What We're Made Of (lowel & gearhead73)


Jun 24, 2013
Alice Fowler sat at the bar with few others around her, pretending to sip out of a glass with scotch in it. She didn’t even like to drink, so picking out an alcohol had been difficult in the first place. Perhaps that was something she needed to brush up on…drinks. It was good conversation at a place like this, and she didn’t know the difference between whiskey and what was in her hand.

Of course Alice never really spoke to people, so perhaps it didn’t matter. Not unless it was the means to an end for her mission. And tonight speaking would get her nowhere, so she sat silently, watching a man out of the corner of her eye. The gentleman was in a suit, her current target, with short black hair and a thick money clip in his hands atop the table. The bar they were in was very modern, the wine and crowd in general more expensive than she was used to. That probably made it more of a club than a bar, especially with the dance floor off to the side, but in her mind they were all the same. Not having lived in New York her entire life, she knew the locals would gawk at her for such a statement.

And, to match her surreal surroundings, Alice had changed her normal, relaxed attire to something more upscale. Her blonde hair that usually came down to the middle of her back was pulled up with only the bangs half covering her light blue eyes, curling about the nape of her neck in a decorative fashion thanks to her close friend and fellow assassin, Vera. There was no way Alice would have managed that on her own. And the dress, it was on loan too, from Vera of course. Her pale skin was wrapped in a clinging teal colored dress that came up about mid-thigh, simple straps that went around her neck instead of sleeves. Tonight she’d decided to wear something that covered the cleavage she wasn’t normally afraid to show, afraid that showing too much of that would make the innocents around distract her from the job.

Her shoes…oh, the shoes. Draining her glass Alice looked down at them, scowling. Heels were not something a trained assassin should ever wear, but the occasion called for it and she was not one to let anything hinder her from finishing a job, especially not clothing. She’d run around stark naked if it meant she would kill her target without a fault.

The man was getting up, just as expected. He’d met a different person here, clients, she had concluded, every other Tuesday and Thursday night this month. He arrived at seven forty-five in the evening, had a drink, and discussed monetary issues from eight till nine. At that time he would get up and leave without much hesitation. He was dealing illegal weapons, that she was sure of, but to whom was lost on both her and the Brotherhood. She’d love to delve into it deeper, spend more time watching and waiting, but she had direct orders that if he wasn’t dead within a week the job would be given to someone else. And then it would be downhill from there…she’d probably be sent out of the country on jobs, or perhaps out to spy, not even getting a proper knife.

Not that she needed one, necessarily; Alice was skilled in many different areas that were uncommon, making her the perfect killer. Those were her words, of course, certainly not the Grandmaster’s. How silly he thought she was, blending in like this, not simply going for the kill from a rooftop.

Brand, her target, was getting up, shaking hands with the man he’d been speaking to. Who would need illegal weapons, and where was he keeping them? Alice stared down at her lap as they walked out, waiting until he was out of sight before leaving, too. She knew his entire schedule by heart now, and was ready. Only problem was getting him alone, for she knew outside the bar door was a male bodyguard that looked just as sharp as his employer, following in Brand’s shadow every step of the way home. As much as she hated to admit it, muscle was not where her strengths lay, and she would rather avoid killing an innocent that was simply hired.

By the time she got outside onto the busy streets of New York, they were out of sight just as she wanted. It was just now getting dark on this summer day, a slight chill already in the air because of the wind. Well, it was a chill to her, but it wasn’t unusual for this woman to feel cold when others wouldn’t. Alice sighed and hugged the small sliver clutch in her hands against her stomach, heels clicking against the sidewalk as she decided to go straight to her apartment. It was late, and determining how she would do this particular job on her own would take some thinking. She’d ask for help, but she knew this job was given as a test against her arrogance and skill. Alice Fowler ask for help from someone in the Brotherhood? Never. She worked alone, and she’d made that quite clear to everyone in both body language and words. It made for lonely nights, but it was better to be atop a lonely mountain of promotions than in someone's arms wondering about your own potential, right?
Ethan Summers was standing on a corner Just south of some swanky club call The Cell in south manhattan waiting on the perfect mark to present his or herself. It had been a long and rather unproductive day, but with just the right mark he would have enough to find a cheap room so as not to sleep on the street.

This is how it had been for the last two years. When he left home at sixteen to avoid another beating for not mowing the lawn or cleaning up his room he had learned to beg for, borrow, and eventually steal the money or food that would sustain him in his running away. It hadn't always been like that, but after his mother had passed away three years prior his dad had found comfort in a bottle of Jack Daniels. He wouldn't only get drunk, he would get mean, and the punishments could be brutal. It had started as yelling and cursing, but then had escalated into beatings. The final straw was when his father decided to put a half pack of ciggaretts out on his upper arm. When his old man passed out, he packed as much as he could into a rucksack he had found in the garage, and he left. Even now, as the breeze blew through his brown hair, he wondered what had become of his dad.

