What we really need!

Neurons misfire. Hormones and regulator chemicals become imbalanced.

Personality disorders emerge.

I don't see what this has to do with stigmata, or other supernatural type stuff.

Unless you believe in demonic possession.
Is to openly talk about mental illness and remove the stigma.:rose:

Nonsense. Our nutjobs need brands on their foreheads alerting people.

Mental illness is an alternative lifestyle for most patients. You getta disability check and really interesting friends to hang with. And if your weekend sux you can always call 911 for a ride to the crisis center, then go home with a new friend.
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It will be a long, long time before mental illness is finally accepted as not being somehow shameful.
I developed severe Post Natal Depression after my last child was born, exacerbated by the trauma of my brother dying soon afterward.
Even my family gave me the advice to 'suck it up' and 'get over it'!
After many doctor visits, we discovered that my hormones had switched off, which is what triggered it all in the first place. I had hormone replacement therapy for 12 months till my body righted itself, which helped enormously.