What's wrong with today's youth?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
I've noticed that Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with today's adolescents and young adults. Their "culture" is defined by the following.

Drugs and drug dealing
Sex and sexual promiscuity
Sexually transmitted diseases
Gang activity and gang affiliation
Shoplifting and petty theft
Herd mentality
Gang mentality
Committing felony offenses
Unwed pregnancy and abortions
Moral depravity
Serious fighting and injury
Getting arrested
Prison/Jail/Juvenile Detention
Underage drinking
Gang-related violence
Police visits to house
Automobile accidents
Alcohol poisoning
More violence
Passing out
Broken first-gen ipods filled with 2003 green day music or whatever shit kids listen to nowadays
Hearing loss from ipod ear bud headphones
Energy drinks with their lunches
Carrying narcotics on them at school
Fighting with police and resisting arrest
Late-night loud music and partying
Mindless celebrity worship
Reckless driving
Drunk driving
Car theft
Passing out at the wheel of a motor vehicle from narcotic drugs or alcohol
Constant texting
Talking to friends instead of doing schoolwork
Smartphone idiocy
Brutally beating people up
Taking pornographic photos of themselves
Extensive juvenile criminal records
Serious injury and hospitalization
Drug overdoses
Poor academic performance
High school and college dropouts
Stealing booze and cigarettes
Body piercings
Strange odors
Court citations
Listening to crap music
Reading crap books
Watching crap movies and television
Heavily medicated with psychiatric drugs
Gun violence
Domestic violence
School shootings
Obsession with rap music
Aggravated assault
Assault with a deadly weapon
Sexual assault
Statutory rape
Gang graffiti
Threatening others at knifepoint
All-out hell
Total chaos and mayhem
Holy fucking shit!
Sometimes even murder

You can obviously tell that this generation of people certainly have much brighter future ahead of them than the baby boomer and Vietnam-era generations. Go walk into any public high school and this is what most of the students will look like.

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How's your blood pressure these days, Mike? Nice pic.
Hey, remember back then when children obeyed authority, worked hard in school, and respected their parents?

I wonder what happened to those days...

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That was about 60 years ago before the U.S. population exploded. Anyway, there is nothing new under the sun as Soloman said. Many of the issues we face today aren't new although it's easy to think so.
I've worked with at-risk youth for four years(the most stressful, yet rewarding years of my life)...and I'm pretty sure I've figured it out: the parents. Sure, the little shits have such a large sense of entitlement and do some lame-brain stuff, but it is the parents that are the enablers, addicts, overly permissive, non-boundary setting, and emotionally incestuous. Also, in this modern culture, we have gone away from being a society of clear initiatory stages...and now having a cell phone and a driver's license is our rite of passage.
I've worked with at-risk youth for four years(the most stressful, yet rewarding years of my life)...and I'm pretty sure I've figured it out: the parents. Sure, the little shits have such a large sense of entitlement and do some lame-brain stuff, but it is the parents that are the enablers, addicts, overly permissive, non-boundary setting, and emotionally incestuous. Also, in this modern culture, we have gone away from being a society of clear initiatory stages...and now having a cell phone and a driver's license is our rite of passage.

The sense of entitlement explains events like Steubenville but that kind of thing isn't new either. I think what is new is technology and its ever increasing speed which makes people think they need more than they actually do. Fifty years ago the thought that every grade schooler would expect to have their own cell phone would have been unbelievable.
One would think that this phenomena is worst in poverty-stricken youth from the ghetto, but in reality this culture of sex, violence, crime, drugs, decadence, and depravity is becoming increasingly prevalent among middle and even upper-class white kids.

Apparently just because their mommy and daddy have a lot of money automatically means that they are better than everyone else and can do whatever they want.
One would think that this phenomena is worst in poverty-stricken youth from the ghetto, but in reality this culture of sex, violence, crime, drugs, decadence, and depravity is becoming increasingly prevalent among middle and even upper-class white kids.

Apparently just because their mommy and daddy have a lot of money automatically means that they are better than everyone else and can do whatever they want.

