What's your writing style?


One Sexy Mama
Feb 23, 2002
Do you write everyday or in spurts? Do you write at night, with music on, or do you need complete silence?

My answer: I write, usually with music or other background noise (strangley enough so I have something to block out). I usually write in spurts but once I"m out of school I will be trying to write everyday
To write

For me it's really a daily occurrence, whether it's just little scribbles throughout the day or heavy, concentrated writing into the wee hours of the dawn. I find such sweet release in the simple act of putting thoughts and emotions into words that it's become a seductive drug over the years.

As for that more "serious" writing, it seems to depend on the topic at hand. If it's particularly difficult, I prefer to have as little distraction as possible. Then there are some days when the writing comes so easily that I could be surrounded by a hundred different things and not be bothered.

Well now, that wasn't all that helpful, was it? Honestly, I think everyone has different "comfort zones", and different levels of that comfort are necessary to feel free to write. For some, it could be a busy coffee shop, for others, a quiet library, a cozy room, friends and family nearby. Never be afraid to put yourself in new situations. You never know what might blossom.

-lia :rose:
Seeing I work the night shift, I mainly write late at night on my nights off when I am most alert. Plus, what else is there to do at 3 AM anyway!!!!!

When I am knee deep in a story I will right every night. In between, I tinker with the 4 or 5 'kids' (my term for stories in progress) that I have lying around. Once one of them really starts to take shape, it is back to the all-night write fest.

Alway, always, always have music on!!! And it has to be music that reflects the emotions I am trying to put to paper.

Great Question DN!!!
I usually write early in the mornings, from 7 AM to sometimes 2:30 or later. Usually I only write beginnings and never get very far smile.

I need complete silence; as soon as I turn my music on, I'm singing, not writing.

Coffee helps me A LOT.

I write every day - even when I don't want to.

And like Chicklet, I need complete silence to really write. That means for most of the day, I am either outlining, editing or working on some story part. It's at night, when all are asleep, that I write for hours.

I try to write daily - and often fail.

Night time is when I think the best (read most imaginatively). This can be disconcerting for a bedmate, when I suddenly leap out of bed; turn on the PC and bash out 500 words or so because they have been churning around in my head.

If a story really grabs me I cannot stop. - My latest on Lit "A Royal Screw" was concieved at 2.30am and the first draft completed before 7am. By noon I was back at the PC working on the edit and before it was 24 hours old I had hit the submit button.

Nicotine and Caffeine tend to be my meditative crutches. The harder the story is to write the greater my consumption. Music without lyrics is a mainstay to keeping going.

I have to write every day, even in the midst of fisticuffs.
That is just to make sure that both my ends are meat. :catroar:

For my recreational writing - Literocity and others - I write only when I have an idea for a story, or a challenging experiment.

If I have the choice, I write with music: instrumental, no lyrics to mess up my vocabulary. :confused:
Mostly, I can't choose, so I concentrate on ignoring everything but what I am writing.

So far, I have found that one can do nearly anything, while writing ... except drink and write. :mad:
I write when I get the urge to write. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a paragraph or a sentence. I normally have aol disco music playing in the background, I am very much ashamed to admit.

I have three pieces I am working on at one time, hence if I don't feel like writing one piece, I will work on another. I write the sex scenes when I am horny, the filler when I am not horney.

I generally do most of my writing on weekends when I am not abusing myself to Chicklet's picture.
At work, I write to deadlines. That means something every day as a rule.

I write erotica when I have something to write. Usually in the evenings after work. Sometimes on weekend or holiday or vaction afternoons. Usually only one story at a time. I let the others percolate around in my brain - if I write more than one at a time I get distracted and they all suffer.
I wrote whenever the mood took me, which explains why I've got so few stories up. However I've been away from a TV and computer for a while and have been writing everyday in longhand, which I normally despise (I type as fast as I can talk, but my writing's slow, so i can't usually keep up with my brain).

Normally I write with loud music, maybe The Offspring, Nickleback, The Calling, something like that. It's just a more effective method of closing the door to everything else though.

