What's your paranoid delusion

ShamelessFlirt said:
I feel you on the delusion, but I'm not getting the paranoia!

Well you see - if I'm not typing this it means the CIA has replaced me with a clone.
My illusion is....

that my sister's evil twin, which used to be a circus clown, is now ingesting my entrails, as I painfully scream for her to stop...no wait that is my delusion, or illusion.....I get those two mixed up sometimes....oh well
sometimes late at night i hear a hideous laughter and on the breeze come the dancing dead children.the toothless cat is grinning at the foot of my bed again and torn,a scream as if from a thousand dying butterflies rends into me~the knife blade shines silver. bright spiked silver.

with blood.
That I am talking and laughing with someone and then I wonder, "do I have a green thing between my teeth?" Just makes me worry every time.
I don't have any paranoid delusions. Unless you happen to know of some that I have that I might not be aware of yet. You don't do you? Shit.. I knew it! What is it? Come on, tell me or I'll be up all night again! Damn it...
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I have no paranoias because ..... everyone loves me.

What I have are delusions of grandeur. But they might be real and not delusions....

scratching head and thinking of being left alone in a room with a man that I knows want me and that I know I can easily follow into. The whole going to hell bit. :) j/k Me paranoid never. If you believe that I will tell you another.

ma_guy said:
I don't have any paranoid delusions. Unless you happen to know of some that I have that I might not be aware of yet. You don't do you? Shit.. I knew it! What is it? Come on, tell me or I'll be up all night again! Damn it...

It says you need a witty title, I see. I got one for you.
Lukky LMAO and hugs

Jeez I have so many paronoid delusions. I feel that I will fall in love and start a family. Talk about a delusion.

THanks bad....

badasschick said:
My assistant reads this board

I forgot about that paronoia.... jeezzz so much to worry about. This thread is feeding on that emotion.