So, when are you coming out of the low IQ closet and announcing you actually don't belong in that group?
Every generation thinks the following generation sucks and is useless.
If you judge the world by it's crappiest inhabitants, of course it's going to seem crap.
The only thing wrong with todays youth, is their asshole parents who cant raise them.
Drugs and drug dealing - not many youngsters deal drugs and the majority who do, do so because they have drugs and are sick of their mates scabbing it for free, so start to charge. Although I do not encourage drug use, I have no problem with people choosing to partake. It is also worth noting that there is little evidence that drug use is in higher demand now than in the past, nor that it is consigned to the youth. Up until western colonialists chose to make drugs illegal (as they could see the massive financial profit in doing so), who knows how many were on drugs? Arsenic is well known to have been used widely.

Violence - not helped but television, films, video games and the overall publicity violence and war gets as a direct result of the so-called authorities who outlawed (yet to continued to indulge in) it.

Sex and sexual promiscuity - is that worse now? I doubt it very much, but even if so that is one's own choice.

Sexually transmitted diseases - historical, nothing to do with youth or modern times.

Gang activity and gang affiliation - is it really worse than the crime syndicate families of the late 19th century/early 20th? Doubt it.

Crime - again, not sure what the historical comparison is here.

Shoplifting and petty theft - this could go on and on and on and on....

Unwed pregnancy and abortions - abortion is very sad, but what is wrong with unwed pregnancy? Nothing.

Moral depravity - yeah, we prefer adult responsibility like twice releasing nuclear weapons on civilians or fighting and murdering thousands upon thousands of people at the behest of the banking controlled world affairs.

Getting arrested - make more day to day activities illegal, you are going to arrest more people.

Prison/Jail/Juvenile Detention - see above

Tattoos - err, so?

Underage drinking - so?

Partying - how dare a human being express their freedom and happiness by joining together for a night out.

Police visits to house - is that an increase in anti-social behaviour or a stamp down on perfectly normal human behaviour? My neighbours are loud as fuck sometimes. They are lovely people with dogs and young children. I see no reason to call the police.

Automobile accidents - not about age and no historical comparison to make.

Alcohol poisoning - excessive drinking is becoming a major problem amongst the youth. They're trying to catch up with the adults on that one.

Passing out - same issue, as is Vomiting

Broken first-gen ipods filled with 2003 green day music or whatever shit kids listen to nowadays - so your problem is kids have ipods or that ipods get broken from time to time? I would be shocked if kids of 100 years ago never dropped their toys.

Hearing loss from ipod ear bud headphones - a problem perhaps but why would people resolve it if it's not highlighted to them? Thats an issue of authority and profiteering, not youth.

Energy drinks with their lunches - adults created them, adults usually buy them, adults have lunch. Where is the problem anyway?

Carrying narcotics on them at school - few and far between.

Fighting with police and resisting arrest - people have a right to defend themselves if they feel mistreated. What came first, chicken or egg?

Late-night loud music and partying - done, and I love it!

Mindless celebrity worship - as opposed to mindlessly following what politicians and authorities tell you to do regardless of their rights and wrongs? I think celebrity culture is a shame; it is also a product flowed down to the youth, not begun there.

Reckless driving - all ages, all races, all people. Safe driving is a serious issue.

Drunk driving - I think you will find there are many many adults who do so too. They're just older and cleverer and not targeted by police.

Car theft - not a youth problem at all.

Passing out at the wheel of a motor vehicle from narcotic drugs or alcohol - do me a favour!

Constant texting - part of the dumbing down of society I agree.

Talking to friends instead of doing schoolwork - they are free and I encourage them to enjoy themselves.

To be honest, I'm bored now - virtually none of these issues you have highlighted are a problem with youth. Most are a direct result of state/media based manipulation and some are just daft.

Children are very much treated as second class citizens - they are the slaves of the future and they are schooled (even parented) in that manner. Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge there are many unruly youngsters and there are many social problems in western society that the youth are heavily indulged in, but none of them can or will ever be fixed by the increasing obsession people have with forcing children into one set mould.

I have to say, given it has been highlighted that it is autism month, I think this thread highly insulting. Luckily, I'm not a youngster anymore, have never committed a serious crime or hurt anybody purposefully, so I shall move on and forget it.

