. Its a sad custom that should never have developed. I used to call it a "fad" but sadly, it seems to becoming a "custom" that may be with us for a while. Its a sad commentary on our sick society.
You know that perv has no need to worry about how his daughter's garden grows. Her mother, if she has one, or a trusted female friend can help her with when to shave her legs - if she wants too. My advice don't start too early. It gets to be a pain after years. As to the "bush" that is a personal decision whether she wants too or not. Tell dad to butt out.

Yeah, fathers just exist to provide money. They need to shut up and know their place, right?
"...Pubic hair removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds. Rather than suffering a comparison to a bristle brush, frequent hair removal is necessary to stay smooth, causing regular irritation of the shaved or waxed area. When that irritation is combined with the warm moist environment of the genitals, it becomes a happy culture media for some of the nastiest of bacterial pathogens, namely group A streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus and its recently mutated cousin methicillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA). There is an increase in staph boils and abscesses, necessitating incisions to drain the infection, resulting in scarring that can be significant. It is not at all unusual to find pustules and other hair follicle inflammation papules on shaved genitals...."

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