Most of my writing is actually written at 2:00AM due to one of the consequences of being an insomniac. Tend to get more done then as well. Is every writer an insomniac? Tons of you are mentioning writing in the early hours.

The Earl
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I scribble down notes on story ideas when I'm waiting for the bus or when I'm in a cafeteria all by myself. I don't do any actual writing until I get home at night, when I can be undisturbed. I can have some music in the background, but I can NOT be disturbed - that's why I always write when I'm alone. I only write when the inspiration hits me, and that's why it's so fatal to disturb me - if someone starts talking to me when I'm deep into the story, into the characters, into the action... I think DIS (Disturbed Inspiration Syndrome) should be an excuse for manslaughter, kinda like PMS. Don't y'all agree???
Writing style

I used to think that writing required solitude and silence, which I normally have in abundance. I'm singularly fortunate in that I actually live in a cabin in the woods- no joke. So from a writer's standpoint, I have ideal surroundings.

However, I discovered a couple of months ago, that I am, in fact, capable of churning something out even with a lot of distraction. Not easy, but do-able.

It makes sense for someone aspiring to be a professional writer to get used to that, I think. Journalists, editors, researchers, and even many fiction writers work in offices where distractions abound. Even writing at home won't guarantee non-intrusiveness from family, friends, etc. If you rely on having the "perfect" surroundings in order to write, what's going to happen to your work when that pesky thing called "life" invades?

So, as much as I appreciate undisturbed solitude for writing, I keep prepared to multi-task.

Creatively, I tend to write in spurts. I keep notes on story ideas and have a microcassette recorder handy for all sorts of things- quotes, ideas, etc.

I'm comfy writing any time of day or night.

I usually have music on, but play stuff that supports the mood of whatever story I'm working on. Often, getting lost in the music for a few minutes, "envisioning" the story and characters, my imgaination is assisted. Some new plot twist or bit of prose occurs to me. I'm a supporter of muse-ic.

hehehe- Jon and I share an affinity for nicotine, I see. I smoke like a chimney when I'm writing, unfortunately. When I quit smoking, writing is going to be one of those serious temptation times.

Quasi- although I'm not a heavy drinker, I have written under the influence a few times. Frighteningly, it's some of my best stuff! :eek:
Do it

No music. Not a sound. Otherwise I can't hear hear the rhythms, which are very important to me.

Smokes, Coffee, water. No booze, no dope.

My best stuff comes before I'm really awake. I reread it later in the day and am usually pleasantly surprised at what I wrote.

Write every day, even if I've nothing to say. Write gibberish & save it. (Use it for poetry?)

If you get stuck, write around it. Your characters will often solve plot problems for you. It's truly wonderful when that happens.

Important: if I have someone who's reading my stuff as I write it, I can crank out some very good stuff very quickly. (I'm a whore for praise) So I try to keep a reader around.

Important: have more than one story going at a time.

Important: Save everything, even your embarrassments. You thought that crap way good at one time; maybe it'll be again

Important: Write hot and revise cold

Finally: Don't waste so much time on these bulletin boards!

Re: Do it

dr_mabeuse said:
No music. Not a sound. Otherwise I can't hear hear the rhythms, which are very important to me.

Smokes, Coffee, water. No booze, no dope.

My best stuff comes before I'm really awake. I reread it later in the day and am usually pleasantly surprised at what I wrote.

Write every day, even if I've nothing to say. Write gibberish & save it. (Use it for poetry?)

If you get stuck, write around it. Your characters will often solve plot problems for you. It's truly wonderful when that happens.

Important: if I have someone who's reading my stuff as I write it, I can crank out some very good stuff very quickly. (I'm a whore for praise) So I try to keep a reader around.

Important: have more than one story going at a time.

Important: Save everything, even your embarrassments. You thought that crap way good at one time; maybe it'll be again

Important: Write hot and revise cold

Finally: Don't waste so much time on these bulletin boards!


I agree except for the music noise part. I like a little music. Sometimes I will work it into the story.
I don't know

I thought I was writing in a normal style, but I kept getting e-mails saying that I have a style all my own. I don't know if that' good or bad.