Be free, encourage and enable others to be free. Only then will you ever see people take responsibility for society around them. The endless vilification and hope for punishment of various sections of society (youth, people on benefits, races, religions, etc, etc) does nothing to improve it.
Drugs and drug dealing - not many youngsters deal drugs and the majority who do, do so because they have drugs and are sick of their mates scabbing it for free, so start to charge. Although I do not encourage drug use, I have no problem with people choosing to partake. It is also worth noting that there is little evidence that drug use is in higher demand now than in the past, nor that it is consigned to the youth. Up until western colonialists chose to make drugs illegal (as they could see the massive financial profit in doing so), who knows how many were on drugs? Arsenic is well known to have been used widely.

Violence - not helped but television, films, video games and the overall publicity violence and war gets as a direct result of the so-called authorities who outlawed (yet to continued to indulge in) it.

Sex and sexual promiscuity - is that worse now? I doubt it very much, but even if so that is one's own choice.

Sexually transmitted diseases - historical, nothing to do with youth or modern times.

Gang activity and gang affiliation - is it really worse than the crime syndicate families of the late 19th century/early 20th? Doubt it.

Crime - again, not sure what the historical comparison is here.

Shoplifting and petty theft - this could go on and on and on and on....

Unwed pregnancy and abortions - abortion is very sad, but what is wrong with unwed pregnancy? Nothing.

Moral depravity - yeah, we prefer adult responsibility like twice releasing nuclear weapons on civilians or fighting and murdering thousands upon thousands of people at the behest of the banking controlled world affairs.

Getting arrested - make more day to day activities illegal, you are going to arrest more people.

Prison/Jail/Juvenile Detention - see above

Tattoos - err, so?

Underage drinking - so?

Partying - how dare a human being express their freedom and happiness by joining together for a night out.

Police visits to house - is that an increase in anti-social behaviour or a stamp down on perfectly normal human behaviour? My neighbours are loud as fuck sometimes. They are lovely people with dogs and young children. I see no reason to call the police.

Automobile accidents - not about age and no historical comparison to make.

Alcohol poisoning - excessive drinking is becoming a major problem amongst the youth. They're trying to catch up with the adults on that one.

Passing out - same issue, as is Vomiting

Broken first-gen ipods filled with 2003 green day music or whatever shit kids listen to nowadays - so your problem is kids have ipods or that ipods get broken from time to time? I would be shocked if kids of 100 years ago never dropped their toys.

Hearing loss from ipod ear bud headphones - a problem perhaps but why would people resolve it if it's not highlighted to them? Thats an issue of authority and profiteering, not youth.

Energy drinks with their lunches - adults created them, adults usually buy them, adults have lunch. Where is the problem anyway?

Carrying narcotics on them at school - few and far between.

Fighting with police and resisting arrest - people have a right to defend themselves if they feel mistreated. What came first, chicken or egg?

Late-night loud music and partying - done, and I love it!

Mindless celebrity worship - as opposed to mindlessly following what politicians and authorities tell you to do regardless of their rights and wrongs? I think celebrity culture is a shame; it is also a product flowed down to the youth, not begun there.

Reckless driving - all ages, all races, all people. Safe driving is a serious issue.

Drunk driving - I think you will find there are many many adults who do so too. They're just older and cleverer and not targeted by police.

Car theft - not a youth problem at all.

Passing out at the wheel of a motor vehicle from narcotic drugs or alcohol - do me a favour!

Constant texting - part of the dumbing down of society I agree.

Talking to friends instead of doing schoolwork - they are free and I encourage them to enjoy themselves.

To be honest, I'm bored now - virtually none of these issues you have highlighted are a problem with youth. Most are a direct result of state/media based manipulation and some are just daft.

Children are very much treated as second class citizens - they are the slaves of the future and they are schooled (even parented) in that manner. Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge there are many unruly youngsters and there are many social problems in western society that the youth are heavily indulged in, but none of them can or will ever be fixed by the increasing obsession people have with forcing children into one set mould.

I have to say, given it has been highlighted that it is autism month, I think this thread highly insulting. Luckily, I'm not a youngster anymore, have never committed a serious crime or hurt anybody purposefully, so I shall move on and forget it.

Be free, encourage and enable others to be free. Only then will you ever see people take responsibility for society around them. The endless vilification and hope for punishment of various sections of society (youth, people on benefits, races, religions, etc, etc) does nothing to improve it.