It had been a long and hard trip from that small town in West Virginia to the big apple. it had taken him two weeks of hitch hiking and jumping trains but he had made it. It was a different world when he got here, but Ethan had always been a quick study and learning all of the ways to survive on the street had come fairly easy. Unlike other street rats, Ethan stayed away from the drugs and alcohol that abound, and would use the money he panhandled or stole to get a room at the Hav-A-Nap in Brooklyn. The woman who ran the place said that he reminded her of her son and would try to hold the same room for him as long as he had the cash.

He had learned over time that picking the pockets of tourists on the subway, would keep you fed, but you had to hustle everyday and after a while the transit cops would get to know you. Ethan had started hanging out in lower Manhattan near the financial district. He found that it was so much easier to snatch the wallet of a laywer or accountant trying to smooth talk an intern trying to flatback her way to a corner office, and usually the payoff was so much bigger. Those asshole always like to flash a lot of cash and with a few connections he had made, he could get thirty cents on the dollar for the credit cards.

Ethan found quickly that clothes were important. In order to get close to the mark, you had to fit in. You didn't have to wear a suit, but if you looked clean cut and smelled nice, the world was there for his taking. He had put a little money away in case things got tight or he had to run after picking the wrong guy's pocket, but his dream was to have a home of his own, and maybe one day....

He was snapped from his thoughts as he saw a man in the fancy talored suit leave the bar. He thought he had struck paydirt until he saw the ape that was following him. You didn't have to be a genious to know what security looked like and just as quickly as his hopes had risen, they were squashed. That was until the blonde in the teal dress walked out. She was stunning, and absolute beauty, but there was something out of place. Every hair was perfect and her body that of a goddess, but her walk, it just didn't fit. it wasn't that she seemed unsteady, but it was clear that she wasn't used to the heels. Ethan couldn't help but notice how they had accentuated her legs and shapely bottom, but this was definitely not her normal attire. She had her arms wrapped around her clutching that little silver purse and Ethan knew that within a few blocks, he would be holding tonight's rent.
Home, then sleep. Alice yawned behind her slender fingers, looking down at her hand after she lowered to back to her side. Her nails…that was probably a dead giveaway, how they were cut short, definitely not painted. Parkour just wasn’t possible with long, elegant nails. Gloves were best, but her old, brown leather ones wouldn’t exactly match the dress.

It was dark, and yet still no stars shined above. That was the thing about New York, no matter how many lights were on the streets still seemed eerie at night, and yet still no stars… Alice thought back, trying to remember the last time she’d seen a sky full of stars. Probably a few months back, when she went to visit her original home in Maine. Of course Alice had no idea how many stars were truly presented to one when outside the city, but to her she had. Nobody knows their missing on what they haven’t seen.

Instead of getting a taxi or taking the long way home Alice opted for cutting through a few alleyways, wishing she could take her shoes off, but not daring to. The streets were dirty, there was no way that was ever going to happen. She did, however, hike her dress up a few inches so longer strides could be taken, wanting to get home soon. Her cat needed to be fed, and she hadn’t been to the apartment all day.
Ethan followed her as she made her way down the back alleys instead of hailing a cab. 'Silly girl.' he thought as he watched her lift the hem of her dress up a bit. He was about twenty yards behind her, and the soft soles of his shoes made little of any noise as he tried to close the distance. There was a stretch coming up about fifty feet where the height of the buildings would swallow them both in shadow. He had never been a fan of the snatch and grab type of theft, there were too many variables, but it was late and he needed the money for a bed tonight.

He knew that she had the small purse in fron of her, but he had noticed that the little strap wasn't around her wrist. If he did it just right, he could grab her from behind and with a quick spin she would drop it. They always did. They would get this look about them when they saw his height and build, and they forget everything for just long enough. At five foot eleven and two hundred pounds, he could be quite scary looking in the dark. The darkness would hide his face and as fast as it would happen, there was little chance they could indentify him. The more resistant ones may hesitate, but with a deep growl of "Give me your money!" they always seemed to comply. Ethan was proud of he fact that he had never had to hurt anyone, especially those that didn't deserve it. However, he had to survive and when it came to a choice between them or him, he would do what he had too.

As she entered the shadow, he broke into a run. He was on her within seconds and his hands were on her shoulders.
"Give me your fuckin money!"
Nobody could sneak up on Alice Fowler. She was at an expert level, and hopefully soon to be master. Unfortunately she would then be at a rank high enough to train someone new in the Brotherhood. Alice just didn’t think teaching would be a talent of hers, since patience never seemed to be one either.

At any rate, she was just that good, especially compared to the type of woman this street rat thought he was jumping. So when she heard someone running toward her Alice’s eyes flickered down to her clutch. Usually a knife was kept on her thigh, but in this dress it would be too obvious. So, by the time Ethan reached her, Alice’s hand had already been in her bag and pulled out a larger size pocket knife. Just as he finished yelling her thumb flicked it open, and she skillfully turned to face him with a scowl on her face.

“Or what?” Alice hissed, using her arm to shove his off her shoulder and put a hand at the back of his neck, the other forcing the blade to his skin. The young man’s pulse was right beneath the knife, a few inches above his collarbone. She’d dropped the clutch, already holding it beneath her heel. What was unusual, however, were how there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She hadn’t heard him till he’d been just a few steps away…why was that? How had he been so quiet?

