Whatever Lola Wants - PM for invite


Literotica Guru
Jan 24, 2012
Closed for Markanthh

Lola Connelly

Age: 27

Mysterious, charismatic, and alluring are just a few words that describe Lola. She is an enigma to everyone, revealing only what she chooses. A chameleon that is able to change her appearance and personality to fit a situation, you never know which side of Lola you will get at any given moment.


Five. Two. Sixty. The numbers rolled through Lola’s mind. Five guards. Two possible exits. And sixty seconds to secure the target and reach one of the exits, all without any of the guards noticing. It was tricky, but it wasn’t anything Lola hadn’t done before. She had been pulling heists like this since she was seven and her dad took her to the Met in New York. Back then, though, she had been the distraction while her dad heisted the art. Her days as a diversion were long over, now it was her turn to pull the heists, something she’d been doing – successfully she might add – for a good five years.

Glancing at her watch, Lola waited until the second hand hit the four. Go time.

Across the room a little boy started screaming bloody murder, crying out for his mommy and asking everyone around him if they had seen her. Sympathetic women pulled their husbands towards the boy, trying to comfort him and help him find his mother. Three of the guards moved towards the crush of people surrounding the boy, speaking into their walkies as they did so. The remaining two guards stood on alert, their eyes scanning the crowd of people.

As all eyes were focused on the boy, Lola maneuvered her way through the crowd, slipping unseen through the crush of bodies. Just another face in the worried mass. It was within her reach, a glass case in the corner of the room. Inside the case a diamond necklace shone brightly beneath the little spotlight centered in the case. But it wasn’t the necklace that Lola was looking for. Reaching the case, she quickly picked the lock on the back and, keeping her back to the security cameras even though she knew the footage was on a continuous loop thanks to her tech guy, she slid the glass panel door open just enough to grab the pair of sapphire earrings that sat beside the necklace. They didn’t appear to be anything special, a simple pair of drop earrings; the sapphires cut into teardrops and surrounded by small diamonds. But Lola knew their true value.

Kneeling down, Lola deposited an earring into the hollowed out heels of her brown boots. Forty seconds down, twenty more to go. She moved back through the swell of people still frantically searching for the little boy’s mother, giving a subtle tug on the boy’s shirt sleeve. He wiped frantic tears from his eyes in response while continuing to plead for his mommy. The boy was good, Lola couldn’t have done better herself. But what else could she expect from her little brother.

With the exit a mere three feet away, Lola could pass through it in a few easy strides.

The alarm sounded just as she was about to pass through the doorway. Quick as lightening the guards sprang into action. Lola glanced over her shoulder at the commotion. It wouldn’t be long before the doors bolted shut, trapping her inside. Her mind moved swiftly, adrenaline coursing through her veins. A single bead of sweat slipped down her back. But she didn’t let the fear of getting caught stop her, she had learned to conquer that fear long ago. Before the bolts could lock on the door in front of her, Lola did a quick check to make sure the guards were otherwise engaged. People scrambled all around her, panicking as the alarms blared. The little boy who had lost his mother was completely forgotten. In the mayhem nobody was paying the slightest attention to the woman inching slowly towards one of the exits. And nobody noticed as she slipped out the door. And nobody saw her climb into the station wagon two blocks away and pull off the long, brown wig to reveal her own short, blonde curls. And not a single person cared to question her when she picked up the little boy from the police station an hour later.
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Marik Khalil

The Tech guy. He's had a crush on Lola since he's laid eyes on her and does all he does to help her. He's the only guy she's know for more than a couple years. Loyal, respectful, and utterly quirky are just a few words to describe him. He's a nerd of average size: 5'10", semi-muscular but not athletic, blue/green eyes (the color actually changes based on his mood), short brown hair, middle eastern.

IC: "Looping. Was that all I was needed for today? I mean, here I am. I'm talking out loud into this... device for lack of simpler terms. Whatever I say, it'll record. Makes it easy for me to do these blog sort of things. Which... I guess doesn't make sense. Keeping a record of all of this would probably be bad. Lola would have my head... I wouldn't mind that sometimes. Someone as beautiful as her... So serene... Oh what am I saying! I'm rambling! OOH! The show is starting! And... queue the little brother," said Marik as he watched the cameras with a cup of coffee in his hands. He needed something to keep him up and caffeine did the job rather well. This assignment was rather easy for himself. He had hacked the security cams with ease... and wirelessly.

