When did Canadian bacon become ham?!


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
I'm studying for tomorrow's exam, so I decided to indulge and order a pizza. It's just me, so I ordered what I like - Canadian bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. I didn't even notice until after the delivery guy left that I got bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. Apparently if I wanted Canadian bacon, I was supposed to ask for ham. Argh. :mad:
Mischka said:
I'm studying for tomorrow's exam, so I decided to indulge and order a pizza. It's just me, so I ordered what I like - Canadian bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. I didn't even notice until after the delivery guy left that I got bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. Apparently if I wanted Canadian bacon, I was supposed to ask for ham. Argh. :mad:

Is this a riddle?
*picking pieces of bacon off her slice*

No, it's not a riddle. Unless the Pizza Industry is playing a joke on me.
It's been years now. Honest! Try calling the pizza place back and explaining. Depending on the management they might replace it.
entitled said:
It's been years now. Honest!
Really? Wow, tells you how often I order pizza.

Starblayde, bacon's too smoky. I wanted Canadian bacon-ham. And I did call; it would take another 40 minutes to bring a replacement, and my stomach did not want to wait.
medjay said:
When did hamburgers become beef? :confused:

when someone started making them out of beef? :confused:

Hamburger is very americanised... beefburger is more of a british thing

mischka - hey its your stomach :D
complain anyway.. Maybey they will give you credit to next pizza
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Starblayde said:
mischka - hey its your stomach :D
Actually, now my stomach is bitching as well. I wolfed two slices, and it feels like I ate a ton of bricks.

I hate bacon pizza.

Mischka said:
Actually, now my stomach is bitching as well. I wolfed two slices, and it feels like I ate a ton of bricks.

I hate bacon pizza.


well i like it :D
Mischka said:
I'm studying for tomorrow's exam, so I decided to indulge and order a pizza. It's just me, so I ordered what I like - Canadian bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. I didn't even notice until after the delivery guy left that I got bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. Apparently if I wanted Canadian bacon, I was supposed to ask for ham. Argh. :mad:

*Stalking the sexy Ms. Snooby Pants*
Re: Re: When did Canadian bacon become ham?!

Todd-'o'-Vision said:
*Stalking the sexy Ms. Snooby Pants*
You should quit stalking and come out and rub my belly. I am so regretting eating pizza. :(

Starblayde, ya big doof. :D
medjay said:
Yes! Horrible, disgusting, poisonous swine!

It hasn't been known to kill for years.

I quote Chris Rock...a pork chop is your friend!
badasschick said:
I quote Chris Rock...a pork chop is your friend!

The only Chris Rock quote I know is 'shamone, motherfucker!'

or was that chris tucker? not that there's much difference in their comedy stylings.... one's just more high pitched thatn the other