“What, you think you’re tough taking advantage of a woman? You use tough words and I’ll run screaming?” she continued. Alice didn’t seem to be in any hurry, a smirk now upon her lips. “What the crap is wrong with you, huh? You don’t get money if you’re not willing to work for it.” Her tone was stern, and it was obvious what her view on those living in the street was.
Everything changed in an instant. Ethan could already taste the smokey saltyness of the lo mein noodles he would pick up on his way to his room when it all went to shit. He had no more than just touched her shoulder and issued his command when she turned into him, batting his arms away and laying the cold edge of a knife against his throat. She launched into a tyrade extolling the virtue of hard work and earning his money, but all Ethan could think was that tonight was his last.

He bent his arms and turned his palms toward her showing his surrender.
"Look lady, I'm sorry. I just wanted your money, nobody has to get hurt here." Ethan said trying to explain.

Her eyes were cold, and calm. She didn't appear scared or angry as much as annoyed. He couldn't belive that of all the marks he could have picked, he chose the one using her sugar daddy's money for self protection classes. He thought about what all the guys at the subway station would say when they found out he got his ass kicked by the hot blonde in the tight dress with the nice ass. They would never let him live it down...if she let him live past right now.

He couldn't believe how fast she had reacted. He had been quiet, he knew he had, but it was like she was expecting him. His heart was pounding and beads of sweat were forming on his brow. She had his hair in her fist pulling his head back leaving his neck splayed to her whim. He was taller, and stronger, and he knew he could overpower her, but with the display of speed she had shown, he felt he would be dead before he even made a move.

"Look...just let me go. Keep your money, and I'll be on my way. No harm no foul...please."
“So you don’t think I need my money? Well by all means, why didn’t you just ask for it?” Her tone was like venom, her anger emphasized by tugs to his hair. All talk and no action, that figures. Alice was tall for a 22 year old woman, standing at 5’9, but still didn’t appear to be at a size that could take down this man. And yet here he was, cowering beneath her hands.

“Please…please. Has that word ever worked for you?” The knife pressed along his neck just enough to draw a thin line of blood, and hopefully a cry from the young male. “If I had begged, cried, would you have backed off? Preying on women, makes me sick.” At that moment she lowered her knife hand and kneed her attacker right in the groin. Assuming he would fall to his knees she let go, holding the knife back again. “Nobody gets to touch me. Got it?”

If he tried to get up she would shake her head, stepping toward enough to put a firm grip on his shoulders. “You’re not going anywhere until I say so.” Another moment of hesitation passed before she bent over, picking up the small purse she’d dropped earlier and kept beneath her heel. “Though I have to say, I’m happy to see you’re not pointing a gun at girls, which is why I’m giving you this.” With a look of boredom she pulled out fifteen dollars, holding her hand down for him to take it. “I know you’ll probably go spend it on booze or something, and I’ll be out fifteen bucks, but I’ll probably feel guilty later if I don’t, and that’s just silly. I don’t do guilt trips. It's at least enough for a dinner if you're not stupid.” Alice put her hands on her hips, still fingering the knife. “If I see you again, I’ll break your nose.” It was a clear, absolute statement, and nothing less.
She only seemed to get angrier. She had tightened her grip on hs hair and he felt the sting as the blade broke the flesh of his neck. He winced at the pain and began to wonder if this was it, if this was how it would end. Would the NYPD find his body, cold and bloddy in this alley tomorrow morning? The choices that he had made to end up here flashed before his eyes and painted a picture of a wasted existance , preying on others.

She began berating him for his plea to be let go. She pulled harder before shoving her knee into his balls. Wit a loud groan he collapsed to the ground and grabbed his groin. The pain and nausea coursed through his body and he was barely able to hear her continue.
“Nobody gets to touch me. Got it?” she spat as he writhed on the ground. He was taking large gulps of air and as he bagan to become accustomed to the pain, his anger started to flair. he hadn't planned on hurting her, but he hadn't planned on humiliating her either. He pounded a fist on the ground and started to rise before she kicked him back down.
“You’re not going anywhere until I say so...” she said. She picked up her purse and then reached inside, Ethan had visions of some tiny small caliber derringer or something getting set to ventilate his forehead.

Instead, her hand came out with some money. “...though I have to say, I’m happy to see you’re not pointing a gun at girls, which is why I’m giving you this. I know you’ll probably go spend it on booze or something, and I’ll be out fifteen bucks, but I’d probably feel guilty later if I didn’t, and that’s just silly. I don’t do guilt trips. It's at least enough for a dinner if you're not stupid. If I see you again, I’ll break your nose.”

Ethan sat there, looking at her in disbelief. She had nerve thinking that she knew anything about him. Yeah, he was a thief, but no charity case. He had never hurt anyone during his tenure, and his mind that elevated his lifestyle to work, of sorts.

He made it to his feet, and brushed himself off. "Keep your fucking money! I may be a thief, but i am no goddamned charity case.! You got the best of me, good for you, but let me tell you something, these are MY streets, this is MY world! You see me again, you better have more than that knife and some YWCA karate to protect that sweet ass of yours!"
He turned and started to walk away, when he reconsidered. "Let me give you a little lesson about the people on the street. We all don't drink or do drugs, some us are here trying to escape that life. You don't know me, so before you run that suck of yours about where I am going and what I do, remember the next asshole might have a knife too."

