When a white man acts like a racist pig, he gets his ASS KICKED.

Jeez, a nippy reception! I would have punched him for his lame jokes. "Allergic to nuts"? Dipshit.
Jeez, a nippy reception! I would have punched him for his lame jokes. "Allergic to nuts"? Dipshit.
His lame jokes would make me ask for my money back.

That is, until he got punched the fuck out for his racial comments.

I'd pay the Asian dude to hit him again.
Hey LT, what do you think of Sandra Fluke?
She was totally in the right. So what if she fucking uses birth control? I used condoms when I was single.

If I had to answer to a fucking panel of women every time I had sex or put a rubber on, fucking ay, there'd be a shooting rampage. And a panel of women deciding my health issues? Are you fucking kidding me? Half the female population would be under the ground by the time the men stopped rebelling. And having to answer to my employer about requesting reproductive health services from my health care insurer? The FBI might want to talk with me if I said what would come of that.

Ya damned right women have a right to rise up over what the Republicans did to Sandra Fluke. I said it before here and I'll say it again - they should have gone on strike in Arizona. They should kick the GOP dead in their asses.

I talk a lot about men's rights but never once in the history of Lit have I talked about pulling this kind of shit on women that the GOP is pulling now. Oppressing women isn't the way to beat misandry. Oppressing women is what CAUSED misandry. Been saying that a lot on here, too.