What's Your Lil Goblin Going To Be For Halloween?


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
my lil miracle is going to be a pink Fairy Princess...


i just ordered her costume from Sensational Beginnings.....they have a great selection.....www.sensationalbeginnings.com....so easy to shop online for costume stuff....

last year she was the Statue of Yiberty....she's been a cowgirl.....Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz....and a lil ballerina.....

I :heart: Halloween! so much fun getting her costume together......last year i had it made....and i made the crown.....it was so much fun......

have your kids decided yet?
no way....is it full?......irkkkk......

so what is TWB, Jr. gonna be for Halloween?
My kid sis thinks she can pull off the Angel thing. This is going to require Academy Award acting.
My lil princess wants to be Mulan this year. . .have to see what I can pull together.
My youngest has a fixation on vampire, so she will be again, like the last 4 years, be a vampire :rolleyes:

My oldest is doing a theme with her friends, on will be Legolas, one Galadriel, the little brother the dwarf etc...

That's such a cute costume, Ginny. Thanks for sharing the link.

I love Halloween too, but I wish the customes weren't so expensive - it's adds up when you're outfitting three kids.

Oh, and I don't know how to sew, so can't do it myself.
the duckling is gonna be spongebob squarepants.
sending the three yr old out as a blue m&m I think, the seven yr old is going to be going out in a John Ashcroft outfit...thats about the scariest thing I could find.
Costumes here mean pulling out the box of old hats and capes (you want dracula-style or hunchback fashion this year?), sheets and scarves, along with make-up (sure, we got blood) and masks and some miscelaneous props (no, no! You can not take the butcher knife!) then throwing something horrific, hilarious or hip together for a candy/thrill seeking night amongst the neighborhood goblins.
Rubyfruit said:
That's such a cute costume, Ginny. Thanks for sharing the link.

I love Halloween too, but I wish the customes weren't so expensive - it's adds up when you're outfitting three kids.

Oh, and I don't know how to sew, so can't do it myself.

Tell me about it.
A suggestion

Last year my oldest and her friend went as a pair of dice. Very easy and inexpensive. A box, a can of white paint and a can of black paint cut two holes for the arms and one for the head.

It was really an eye catcher.

I bought the fabric and the paint and the glitter and the thread and the pattern to make two of these so I can turn my lil monsters into faeries... now all that remains is to see if I'll get my sewing (aka "Just throw it in there and i'll get to it later") room clean enough to get to the machine. Otherwise, I've got some sheets that'd make killer ghost costumes.
By PCG: Otherwise, I've got some sheets that'd make killer ghost costumes.

That brings back some memories. Not being blessed with the "silver spoon" I think I was a ghost every Halloween until I was 12.

My sister and I went as siamese twin ghosts one year because we could only find one sheet mom was willing to let us cut up.

We never had storebought costumes, and neither have my kids. I can create any costume with fabric and paint and makeup and not have a lil clone running the streets.
The lil blond child wants to be her imaginary horse friend for halloween. The little demon boy has yet to decide. I think he's going to pick something repptilian.
It's Gotta Be Scary, Man!

Fairy Princesses?

NOT Scary.

Yer Neighbourhoods Are Going To Be Filled With Vile Creatures Waiting To Eat And Cause Madness To Your Children! LOL

The Kid Is Gonna Be A Dead Mime.


I'm Soooo Proud:D Everybody Hates A Mime, But A Dead One'll Go Over Well! LOL
marksgirl said:
My 12 year old daughter want to be a Gothic Vampire:rolleyes:

My almost 14 year old looks like that all the time now - dark red hair, lots of black eye make up - and lots of black clothing!

She pulls it off though - and her teacher told me "she's quite an individual - she's her own person" - I think that is good!
For Halloween

the almost 14 year old is going preppy - not sure what that means - kind of a non-costume thing!!! I think she's just going to a party though - not trick or treating.

The 9 year old boy will be sponge bob I think - but I like that dice idea - maybe I could convince him and the neighbor boy to do that!!! I have tons of packing boxes left over from the move two months ago!!!!