He spit, before turning once again and heading for home.
Alice couldn’t believe what she was listening to. After Ethan ran off she was left staring after him, eyes wide with surprise. Being on the streets, it had to be his own fault, right? He didn’t work to find a job, or maybe he spent it on silly things. That was how this worked, she was sure of it. Hard work meant getting what you wanted.

Such as the fact that she would work her butt off to get the next promotion, and then the next. Alice shook her head, getting rid of the dumbfounded look on her face and shoving the money back into her clutch. How rude…using such language and then spitting. He was a dog, thinking he owned the streets. Well, she owned the streets and the skys above it, so there.

Alice knew her attitude was slightly childish, but still she didn’t let it go. He was the child in this, not her. With a glare in his direction, though the man was gone, she turned back around and made her way back home, not caring how loud or graceless her steps were.


The next few days were as stressful than ever. While still dealing with her current job, another was put into her lap, and more than one at once was a new experience for her. But Alice told herself she could handle it, and she would. No problem…it was something necessary to learn, and she was old enough and talented enough to take it on. By Monday evening, just as she sun was setting over the beautiful skyline, Alice was just leaving her favorite coffee shop with a large cup in hand. It’d been a long day, and she still couldn’t get a good hit on her target and had no idea how to get him alone for it.

“Come on Alice…you can figure this out.” The woman took a drink, lazily making her way down the sidewalk in her normal street clothes, this time. Her legs were clad in ripped jeans, feet in tennis shoes. Her top was a simple tank that hung loosely over her shoulders and bra. Her hair was thrown up in that ‘I don’t give a care’ way, which was just the way she felt.
Half of a week had gone by since Ethan had met the 'Battery Park Vigilante' as he had come to think of her. Saving the day, one perp at a time. Righting the wrongs brought forth on the innocent by the lowly street urchins of New York, all the way illuminating the path to self worth with her 'work for a living' mantra. Everytime that he thought about her his brow would forrow and the cut on his neck would itch. She had been so quick and strong, and had been so sure and fearless. She had man handled him like it was nothing, all while wearing that tight teal dress, blode hair flowing as she turned. Her crystal blues eyes, had been cold, and steady, yet mezmerizing. Ethan shook his head trying to rid himself of the thoughts of her. She had humiliated him, and cut him, and he was done with pain.

He was walking down Canal Street on his way to grab a coffee, when he flet hands on his shoulders and he was thrown back against the wall of an alley. His head bounced off of the brick before just before a fist slammed into his stomach doubling him over.

"Hello Ethan, how have you been?" a familar growl rung in his pounding head.

Ethan looked up to see Randall Pace standing with two fo his goons smiling at him. Ethan had met Randall when he first came to New York. He ran a crew on the east side, and he was ruthless and brutal. He wan't a thief, he was a thug, and he wanted everyone in his gang to be the same. If you didn't give them what they wanted, they would take it and send you to the hospital if you were lucky. Ehan had never needed to be violent, he was fast, and quiet, and smart. The other guys had taken to calling him "Silk" because he was so smooth. Randall didn't care for Ethan's tactics and eventually caused him to leave.

"Randall...it's been a while." Ethan said as he made his way to his feet. "What are you doing here?"

"Just in the neighborhood. You've had it pretty easy down here for a while, thought you could stand some competition."

"But you have all of upper Manhattan, I have stayed away..." he never got to finish as another blow to the midsection sent him to the ground.

"You RAN away, you fucking pussy. Well, I'm here now and there looks to be plenty of low hanging fruit for us to get."

Ethan groaned trying not to throw up. He tried to struggle to his feet, but Randall kicked him in the ribs causing him to shout out in pain. 'Dear God, not again.' he thought as another boot went to his chest.
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The last thing Alice expected to see this morning was a fight. That sort of thing normally happened at night, but apparently whoever started this one thought being in the shadows of an alley was good enough. Hearing the sounds of someone in pain the woman paused, looking around to try and find the source of the noise.

Great. What now? Alice sighed, peeking around the corner to see a young man getting pounded by some idiot and his friends. He looked familiar…did she know him? Alice pulled back against the wall and out of sight, trying to remember how she knew him. Oh…right, the guy from the other night! Did he try and steal from these boys? Surely not, he didn’t look that stupid. Then what was this about?

Alice looked around again, decided to watch before making a move to intervene. She needed to know who the ‘bad guy’ was here, maybe it wasn’t even her place to help…
"Get him up!" Ethan heard Randall bark to his minions. He felt himself being lifted to his knees and a hand grabbed his hair and pulled his head back roughly. He could hardly catch his breath, and the pain in his chest caused his eyes to water, blurring his vision.

"Listen up you little shit..." he heard Randall hiss. "This can go one of two ways. First you can come back to work for me. Only this time, you will be on a very tight leash until you can prove to be a loyal earner. Or, the second option is that you spend the next six weeks slurping applesauce through a straw, with a broken face. I'll give you a minute to decide."

