What was that about them dirty thieving librools stealin' blood from youngins'?


Dec 31, 2009

Peter Thiel's blood harvesting was tried by the Soviets a century ago ...

https://timeline.com › peter-thiels-blood-harvesting-was-tried-by-the-soviets-a-century-ago-af331ee99945
Donald Trump isn't the only one taking cues from Russia lately. Peter Thiel, the PayPal and Palantir co-founder whose unabashed support for Trump has unsettled some Silicon Valley leaders, also seems to be looking to the former Soviet Union for ideas.. Inc. magazine has reported that Thiel's latest pet project is an anti-aging technology called parabiosis, a form of blood transfusion that ...

Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood

https://www.inc.com › jeff-bercovici › peter-thiel-young-blood.html
Speaking of weird and unsavory, if there's one thing that really excites Thiel, it's the prospect of having younger people's blood transfused into his own veins

Are Rich People Already Infusing Themselves With Young Blood? - VICE

https://www.vice.com › en › article › kbwxme › are-rich-people-already-infusing-themselves-with-young-blood
Thiel's people have expressed interest in one, by a firm called Ambrosia, which is currently recruiting 600 people to receive injections of 16-to-25-year-olds' blood. These studies, and Thiel and ...