What's was your favorite/crappiest Halloween costume ever?


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002
I had a badass Optimus Prime costume when I was 8. Albeit it was one of those plastic dress thingies.
Snow White. I loved that cheesey costume.

BTW - today I was a scarecrow. I was the rockin'-est scarecrow ever.

I even had my very own crow.
My brother for halloween one year put on a stocking cap, wrapped a brown blanket around him, picked up a tin cup, and went as a bum. He picked up a bottle of pop and carried it around in a brown bag all night, and called it "hobo cola". He spent part of the night sitting in front of the liquor store. I dont think I've ever laughed so much in one night. I believe he was 12 at the time.
red_rose said:
BTW - today I was a scarecrow. I was the rockin'-est scarecrow ever.

I even had my very own crow.

Oh..my favorite was the year I was the Cat in the Hat and my two little men were thing one and thing two. Soooo cute.

Don't have a crappiest one tho...

Tootsie roll anyone?
My fave and the still the worst was when I was five. I went trick or treating in my Wonder Woman Underoos and it was fucking COLD that year. Thank you.
One year I had a mask... I colored the reverse side in and wore a sheet... I painted my face and put on the mask... whenever I found a house with awesome candy, I would turn the mask inside out so it looked different head back to the house... then take off the mask and go back a third time as a ghoul... I scored big time that year. ;)
I was supposed to work Halloween, at the last minute, they said they didn't need me. All my friends were out trick n drinking. So I put on a garbage bag, duct taped a foot long piece of garden hose to it, and went as . . . . . . . . . a hosebag.
2 favorites

in Hong Kong in the early 80's......(best)

wrapped my whole body in gauze for the mummy effect and applied fake blood dripping out of the eyes and mouth...then drove to a Halloween party at the Manhattan disco....in those days most people in Hong Kong had never heard of Halloween. Stopped at a red light next to a open backed police lorry (truck) with a squad of policemen sitting in the back...they took one look at me and started freaking out...the mummy waved and drove off....hehe

on my week long Halloween party thread here at Lit (worst)

well not really, but totally cyber and in many guises...pretty crazy time we have had this past week and I am exhausted!