What's the longest you've held on to a BM?

Yo. In prison, your toilet is right next to your bed. Also there are no walls. It can be really difficult to take a number two. I would just cover my eyes and sing songs while pretending I was in a Burger King toilet. Sometimes I swear I could smell a Whopper cooking.

Let's see....

Minutes for sure.....hours even if I was on a long trip and couldn't find a clean bathroom.

Is that why your dog is sniffing your gf's panties? ;-)
Rubyfruit said:

Let's see....

Minutes for sure.....hours even if I was on a long trip and couldn't find a clean bathroom.

Is that why your dog is sniffing your gf's panties? ;-)

Uhm, no. That kind of thing's not my bag.
Emerald_eyed said:
about a week or so. I had an inpaction that the doc took care of with some nasty shit that made me all better!:D

ewwww like you really wanted to know!

No, thank you for sharing. Now I think I'll go get some chocolate pudding or chocolate rocky road ice cream, or something.
You know, they say that eventually ALL conversations end up on this topic. Curious, huh?
I once saved one for 3 weeks because it was a real recordsetter. I called the guy who stuffs prize fish but he didnt want to touch it. I eventually just cordoned off the bathroom so people could walk by and view it but couldnt reach the flusher. Finally it dissolved. I shoulda taken pictures of it. You guys would be green with envy.
celiaKitten said:
this is so much worse than my turd thread..

LOL. Turd made me laugh. Now we've gauged the low end of my humor threshold for tonight.
cg_allstar said:
LOL. Turd made me laugh. Now we've gauged the low end of my humor threshold for tonight.

LOL - yeah, I'm not sure if it gets much worse than shit-talk..
I have never held anyone else's...butt...

depending on how col it is, I might hold mine for a while...just play with it...that sort of thing....ummm...err...oh, you meant NOT go???!!!

Oh, sorry......
teddybear4play said:
And this is why you should always check to make sure you're not posting in the mock thread.



What? This serious. Absolutely serious.
47 steps.

Those curb your dog laws can make you hold on to a bm for almost a block sometimes :D
SilvaTungDevil said:
I once saved one for 3 weeks because it was a real recordsetter. I called the guy who stuffs prize fish but he didnt want to touch it. I eventually just cordoned off the bathroom so people could walk by and view it but couldnt reach the flusher. Finally it dissolved. I shoulda taken pictures of it. You guys would be green with envy.

I think this elephant had you beat STD, AND it's on glossy

cg_allstar said:
What? This serious. Absolutely serious.
"Seven months" was the same answer I gave in the "holding on to a PM" thread, which this is clearly not.

teddybear4play said:
"Seven months" was the same answer I gave in the "holding on to a PM" thread, which this is clearly not.


Come on TB4P - It's 2003

Being ashamed about constipation is soooo last century! :D