Ethan tried to concentrate so he could weigh his options. He didn't want to go back to work for Randall, but he didn't want to end up in the ICU either. His breathing was starting to slow, but the pain in his chest seared through him with every breath. He thought he may be able to take Randall by himself, but the two goons he had with him would beat him down before he had a chance.

Still, he knew what it would be like if he joined his crew. He would be forced to earn at any cost, beating up the elderly, and young, men and women, to make sure he met his quota for the day. Randall would control all of the money and he would live off of scraps left over from his lieutenants. As he thought about it more and more, the ICU didn't sound so bad.

"FUCK YOU!" he shouted as he tried to lunge at his captor, before a fist impacted his jaw.
Wow…the kid that attacked her (if you could really call that an attack) didn’t seem so bad anymore. Who would want to work for this idiot, anyway? She didn’t blame him one bit, he seemed horrible. She knew life on the streets was hard, but why did this surprise her so much? It made sense that they were territorial, and brutal about it too.

That was it, Alice couldn’t just stand here and watch him get beat up. It was three against one, and Alice couldn’t just walk away. The woman rolled her eyes, reaching for the gun on her side, hidden beneath her shirt. “Hey!” she yelled to get their attention, deciding a gunshot would be a little over dramatic. But the weapon was pointed right at Randall’s head. “Get off my boy, will you?” she said, though it was more of a demand than a question. “He’s working for me, so I know this breaks everybody’s heart, but you can’t touch him. And if any of you moves an inch closer to him or me, I’ll shoot all three of you. Come on, it’ll be fun…”
Everyone stopped and looked at the source of the voice. Ethan's eye was swollen and his vision was till a bit blurry, but he could make out the slim form and blonde hair. His mind raced back to a few nights ago, and the recognition made his heart sink.

It was her, the vigilante form the other night, and this time, she had a gun. Just when he had thought that things couldn't get any worse, she showed up. She had seemed to be taking his side, but that might just have been to save him for herself.

The two men holding Ethan, letting him fall to the ground in a heap. They moved to flank Randall as she pointed the gun at his head.

"Well well well boys, looks like Ethan has a girlfriend, and she likes to play with guns." Randall said with that sly arrogant tone he used with the members of his crew.

"Now you might want to be careful with that missie...we wouldn't want you to mess up that pretty face of yours."

Ethan had thought about telling Randall to leave her alone; that this was between the two of them. However, before he could open his mouth, the woman set into her stance and racked the slide on her pistol.
“Kid, I’m not big on killing people unless I’m getting paid,” Alice sighed as her gun clicked in her hands, the safety clearly off and the weapon ready to shoot. “So how about I teach you to leave us alone without it.”

Yet as she walked forward, thanks to a small nod from Randall, one of the shorter boys came forward with fists up. Alice sighed, tilting her gun down a little before pulling the trigger. It was almost silent, the weapon definitely not being something you could buy in stores. The boy immediately fell to the ground screaming, his fingers gripping a bleeding ankle. While she’d been distracted by him Randall came behind her, attempting to wrap an arm around her waist and grab the gun with his other hand.

Alice narrowed her eyes, twirling around and hitting his upper arm with her elbow before twisting her leg to knock the back of his knees. “You really are dense,” she hissed, and once Randall was on his knees she slammed the handle of the gun against his head, knocking the man out. His body fell limp to the ground, both her hands on the gun as it was pointed right at his bleeding head.

It’d all happened so fast, the boys were armatures in her eyes and could barely touch her skin, much less bruise it. “How you doin’, shrimp?” she called to Ethan, despite him being bigger than she was.
Everything happened so fast. Minion one had decided to move toward the woman at Randall's order. Seconds later, he was screaming his regret, lying on the ground with blood oozing from his now perforated ankle. Randall had tried to take her down but soon felt that same kind of regret as she took his knees out from under him, then knocked him out with the butt of her pistol.

Minion two had taken his mind off of Ethan to go and help Randall. Ethan sprung forward and caught him in the midsection with his shoulder driving into the opposite wall of the alley. Minion two collapsed to the ground and Ethan kicked him in the chin knocking him out cold.

“How you doin’, shrimp?” he heard the woman call to him.

Ethan turned to look at her. She had put the pistol away and was standing there with this look that bordered between amusement and boredom.

"Depends, you come here to give me another economics lesson? 'Cause I could really use a bandage."
Despite wanting to give off her usual tough, above everything around her kind of air, Alice couldn’t help but laugh at his snide remark. “No, I really am here to help. I know, I’m surprised too,” she sighed, looking him over. “And it seems you’re in luck.” Alice, after digging around in her messenger bag for a few seconds, pulled out a wrap of white bandage.

“Sit, let me look at that eye,” she sighed, kicking a cardboard box for them to sit on fairly comfortably. Leaning over she put a hand to his forehead, biting the inside of her cheek. “Ah…ouch. I have to say though, you can stand up for yourself, huh?” He had potential, probably more than she’d like to admit to him out loud. He seemed like the type to get a big head over it. “Look, we really should put some ice on that. I wasn’t doing anything in particular, just grabbing coffee, going for a walk. How about we head to my place and get you fixed up. If I have something in my fridge we can grab lunch, too. You deserve it after dealing with that idiot. Come on, it’s not charity, it’s two people talking and cleaning up after a fight.”

