When did Deplorables turn into the snowflakes they used to make fun of?


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
They feel every disagreement is an "attack" on them.

They feel every alternative position is "anger" or "hate".

Instead of debating intelligently with measured emotion, they lash out and then run to the comfort of their gun safe spaces.

What happened?


Why do you post?
No. Seriously. Why?
Cause you repeatedly show yourself to be unable to defend your POV.

You attacking me?...That you respond with such anger is a sad comment...
They feel every disagreement is an "attack" on them.

They feel every alternative position is "anger" or "hate".

Instead of debating intelligently with measured emotion, they lash out and then run to the comfort of their gun safe spaces.

What happened?


Everything is "emotion" with them. Which is why the fall into the conspiracy traps, snake oil salesman, etc. The only opinions that will stick with them,are ones that agree or support how they feel about it emotionally. Ican'ts a prime example.
Everything is "emotion" with them. Which is why the fall into the conspiracy traps, snake oil salesman, etc. The only opinions that will stick with them,are ones that agree or support how they feel about it emotionally. Ican'ts a prime example.

Well said.
There’s a reason I only drop in here every six months or so—I forget how toxic it is. The negative emotions, the insults, the downright hatred is mentally draining and likely has a distorting effect on my perception. If you call that retreating to a safe space, well, maybe I’ll read about it when I stop by in August.
"There’s a reason I only drop in here every six months or so and directly pull up a thread from December of last year with a title explicitly mentioning Deplorables being snowflakes that somehow I completely forgot about."


Donald J. Trump's presidency embiggened every racist sexist bigot in Murica.
They could FINALLY say the "quiet parts out loud".
The N-word was not restricted to dinner table conversation at Chobham's place.
It was time for "patriots" to put #ThosePeople "back in their place".

Then came January 6th.....they came soooooooo close.
Now, they have a collective hangover from the Trump euphoria.
Joe Biden and a Democrat-controlled United States Senate.
Actions have consequences once again
and Wingnut Nation has a sad.
They were always this way. Their eternal butthurt has just shifted back to incessant whining instead of the anger they've shown over the past few years.
There’s a reason I only drop in here every six months or so—I forget how toxic it is. The negative emotions, the insults, the downright hatred is mentally draining and likely has a distorting effect on my perception. If you call that retreating to a safe space, well, maybe I’ll read about it when I stop by in August.
You're not fooling anyone.
They feel every disagreement is an "attack" on them.

They feel every alternative position is "anger" or "hate".

Instead of debating intelligently with measured emotion, they lash out and then run to the comfort of their gun safe spaces.

What happened?


Dude, they didn't turn into snowflakes. They were snowflakes the whole fucking time.

Rule 1 of dealing with conservatives: every accusation they hurl at you is in fact a confession.

That's why so many homophobic conservative Christians get busted cavorting with underage rent boys and have (R-Narnia) after their names.
They were always this way. Their eternal butthurt has just shifted back to incessant whining instead of the anger they've shown over the past few years.
My thoughts exactly. They've always been big on accusing everyone else of whining, even as they engaged in plenty of that themselves.