Well said.

One thing to add about 'loud music and late-night partying' - everyone has done that surely? I can see that when you're not the one having the party, it would be a bit annoying, but lets face it, how pissed off would you be if someone had ruined your party because it was too loud? Lets have a little tolerance.

We had neighbours who were SO LOUD, it was ridiculous. But the noise they were making? It was their kids playing in the garden and laughing really loudly. I'm not going to stop them having fun unless I REALLY have to. Right now, I'm the one having the parties, and in twenty years time, I'd like to think I'll be tolerant enough to let others enjoy their party.
I have never been to a party, nor have I ever played music in my house.
I also think it's part of human nature to look back and see 'the good ol days' while glossing over the terrible parts. I agree that maybe some aspects of youth culture isn't great. Being from the UK, i know that binge drinking is a serious problem. But I also believe that youth (including me) are more grown up, responsible and caring in many other ways.

Just remember that the grass always looks greener in another time or place.
I also think it's part of human nature to look back and see 'the good ol days' while glossing over the terrible parts. I agree that maybe some aspects of youth culture isn't great. Being from the UK, i know that binge drinking is a serious problem. But I also believe that youth (including me) are more grown up, responsible and caring in many other ways.

Just remember that the grass always looks greener in another time or place.

quite simply you are wrong. the young should have the living shit kicked out of them each and every day. they could binge drink all they want to, sure in the knowledge that they would be getting a good kicking later on.

the youth are nothing but waistrel cunts.
Every generation thinks the following generation sucks and is useless.
If you judge the world by it's crappiest inhabitants, of course it's going to seem crap.

Youre right.

I'm old and have worked with kids across a few generations, and think kids are pretty much the same. Whats different is their parents. In the 50s kids were necessary and important, and parents had high expectations of them; today they have no value at all, we have no expectations, and theyre treated like babies till theyre 30-something.

I have 4 kids and 10 grandkids, and all of them are keepers we expect to measure up to our expectations, and all of them do.
1st pic looks like no1 I know! Guessing 90's??

Also bet your parents thought 95% of that list about your generation :cool: whatever that is......... Clueless!!! Ignorant, or both??

Hope this isn't a fishing / trolling thread I've just fallen for but still learning all that
I've noticed that Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with today's adolescents and young adults. Their "culture" is defined by the following.

Drugs and drug dealing
Sex and sexual promiscuity
Sexually transmitted diseases
Gang activity and gang affiliation
Shoplifting and petty theft
Herd mentality
Gang mentality
Committing felony offenses
Unwed pregnancy and abortions
Moral depravity
Serious fighting and injury
Getting arrested
Prison/Jail/Juvenile Detention
Underage drinking
Gang-related violence
Police visits to house
Automobile accidents
Alcohol poisoning
More violence
Passing out
Broken first-gen ipods filled with 2003 green day music or whatever shit kids listen to nowadays
Hearing loss from ipod ear bud headphones
Energy drinks with their lunches
Carrying narcotics on them at school
Fighting with police and resisting arrest
Late-night loud music and partying
Mindless celebrity worship
Reckless driving
Drunk driving
Car theft
Passing out at the wheel of a motor vehicle from narcotic drugs or alcohol
Constant texting
Talking to friends instead of doing schoolwork
Smartphone idiocy
Brutally beating people up
Taking pornographic photos of themselves
Extensive juvenile criminal records
Serious injury and hospitalization
Drug overdoses
Poor academic performance
High school and college dropouts
Stealing booze and cigarettes
Body piercings
Strange odors
Court citations
Listening to crap music
Reading crap books
Watching crap movies and television
Heavily medicated with psychiatric drugs
Gun violence
Domestic violence
School shootings
Obsession with rap music
Aggravated assault
Assault with a deadly weapon
Sexual assault
Statutory rape
Gang graffiti
Threatening others at knifepoint
All-out hell
Total chaos and mayhem
Holy fucking shit!
Sometimes even murder.


This is the best thread/post you have ever made.
The only thing wrong with todays youth, is their asshole parents who cant raise them.

Nothing else needs to be added to this. All parents want to do today is fuck around on facebook and if their kids have issues send them to a doctor for a script.