What the hell is a WACC story?


Literotica Guru
Aug 12, 2002
Lots of acronyms in LW (I know that one), but what the hell is WACC? I'm sure it has something to do with cuckholdry as Anonymous goes insane when using the term, but I have yet to figure it out.

I've only heard this term when children and sexual abuse has been brought up. Something about the proper age of consent. I'm not sure though.
Thanks, Payday. I googled WACC besides searching Lit, but nothing relevant turned up. That's got to be it, because, as I said, the Anonymous commenters froth at the mouth when they use it. That's the only reason they even comment.

I stand guilty of writing a story or two that was reviewed as WACC. I was pretty sure it wasn't complimentary.
Actually it is complementary because they like it when someone describes them. :rolleyes:

See the weirdest thing happened, they get off on being that above thingy, but don't want to admit it so they come here and read the stories and get off because their woman if she even talks to him won't let him get off any other way. ;)
Thanks, Payday.

I stand guilty of writing a story or two that was reviewed as WACC. I was pretty sure it wasn't complimentary.

Welcome. :)

I wouldn't worry about it. It will get labeled 'cuck' any time a wife sleeps around when she's married, even if the husband disapproves and fights back. The second he finds out and doesn't murder her: BAM, labeled.

I wrote a story that was not, (not really) and I got hit with it anyway. No biggie.