What was the absolute worst movie you ever saw in a theater?


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
Spinning off my wildly popular "first R-rated movie you ever saw" thread, what was the absolute worst movie you ever paid good money to see in a movie theater?

For me, it was probably 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was young, and probably expecting something along the lines of Star Wars.

Tell us your "WTF did I just watch?" movies....:)

* Stuff on TV doesn't count...you had to have seen it in a theater
Some movie shot locally. There was a big deal made about the production company picking the area. That was probably 30 yrs ago and I have no idea about the name of the movie.
The fucking Titanic...so hyped up then I got there and it was a lame disaster/romance with an extra side of cheese and a wtf bullshit ending.

Then there was The Notebook....hype hype hype...dull as all fuck...stupid as fuck too.
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a tie between valentine with that dumb lump of meat from angel and bones and one those idiotic scary movies. i can't remember which one. it's not like it fucking matters. both helped me realize that my friends at the time were fucking morons because those were not my choices.
Some movie shot locally. There was a big deal made about the production company picking the area. That was probably 30 yrs ago and I have no idea about the name of the movie.

Made a HUGE impression on you, obviously! :D
Toss up and for stupid reasons I'm sure one is hands down worse than the other.

It's either

Lady in the Water, but halfway through my then girlfriend thought I deserved a handjob and. . .yeah it just escalated from there in a nearly empty theater. Sure I saw most of it but quite a bit of it was over her shoulder. (Holy shit how have I never made THAT a story. I'm deeply retarded. :( )

or White Noise, but at some point I remembered I had a gameboy in my pocket and my Pikachu finished training himself to be the pure electric bad ass that strikes fear into the hearts of my enemies.
Transformers...... yea that was a piece of shit.

200 Motels with Frank Zappa and Ringo. But it was a drive-in on a double date.
Savages....that was one stupid movie! I can't believe Selma Hayek, John Travolta, etc took a role in that movie. And Oliver Stone? Really? What happened?
HOPE FLOATS. Sandra Bulloch.
I renamed it, SHIT FLOATS.
Crybaby with Johnny Depp.

Made worse by the fact I didn't want to go, but the girl I was dating was dying to see it.

It was the worst "main stream" movie I have ever seen.
I've seen I don't know many low budget horror and sci fi movies in the theater that would have been straight to home video had that existed at the time. Can't remember the names of many of them.
In terms of big budget studio films that should have known better I'd say probably The Postman. I mean seriously, what the fuck was that?
Crybaby with Johnny Depp.

Made worse by the fact I didn't want to go, but the girl I was dating was dying to see it.

It was the worst "main stream" movie I have ever seen.

Not even the worst John Waters movie.
You people need to get out more.
If that's the worst you've ever seen in a theater then you're doing better than most. It's not even the worst super hero movie. Not even close.

Cat Woman is the worst Super Hero movie ever made.

At least that hit the big screen

Roger Corman's low budget disaster of the Fantastic Four was much worse, but never releases to theaters. But you can get it on dvd.
I've seen I don't know many low budget horror and sci fi movies in the theater that would have been straight to home video had that existed at the time. Can't remember the names of many of them.
In terms of big budget studio films that should have known better I'd say probably The Postman. I mean seriously, what the fuck was that?

Since you mentioned Postman that reminded me of Waterworld that had way to big of a budget to flop like it did.
try the first captain america or dolf lundgren as the punisher. they're right up there with the fantastic four movie.
The fucking Titanic...so hyped up then I got there and it was a lame disaster/romance with an extra side of cheese and a wtf bullshit ending.

Then there was The Notebook....hype hype hype...dull as all fuck...stupid as fuck too.

The Notebook was awful. Awful movie, awful book, just fucking awful. Shameless in its attempted exploitation of the audience.

Titanic is a technical marvel. I don't really care for Cameron but the man knows how to make movies. He just doesn't know how to write them.
try the first captain america or dolf lundgren as the punisher. they're right up there with the fantastic four movie.

What's the one with Billy Zane in the purple suit? That one sucked and I saw it in the theater.
I'd say The Shadow, too because it's not very good at all but it's sort of a guilty pleasure of mine. No idea why.