What's your favorite donut?

Seasonally, pumpkin cake with glaze or cider with cinnamon sugar. Year round I second the bismarck.
Over here a traditional sugared jam doughnut
No 2 will be a glazed chocolate
Favorite - The one in my hand.

Favorite name of a donut - Chocolate covered puss bar.
Apple fritter.....wish I could get one, have myself a yummy fat boy treat mmmm glazed deep fried sugar yum.
It would be pretty close to ten years since I ate a donut.
Back then I liked the holes :D
Bunch of heathens.

The only donuts that matter are Toasted Coconut and Plain Coconut.
911 dispatch: "There is a robbery currently in progress at Goldman's Jewelry Store."

New York Police officer responds, "Okay, okay, okay... Just give me a minute."

Wow, you are really into self-deprivation, arentcha? :eek:

Me, I likes chocolate cake doughnuts.

Lol - not self-deprivation.
More like my tastes have changed and I like being thin!
These days I'll take a cheese platter over a sweet dessert.
That's what I thought, until I saw pics of what they make at Ronald’s Donuts in Las Vegas. Freshly made donuts, just for vegetarians. ( Las Vegan ?)