The boy she shot was groaning, not even paying attention to the only two still able to walk.

If he accepts Alice would smile, putting the gun back in the holster beneath her shirt. “That idiot…” The boy she shot was groaning and crying loudly, not even paying attention to the only two still able to walk. “Here. Use my cell and all the police when we get a few blocks away, make sure he gets to a hospital. Why were they picking on you, anyway?”
“No, I really am here to help. I know, I’m surprised too...and it seems you’re in luck.” she said with a chuckle as she reached into her bag.

Ethan watched her anxiously but then took a relaxing breath as she pulled out a bandage.

She kicked a box that had been laying in the alley over toward him, “Sit, let me look at that eye,” She put her hand on his forehead and leaned his head back to get a better look at the damage, “Ah…ouch. I have to say though, you can stand up for yourself, huh?”

Ethan winced as she tried to clean some of the blood from his face. He wasn't sure how bad he looked, but if how he felt was any indication, he was in pretty bad shape.

“Look, we really should put some ice on that. I wasn’t doing anything in particular, just grabbing coffee, going for a walk. How about we head to my place and get you fixed up. If I have something in my fridge we can grab lunch, too. You deserve it after dealing with that idiot. Come on, it’s not charity, it’s two people talking and cleaning up after a fight.”

He thought about her offer for a moment. She was offering to clean him up, and feed him lunch after she saved his ass? His street sense told him, hat it sounded too good to be true, but then again, if she wanted him dead, she had ample opportunity to kill him. Add to the fact that even in her casual state of dress, she was knock out.

"Sounds good, Help me up and let's get out of here." he said wincing as he tried to stand on his own.

When they were up and walking she handed him a phone and told him to call the cops when they were a few blocks away. She started asking about who they were and Ethan began to tell her the whole story about working for Randall, and then striking out on his own. Ethan was shocked at how easily he found it to talk to her. She was different then any other woman that he had ever met. It was like she understood about survival and violence. As he recounted all of the things that had caused him to leave Randall's crew, she never flinched once. Ethan didn't know who she was, but it was clear they had more in common than either one knew right now.

It seemed like forever, but after a good walk, she had him sitting at her table as she cleaned up his face.

"So...where did you learn to fight like that, and where did you get that gun? Who are you?"
Alice couldn’t believe how the day had gone. Before they went inside Alice had decided what they would eat depended on how the walk went. If it was pleasant, she would cook, if not…it was frozen waffles with a little bit of sausage.

It seemed Ethan was in luck. By the time they reached her apartment she was looking at him in awe, appalled by what he had to put up with the past few years of his life. Alice cooked fries and hamburgers she’d been thawing in the fridge, though she apologized for only having a few toppings. “With it only me here, I don’t keep a lot of that kind of thing around,” she explained, laying everything out on the table with a pitcher of sweet tea. Ethan would then feel something at his ankles- Alice’s cat, black with a white nose and paws. “Oh, well me and Mittens. He’s the man that’s stuck by my side thought thick and thin. Aren’t ya, Mitts?” she laughed, picking the cat up and snuggling him against her chest. Her hardened exterior seemed to melt away at just the sight of her pet.

“I’m going to get changed. Feel free to load your plate up with as much as you want,” she said, setting the animal down who immediately went to his own food bowl. A few minutes later the woman came back in the same shirt, but cloth white shorts that left none of her curves to the imagination.

At his question Alice paused, about to take her first bite. “I…” Was there really harm in telling him? Of course there could be, but he seemed so friendly…definitely not an enemy. After all, she’d come to help him, what could he do to her? “I’m a paid assassin. So there. I’m not alone, of course, so don’t think you can use that against me…I have ears all over this city. But we’re a group that gets hired, and let me tell you, I’m good at it.” Alice started eating the fries, one by one between speaking. “Though I am stuck on my current job…but not what we’re talking about. I’ve been training since I was little…I could go on forever, but it’s kind of boring,” Alice said quickly, looking from him to her plate. Talking to him really was too easy, because she hadn’t been lying, Alice felt like she could go on and on to this man. She didn’t talk to anyone for more than five minutes…why had things changed?

“How long have you been in New York? Personally I’ve been in the area my whole life…not the city exactly, but around it,” she went on, trying to change the subject. “You don’t really seem like you’re from around here. I can’t put my finger on it, though.”
Ethan sat there a minute unsure of how to respond. Her admission of being a paid killer had him looking for an exit, yet he sat still. If that is what she did for a living, then why was he alive? If she had wanted him dead he would be, but instead, they were having lunch. At last he just decided to roll with it. He was hurt, and hungry, and the burgers and tea were going down easily. Not to mention the fact that the shorts she was wearing had captured his attention completly, her question about his origin snapped him out of his fantasy.

"I'm from a small town in north central West Virginia. Things had gotten...unpleasant at home, so I left." he said as he mindlessly ran a hand over the scars on his arm.

