What's your thought about girls with shaved head? And tattoos, of course!

Danger! Warning! Caution! Red alert!

There are very few women who can get away with having a shaved head and pull it off well. And ever since Britney Spears did it, it's been loosely associated with being batshit crazy.

In other words, don't shave your head on a whim.
Would love to!

Love it! Shave the head get some tats! Pics! Please!

as soon as I move out, probably. I do have beautiful hair. It'd be a shame to get rid of it. But its really irritating to manage it. Invent new hairstyles every other day! Tiresome!
Danger! Warning! Caution! Red alert!

There are very few women who can get away with having a shaved head and pull it off well. And ever since Britney Spears did it, it's been loosely associated with being batshit crazy.

In other words, don't shave your head on a whim.

not on a whim, I'm irritated by my hair. Its pretty and all but takes too much time to manage! :( Then I saw this crazy tat show in travel and living channel and I'm literally itching to get a tattoo since then!
Im going to have to vote "NO"....tats are VERY sexy on a female, but I have never seen a shaved head on a lady as attractive unless there was a reason ( Cancer or support of someone with cancer...then in that case, its sexy as hell)
Exactly my thought

Im going to have to vote "NO"....tats are VERY sexy on a female, but I have never seen a shaved head on a lady as attractive unless there was a reason ( Cancer or support of someone with cancer...then in that case, its sexy as hell)

that's what I think! Wish I could have a tattoo, at least! Love 'em!
I'd be more apt to recommend a head shaving and skip the tattoo. The only thing that should prevent a shaved head is if your head is weirdly shaped. Otherwise, go for it.

Hair will grow back, tattoos are permanent.
Tattoos are also beautiful, aren't they?

I'd be more apt to recommend a head shaving and skip the tattoo. The only thing that should prevent a shaved head is if your head is weirdly shaped. Otherwise, go for it.

Hair will grow back, tattoos are permanent.

my head? How do I know it's not weirdly shaped?? :/

Oh sorry.
First one is Sinnead O'Connor singing with a zero grade, then there's the scene from GI Jane when Demi Moore shaves her head. I thought I'd throw in a couple of good examples: one sensitive, the other "yoohar"! :)

Both are beautiful but in very different ways

thanks anyway! :)
Short hair and tattoos rock. Throw in a few piercings too and you have my attention :p
Would have to think about piercing

Short hair and tattoos rock. Throw in a few piercings too and you have my attention :p

only my left ear's piercing is still intact. The right one closed ages ago. I'm not good with jewellery of any kind. It feels like bondage. I don't know how, but it does! And I only like the kind that's sexual...
only my left ear's piercing is still intact. The right one closed ages ago. I'm not good with jewellery of any kind. It feels like bondage. I don't know how, but it does! And I only like the kind that's sexual...

Oooh sexual. Please elaborate
A shaved head can be sexy-- look at Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta...
I don't consider a Guy Fawkes mask to be sexy, but six and one half dozen to another...

On that note, I saw where he was born. Pretty cool place.
I'd suggest merely shaving the side of your head, something like this:

My input: NO. I dont like either. I love a "unmodifyed" body, simple as that and i certainly dont find a bald woman attractive but that's my opinion. ;)
Sth like that

Love it! Shaving the sides doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. Coloring it up a bit would be cool as well I think...