When Conservatives cry about being "shamed" for dumb or racist opinions, do you laugh and celebrate their pain?


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
This is their new whine: I'm being shamed for my opinions! OH NOES!!! 😲😲🥺

Poor bay bays - words have consequences for you! Not fair! 😫😫😆

You gave us no quarter, so you'll get none in return. This isn't hard math; fuck off. 🤣
Talk about a thread made especially for my opinion!
Hell to dah yeah I do!
Unfortunately for them and to the delight of me, the simplest solution is also the one that they refuse to do.
Folks, we know the intelligencia of current republicans in congress but for reference here’s a short list of the derp neurons that could’ve been there too: Herschel Walker, Doug Mastriano, Dr. Oz, Todd Akin, Roy Moore, Larry Elder, David Duke…
I'm still waiting for the answer on why Colored People is racist(I agree it is) but People of Color isn't. My only guess is because that's what progressives what to call them so its cool.

The people who squeal most about racist are the ones who have to use the word black 24/7 talk about black people like they're a different species, and of course to promote their righteousness. "My black friend! Yes, I was talking to that black man! I ever tell you I asked a black girl out?"

Drop the descriptive "My friend, that man, I asked that woman out."

That's not racist.

Anyone who speaks the other wise is, and any 'black' person who does not agree with them is hated on and vilified, but again, its okay. Because they had the nerve to be free thinking individuals and step off the dem plantation.

Call yourselves regressives because you have destroyed every cause you've touched while being the 'ists' you brand everyone else as. Christ, I can see people here running over to 'people of color' and fawning over them like people do to a puppy....because that's what they are to you. Pets.
I'm still waiting for the answer on why Colored People is racist(I agree it is) but People of Color isn't. My only guess is because that's what progressives what to call them so its cool.

The people who squeal most about racist are the ones who have to use the word black 24/7 talk about black people like they're a different species, and of course to promote their righteousness. "My black friend! Yes, I was talking to that black man! I ever tell you I asked a black girl out?"

Drop the descriptive "My friend, that man, I asked that woman out."

That's not racist.

Anyone who speaks the other wise is, and any 'black' person who does not agree with them is hated on and vilified, but again, its okay. Because they had the nerve to be free thinking individuals and step off the dem plantation.

Call yourselves regressives because you have destroyed every cause you've touched while being the 'ists' you brand everyone else as. Christ, I can see people here running over to 'people of color' and fawning over them like people do to a puppy....because that's what they are to you. Pets.
Is this a joke?
If you believe it’s racist, as you claimed, then that should be enough. You don’t use it and that’s great. Who then cares what progressives think?
Do I laugh and celebrate their pain when people are shamed for dumb, and/or racist opinions?

No, honestly.

Rather, I hope, deep down, for a tiny ray of hope, that their pain will lead to remorse, and that their pain will be a personal teaching experience that will help them to better themselves.
Is this a joke?
If you believe it’s racist, as you claimed, then that should be enough. You don’t use it and that’s great. Who then cares what progressives think?
While not entirely accurate Colored People has traditionally meant black people. PoC is I don't feel like listening off every region of the world that isn't strictly European. I would never be able to have a conversation about race AND then for forums I would need to save a link to a ten line paragraph that would probably be posted between every other paragraph
I'm still waiting for

...your girlfriend jeninflorida to return? Sorry; I drove her racist ass out of here for good.

All of your white knighting for her didn't end up amounting to shit. So sowwy. 😘
I'm still waiting for the answer on why Colored People is racist(I agree it is) but People of Color isn't. My only guess is because that's what progressives what to call them so its cool.

The people who squeal most about racist are the ones who have to use the word black 24/7 talk about black people like they're a different species, and of course to promote their righteousness. "My black friend! Yes, I was talking to that black man! I ever tell you I asked a black girl out?"

Drop the descriptive "My friend, that man, I asked that woman out."

That's not racist.

Anyone who speaks the other wise is, and any 'black' person who does not agree with them is hated on and vilified, but again, its okay. Because they had the nerve to be free thinking individuals and step off the dem plantation.

Call yourselves regressives because you have destroyed every cause you've touched while being the 'ists' you brand everyone else as. Christ, I can see people here running over to 'people of color' and fawning over them like people do to a puppy....because that's what they are to you. Pets.
Cool diatribe, racist.

I'm still waiting for the answer on why Colored People is racist
Ask one.
(I agree it is)
No, you don't.
^^ see?
I'm still waiting for the answer on why Colored People is racist(I agree it is) but People of Color isn't. My only guess is because that's what progressives what to call them so its cool.

The people who squeal most about racist are the ones who have to use the word black 24/7 talk about black people like they're a different species, and of course to promote their righteousness. "My black friend! Yes, I was talking to that black man! I ever tell you I asked a black girl out?"

Drop the descriptive "My friend, that man, I asked that woman out."

That's not racist.

Anyone who speaks the other wise is, and any 'black' person who does not agree with them is hated on and vilified, but again, its okay. Because they had the nerve to be free thinking individuals and step off the dem plantation.

Call yourselves regressives because you have destroyed every cause you've touched while being the 'ists' you brand everyone else as. Christ, I can see people here running over to 'people of color' and fawning over them like people do to a puppy....because that's what they are to you. Pets.

Decent, intelligent “white” people reassuring decent, intelligent POC that they aren’t crazy, and that despite the incessant gaslighting by white racists in America, they were, and still are, the targets of institutional racism that is primarily responsible for the gross disparities between certain races in America, does NOT equate to decent, intelligent”white” people treating decent, intelligent POC like “Pets”.

Hope that ^ helps.


The people who squeal most about racist are the ones who have to use the word black 24/7 talk about black people like they're a different species, and of course to promote their righteousness. "My black friend! Yes, I was talking to that black man! I ever tell you I asked a black girl out?"
You didn't hear anyone say those things.

Now, to answer the OPs question: I probably would if they weren't still such a threat to our future as a society. I look forward to the day when we have the luxury of laughing at them.