"I've been here for a few years, just living on what I could take, and panhandle. There is a motel uptown that lets me have a room if I can pay some rent. The woman that runs it says I remind her of her son, so she helps me out."

He took a sip of tea and another bite of his burger. Eyeing her reaction at his story.

"I never hurt anyone though, I never had to. That's why I left Randall's crew, he's a fucking savage. I had never even had a confrontation until...well you. I hadn't had a very good day and I needed money for rent that night, so I thought you would be an easy mark. My bad."

They ate in silence for a bit. the fear that he had felt earlier had disappered and was replaced with a burning curiosity.

"So how did you become a killer? You just do it for the money, or do you like...get off on it or something?"
“Ethan…” Alice wasn’t quite sure what to say. Would someone like him ignore sympathy? Probably, but she still had that look in her eyes that she felt sorry for him. What could have possibly happened with his family that he needed to move all the way up here? And to her it showed so much character and independence that he was willing to go out on his own before hurting anyone. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I was already frustrated, and to have somebody pick on me just because he’s bigger…it didn’t set well,” she sighed, continuing to eat.

At his question she couldn’t help but laugh, despite having just taken a bite. “You’re funny,” she smirked after swallowing with a roll of her eyes. “No, I don’t get off to it! I suppose it runs in the family, my father is in the society.” More like in charge of it within New York, but she wasn’t going to mention that. “But I just…I want to make a difference, and this is how I do it. I’m good at what I do, and there are people out there that just don’t deserve to live, even if the government or police don’t notice them. I see it as making the world a better place…I don’t just go after burglars or people on the street, Ethan, those aren’t my targets. I take jobs for those that are posing a real threat…maybe they’re smuggling in dangerous weapons for something bigger than either of us, or killing people themselves and are on the wrong side. Or people that are kidnapping kids, or- oooh, I’ll take those jobs first. Horrible people,” she muttered, eyes narrowing as she stared down at the table.

“Course I might be out of a job by next week,” she laughed weakly, looking at him again. “I can’t get this guy alone to get the job done…he always has a body guard with him- the guy’s hired, doesn’t know a thing that’s going on, and I don’t have the heart to kill him. My target, however, I’m itching to get to…just don’t know how.” Alice paused, looking Ethan over. Maybe if she played her cards right he could help…maybe. It was better than asking somebody she actually knew. Besides, he could use the payment.

“Do I scare you? I mean this- does it all scare you. That I carry a gun with me at all times, a knife in my purse, and could throw it across the room and hit any target dead on. You can leave, if you’re nervous. I won’t bother you again.” Alice got up, cleaning up the table and putting a few dishes away. “But if not…I could use some help thinking of a way to work this out. The pay would be worth your time, I promise.”
Ethan chuckled a bit. "Nah, the gun doesn't bother me. I am from West Virginia, the patron state of shooting stuff. The knife thing is cool too, but I have seen guys as old as the hills split playing cards with tomahawks."

In truth, he was a bit nervous. It wasn't everyday that you break bread with a killer. However, as he thought about it, it wouldn't be any different than sitting across form a politician; and at least she knew the people that she killed. Still, he had always had a thing about taking a life. He had hunted since he was old enough to walk, but to him animals were different, and he had never done it just for sport, he had always taken the meat.

"So why do you have to get the guy alone? If you had a decent rifle and knew how to shoot, you take the guy out from a thousand yards out or better. He would be on the ground before anyone heard the shot. Easy peezy, really. Heck at five hundred yards you wouldn't even have to be that great of a shot, you wouldn't have to worry about wind, ballistics, none of that."
Alice immediately flushed, putting the leftovers in the fridge so she wouldn’t have to look at him. “I um…I’m not great at long distance stuff.” Why was something so simple so difficult to say? Because he’d called it ‘easy-peasy’? “But if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you, okay?” the woman added, walking to him now with her hands on her hips. “So while that may be easy for you, I can’t do it, and I’m not asking you to kill someone for me. I know most people have a moral dilemma with that, or whatever,” she murmured, going to her bedroom and expecting him to follow as she kept talking.

“So since I’d rather die than ask for help from the rest of the Brotherhood, I have to get him alone. Unless you have a better idea,” she said, slipping out of her shorts and searching for the jean’s she’d taken off earlier. Alice obviously wasn’t shy around him. “Oh- kinda rude of me, I forgot to ask- if you want to use the shower or something, feel free. Heck, if you help me figure this one out you can take my bedroom for all I care, I’m sick of stressing out over this one…I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I usually get things done within a week…” Alice trailed off, biting her lip. “Hope I haven’t lost it or something.”
“I um…I’m not great at long distance stuff...." she told him and he could see that admitting that was upsetting. It was clear that she had always thought of herself as capable, but in this one area, she apparently hadn't exceled. "...but if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you, okay?"

"So while that may be easy for you, I can’t do it, and I’m not asking you to kill someone for me. I know most people have a moral dilemma with that, or whatever,” she said with a hint of anger as she stomped off into another room away from the kitchen.

