What would you do if you were President for a year?

1. Welfare overhaul

2. Education over haul, including bringing back the power to the teachers hands in the means of the strap, and removing the union

3. Minimumm wage 10$/h

4. withdraw all aid world wide for 6 months, then in the next 6 months see who are friends really are

5. recall all troops world wide.

6. drop all taxes, instate one flat point of sale tax on everything 5%

7. disband lawyers unions

8. truley seperate church and state without damaging any church

9. cut all arts, science studies, space studies funding for 8 months and dump it into housing, alternative power, and education.

10. make a write to stay president for the next 3 years to see all my planning through
MsSpellChecker said:
Fuck all my interns and admit to it.

Dammit! Beat me to it. But I'd only fuck the female ones.
I would serve ice cream at all important international meetings. Face it, it's impossible to be angry and eat ice cream at the same time. Have a big "make your own sundae" bar at the UN.
MNGuy said:
Dammit! Beat me to it. But I'd only fuck the female ones.

I'd only have male interns so I won't have to worry about leaving some out. My personal preference I guess.
I'd start a unilateral war,piss off all our allies, appoint a lot of convicted felons to my administration, and send the federal budget into enormous deficits in order to give rich people a huge tax cut.
Oh wait, you'd have to be crazy to do that stuff.
Oh I got some answers for this one:

1. Bust Iraqs ass....then call North Korea and ask them since we were there do they want some too???

2. Welfare reform there are to many jobs for all the ppl to be living off the working folks.

3. Standardized Medicine NOBODY would be without health care.

4. Money to the Native American ppl so that they could improve their way of living...***** on the reservation is horrifying condtions if you have never see it.

5. more money for grades K-12 so that our future gets a proper education.

6. Do something about credit reports because everyone has had a rough spot or two and you shouldn't be penalized for something you do at 21-22 10 yrs later.

7. affordable DECENT housing for everyone and make EVERYONE able to get a fed no interest loan to either build or buy.

8. handle all the child support issues I could kids have no reason to be deprived because of a deadbeat parent.

9. make it easier for the veterans to get and use va bennies.

10. acknowledge agent orange and gulf war syndrome as real illnesses because they are.

11. warn the next guy there are gonna be some PISSED off ppl when he/she gets in office but oh well life would be better.

12. pack my bags and go to the mountains for a vacation cause I woulda had one helluva ride. :nana:
MsSpellChecker said:
I'd only have male interns so I won't have to worry about leaving some out. My personal preference I guess.

Hey, didn't think of that. I guess then I'd only have female ones.

Plus I'd do every celebrity I could think of too.

The ones with political views different than mine would get a dick slapping.


I would cede 50% of the land constituting the United States back to the Native Americans.

I would allow descendents of Native Americans, African Slaves, and Japanese interned during WWII to attend any state University gratis.

Finally, anyone whose ancestors weren't already in The Americas by 1808, would have to return immediately to their ancestral homelands.