What will you do for *my* birthday?


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2000
What will you do for *my* birthday? Will it be something really special?
I predict someone will start a thread wishing you a happy birthday.

I will do exactly what I did for you five years ago. After all, I have to continue the tradition, oui?
Mia62 said:
I will do exactly what I did for you five years ago. After all, I have to continue the tradition, oui?

That's pretty much what I expect from everyone.
Guru said:
That's pretty much what I expect from everyone.

Is that a good thing? Or would you like something wildly different?

If so....what?
guilty pleasure said:
Is that a good thing? Or would you like something wildly different?

If so....what?

Lit didn't even exist five years ago, so I got nothing.

If I had my choice of what I'd want, I'd... I'd be in really big trouble. ;)
Guru said:
Lit didn't even exist five years ago, so I got nothing.

If I had my choice of what I'd want, I'd... I'd be in really big trouble. ;)

You can tell us........:)