She had kept on speaking, but he couldn't make out what she was saying, so he got up from the table and followed her. He walked through a doorway at the end of the hall into what he guessed was her bedroom. He hadn't given any thought to how it may be drcorated, but as he took a quick look around he figured that it fit her. Everything was neat and tidy. There were no family pictures on the walls or setting on her dresser. The bed was made and other than a bedside lamp and an alarm clock, there were few other decorative features to the furniture. His head scanned the room eventually turning to see her bent over and sliding her shorts over that perfect ass that he had taken notice of sice he first saw her.

She was wearing a black thong and the thin material in the back disappeared between her tight round cheeks. He was dumbfounded. It wasn't that he had never seen a woman's ass before, athough few had been this perfect, but with the nature of how they met and their conversation up until now, he had never imagined he would actually get to view hers.

“So since I’d rather die than ask for help from the rest of the Brotherhood, I have to get him alone. Unless you have a better idea,” she said snapping him out of his daydream.

“Oh- kinda rude of me, I forgot to ask- if you want to use the shower or something, feel free. Heck, if you help me figure this one out you can take my bedroom for all I care."

Ethan thought about this for a moment, a shower sounded pretty good now, and as he watched her wiggle into her jeans, he thought it should be a cold one.

" I’m sick of stressing out over this one…I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I usually get things done within a week…hope I haven’t lost it or something.”

His mind was racing. In the last hour, everything had changed. He found out she was a paid killer, talked a little shop, she had saved his ass and he had gotten to see hers, and now he was going to use her shower and she had mentioned something about her bedroom. His mind was reeling, and without thinking he peeled off his t-shirt and tossed it on the carpet before starting to unbutton his jeans. He figured, that if she was comfortable enough with him to undress, then why shoule he be shy, he had nothing he was ashamed of.

"I think I might have an idea how I can help you and me at the same time. Let me grab a quick shower and I will tell you my idea...unless you would like to discuss it..." he never finished his thought, he just looked toward the door of the bathroom.

He looked back to her and decided that maybe it wouldn't be too smart to try to push things with his new friend the assassin, so he just slid off his jeans and socks and headed toward the shower. He had just made it through the door when he turned his head to catch her eye.

"You can get a rifle if you need one right?"
As soon as his shirt came off Alice’s muscles went stiff, her eyes trailing down to where his fingers now worked at the button on his jeans. What the hell, who did he think he was? Course she’d started it, maybe he was just seeing how she’d react. It was just…she’d always been causal about getting a man to do a double take, get him wanting more. But that was it, Alice never let it get further than wanting more. Since she was all flirt and talk nobody had ever gone home with her from the bar or club, much less taken their clothes off in front of her.

Alice wanted to scowl at him, hate him for playing her own game. But he looked so different than the men she’d been with before. A lot of the men in the Brotherhood were either scrawny so they could excel in climbing and parkour or all muscle to overcome their target in battle. Neither were something Alice looked for in a male. Ethan, however…the sight made her want to melt, and that angered her even more. He certainly had muscle from his life on the streets, taking care of himself, but nothing over the top…she loved it. Thought the light was dim she was pretty sure she could even see a few marks from fights, making her want a closer look.

"I think I might have an idea how I can help you and me at the same time. Let me grab a quick shower and I will tell you my idea...unless you would like to discuss it..."

And then the jeans came off. The young woman could already feel her insides throbbing, her mind silently begging her body to stop reacting. The last thing she wanted to do was change panties just because she saw the man almost naked. It was pathetic. Then again, how long had it been…? She couldn’t even remember the last time she let a man tough her- the girl was too stubborn, too prideful to let someone take her like that. All they wanted was a one night stand and to leave in the morning- it just wasn’t her style. Pleasing herself, on the other hand…that would apparently need to be taken care of soon because she refused to act this way around him.

Her eyes trailed down to the boxer briefs, the only thing left covering him. Oh, and was there something there. Her mind wandered to what he might look like at full length, and once again she cursed herself for wondering even for a moment. Well two can play at this game, and she would stand her ground no matter what. He would be the first to break, and the she could deny him what he needed just as she did with every other male. Alice reached up, realizing from the warmth of her cheek that she was blushing. Damn.

“Yes, I can get ahold of whatever weapon I need. And sorry you’re a little late- I’ve already showered this morning. But if you’d really like to discuss then I’m going to get some more coffee and we can talk.” With that Alice turned on the spot and headed for the kitchen, her shirt barely covering an inch of her bottom. Angry for making her blush Alice hoped his eyes were on her bare bottom, as if this were some type of payback. The thong was barely visible at his point, the string hidden between her cheeks.

A minute later Alice came back into the bedroom with a mug of coffee in her hands, her green hues going to her drawer of toys. What she’d give to have five minutes to herself right now. With a gasp Alice’s hands tightened around the cup, eyes closing. The pent up sexual frustration was getting to her and the juices that had been inside her were slipping through. Honestly she was always wet, so it didn’t take much to get that part of her going. “Shit,” Alice whispered, pressing her legs together and praying it wasn’t visible. “Hurry up with that shower, I want to know what the hell you’re thinking.” Hurry up so she could get dressed without looking like she couldn’t handle a half-dressed man…