He was using new tech, that even Lola didn't know about yet. Marik sometimes considered himself a little bit of a tech wizard. His fingers zapped the keyboard with quick efficient strokes that allowed him to manage more information than one love-struck man should be able to. He could even edit the true footage and make it so that Lola didn't even show up...

Lola. The thought of erasing him crossing his mind made him shiver. While he was still the only person who she knew for more than a few years, she was still a subtle thief. At any given point, he could be the chum that lived in a small studio apartment alone with computers and too much time. He wanted her... and not for just her body. He wanted her mind, her senses. It was his one inkling of greed. He respected her, possibly more than he should if he wanted to ever be closer. But she deserved better, or so he thought sometimes. Other times, he became very closing to confessing and would talk about touchy subjects; jobs always got in the way. How else would they afford traveling the world if they didn't work? So he didn't ever risk telling her.
Collapsing onto the couch in her hotel suite, Lola pulled her boots off and opened the hollowed out heel of her left boot. The earrings fall into her palm and she quickly transferred them to the film canister that would be used for the drop off.

"Any heat on us yet?" She asked Marik, who was set up at a table by the window, monitoring the police servers on his computer.

Luke sprawled out on the couch next to her, his DS in hand, his feet lay on Lola's lap and she glanced, lovingly at her little brother. Life hadn't always been easy for the two of them. Their father, the late Jack Connelly, had left Luke on Lola's doorstep three years ago when the boy was only ten years old. Lola was just building her own name in the underworld and the last thing she needed was to be saddled with a kid. But the two of them had made it somehow and Lola was pulling in jobs that had set them up for the rest of their lives should she wish to retire.

As Marik answered her, Lola paid careful attention to her tech guy. He had been with her nearly two years now, the longest she'd ever stuck with one person. He had been recommended to her by her uncle, who had recently retired, and Marik had not disappointed. The two had started off on rocky ground, Lola not wanting to rely too heavily on the gadgets that Marik provided. But, somehow, they had built a friendship. And, though Lola didn't trust many people, she felt that she could trust Marik to always have her back. She knew that he wanted more, that he had feelings for her, but Lola knew she could never be involved with anyone romantically. Sure that meant a lot of lonely nights and a lot of worn out batteries, but it was the safest way for her.

"Good," she said when Marik confirmed that no police were on to them yet. "Mind watching Luke for a bit, I'm gonna go meet the client." She said, rattling the earrings inside the canister. "Wish me luck."
"Yeah, go ahead! Be safe... " he started, before quickly re-realizing their line of work. "Well, you know what I mean," before he let her have a chance to make a quick remark. "Anyways, I want to pick at this little guys toys!" As he said that, he tossed a maniacal grin at Luke, and he noticed it getting a little scared but deciding to carry on playing the DS. Marik had plans to install GPS trackers and a few other safety switches to make sure that Luke never lost his toys. Or to find him had he ever been taken.

Marik watched, no stared as Lola and her swaying hips left. Whatever she wore, always looked good. That was part of who she was. Part of what he liked about her. NOTHING could make her look bad. She could roll around in mud and make it look sexy for all he cared!

Checking his police scanner one more time and seeing all was well, he went over to Luke as he played the DS and talked to him. "You think your big sis would ever fall for a guy? What kinda guy do you think she'd like?" Luke just gave him a quick glance, raised a single eyebrow, and continued to play the entrancing game he had recently received as a present. Marik gave it to him, knowing this would happen. It was a good past time for him. Less questions, more fun, more ignorance. After all, Ignorance is Bliss.

After letting Luke sleep, fixing up his DS, and giving Luke some helpful tips to use it if we needed to find him, Marik sat at his computer waiting. He was busy of course, but he could work on whatever he needed to do, in the morning. He wanted to stay up and make sure Lola got back safely. As soon as she walked through the door without bullet holes in her and all her body parts there, he would let out his secret sigh of relief. Would he confess tonight? The thought crossed his mind, and not for the first time in a situation like this...