What's My Line?


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Can we stump the panel?

Today's mystery guest : the iPhone

First up, Mr. President...

See? even you're laughing...

Just can't help yourself. Kitty Carlisle's up next!

Are you a Blackberry?

Okay, well, that's the end of Kitty, we'll have no racism on this show because TV is reality!
if an R had said that

he would be RACIST

implying a BLACKberry doesnt WORK so well:)
if an R had said that

he would be RACIST

implying a BLACKberry doesnt WORK so well:)

Bennett Cerf: Do you need to be recharged?

Okay, well, Bennett's gone, he was never charged in the first place. People? can we get past all the Racism?
Fucking Self Centered Asshole

Obama “Befuddled” When Attempting To Make A Call On An iPhone, Blames Supporter For Having An Insufficient Cell Phone Plan…


Via Washington Times:

On the campaign trail, President Obama is constantly talking about the importance of technology, but he met his match in an iPhone Sunday.

The president had stopped at a campaign office in Port St. Lucie, Fla., to thank volunteers. Then, for the cameras, Mr. Obama was supposed to call two campaign workers who were out working on his behalf.

But when White House trip director Marvin Nicholson handed the president his personal iPhone, Mr. Obama couldn’t get it to work. A reporter who witnessed the scene said the president looked “befuddled.”

“It’s not clear he knows how to dial on an iPhone,” the reporter wrote in a pool report.

Finally, Mr. Obama said, “Oh, I got to dial it in. Hold on, hold on. I can do this. See, I still have a BlackBerry.”

The president then “had a little more trouble dialing,” the pool report said.

The president then has more trouble dialing. When the call didn’t go through, he blamed Mr. Nicholson for having an insufficient cell phone plan.

A volunteer called out, “I’ll give you my phone, call my wife.”
FLASHBACK: Attacks McCain for not using email -- because of war injury!