What's a good way to show someone that you trust them?


Really Experienced
Mar 3, 2003
I'm having a problem with trust lately. Actually someone thinks I don't trust them. What's a good way to show them and prove to them I do trust them with all my heart?
Go to the butcher shop--buy a fresh Cows heart, and give it to her in a box with a small note saying "I trust you with all of my heart baby..."
mettalrokker said:
I'm having a problem with trust lately. Actually someone thinks I don't trust them. What's a good way to show them and prove to them I do trust them with all my heart?

Give them access to all your credit cards and your checking account!:D
har har nl.

Seriously, though, I don't think you can do anything to 'prove' it. You have to just continue to treat them as trustworthy and they will eventually either believe it or not. My hunch is, if someone is refusing to belive you trust them, then it is something going on inside them that they need to deal with - in other words, they doubt their own worthiness of your trust. It doesn't really have anything to do with you, it's about how they feel about themselves.
Have them followed by a private eye for a week , then when the long range photos/ phone taps reveal nothing - you can say well I trust you now !

Or let them shave you with a sharp cut throat razor
mettalrokker said:
What's a good way to show them and prove to them I do trust them with all my heart?

1) Print out every post Lancecastor has ever made on the Lit board. (yes, I know, the investment in paper and printer cartridges would be mind boggling, but you want to do this right, don't you?)

2) Read each post to this person. At the end of each post repeat, "I know you would NEVER say this to me."

They'll know you mean it by the time you're done.
roll over on back

expose neck

pant wildly

oh wait...thats for dogs...

maybe I should stop doing that.
I guess I should clarify that the problem isn't about trusting her with another person, just trust in general. If I can't find a way to do this, I might just lose her forever. (
Perhaps believing more in your own worth would help. Lack of trust in others may also be a fear of abandonment. We want to control our environment and all in it. Your mind wraps around the behaviors of others, fed by your fears from long forgotten memories. We also always want to "look good". This can really get in our wat.

Any of this ring true?
mettalrokker said:
I'm having a problem with trust lately. Actually someone thinks I don't trust them. What's a good way to show them and prove to them I do trust them with all my heart?
LOL ,, Dang *

Because you don't TRUST * yourselve enough

to have them trust you. VERY simple.

And also the way you ACT* shows that

you are not trust worthy.

to be Able the let them trusth you again,

YOU must re~condition your OWN thrust.

And Always deep your promise.

SAY what you mean, And meant what you say

DOes it makes scence to you ?

nodding fiercely at what peachykeen and just pet said

*self worth*
nitelite33 said:
Go to the butcher shop--buy a fresh Cows heart, and give it to her in a box with a small note saying "I trust you with all of my heart baby..."

That would be hysterical. I don't think I could resist a man who did that. :D
just pet said:
Perhaps believing more in your own worth would help. Lack of trust in others may also be a fear of abandonment. We want to control our environment and all in it. Your mind wraps around the behaviors of others, fed by your fears from long forgotten memories. We also always want to "look good". This can really get in our wat.

Any of this ring true?
I think I can relate to that a little
Re: Re: What's a good way to show someone that you trust them?

Gusty Wind said:
LOL ,, Dang *

Because you don't TRUST * yourselve enough

to have them trust you. VERY simple.

And also the way you ACT* shows that

you are not trust worthy.

to be Able the let them trusth you again,

YOU must re~condition your OWN thrust.

And Always deep your promise.

SAY what you mean, And meant what you say

DOes it makes scence to you ?

she has a problem with believing that I think she's as beautiful as I think she is. She means the world to me and I tell her all the time how beautiful she is to me. She says, "Time will tell" and I agree with her, but how much time will it take for her to believe? Now she's angry about something abd just wants to end this whole thing and I don't know what to do.
I probably sound like a real schmuck for letting this girl get to me so much. Most guys I know would just leave it at that and go find someone else, but I really do love and care for her deeply.
Tell her flat out that you care about her and think you have something worth trying to save, and offer to try couples counseling. If she still says no, then you will have to accept that she is not in a place where she can accept your feelings for her, for whatever eason is going on inside of her. Sucks, yeah, but you can't force it. Won't work.
peachykeen said:
Tell her flat out that you care about her and think you have something worth trying to save, and offer to try couples counseling. If she still says no, then you will have to accept that she is not in a place where she can accept your feelings for her, for whatever eason is going on inside of her. Sucks, yeah, but you can't force it. Won't work.
Yeah, I realize that. Doesn't make it any easier though. :( She's done this in the past but always came back telling me how much she missed me and all. It just sounded really definite this time. But....I've thought that before. I guess I just needed to chat with someone about it. Thanx for listening and for the input.
So, is the chick generally a skeptical person? Or did you do something specific, to lose her trust.

And Pet....I think you are sexy as hell, but if I here this psycho babble about its not their issue, it's within you crap one more time, I am going to hurl.

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Killswitch said:
So, is the chick generally a skeptical person? Or did you do something specific, to lose her trust.

And Pet....I think you are sexy as hell, but if I here this psycho babble about its not their issue, it's within you crap one more time, I am going to hurl.


It is always a matter of two
And since we have no information, we don't know if there are reasonable grounds not to trust or not. He implied that it is his issue.

Is hurling an issue of yours? Not the best weight loss method.

I'm sorry....I should read more carefully....I thought she didnt trust him, not the other way around.

Killswitch said:
So, is the chick generally a skeptical person? Or did you do something specific, to lose her trust.

And Pet....I think you are sexy as hell, but if I here this psycho babble about its not their issue, it's within you crap one more time, I am going to hurl.

she's generally skeptical. Things that happened to her growing up I think gave her low self-esteem, but she won't admit it.
Killswitch said:
I'm sorry....I should read more carefully....I thought she didnt trust him, not the other way around.

to make it clear, she thinks I don't trust her
mettalrokker said:
I'm having a problem with trust lately. Actually someone thinks I don't trust them. What's a good way to show them and prove to them I do trust them with all my heart?

Trust Yourself! and be consistent and be authentic in everything you do~~~~ be sure your actions and your words are aligned. Motivations/intentions should always match your actions/words.
See the divine in her and don't see the victim~ the past is the past... raise her above that stuff... she is not broken, she is not needing to be fixed.. she is safe.. she is love and you can show that to her by being true