What the fuck is this about?

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
Don't try to make any attorney-client relationship where it don't exist:
**Legal Disclaimer.......I am not giving any legal advice nor assistance by posting my own opinion to any thread or answering any PM....**

Wouldnt most posts be your own opinion?

Its always good to be sure to be a lawyer before a person. I bet you use the Esquire too.
dude, you've been away too long. i'm sure there are more competent researchers who will dredge up the thread, but Siren got abused for giving her opinion on some point that had legal connotations, being accused of malpractice or something equally ridiculous.

ya had to be there.
Alright but one person says as a lawyer she must be uber-correct in the law and she has this reaction?

Must be a ot more to it than that.

Pretty wack-ass sig statement.
i think its meant to mean how i read it that her opinion that she gives on threads on literotica shouldn't be taken as legal advice

someone had previous threatened to sue siren for giving legal advice when all she was doing was giving her opinion so thats why the disclaimer ... actually there for a serious reason
modest mouse said:
Alright but one person says as a lawyer she must be uber-correct in the law and she has this reaction?

Must be a ot more to it than that.

Pretty wack-ass sig statement.

Well, good to know you're not going to be overly judgemental about something that really doesn't concern you, or anything :rolleyes:

Thanks for the response Siren.

I will not claim to know the situation and do not need to but if you had reason to save yourself grief then you have the right to do so. My understanding is up to date but forgive me if it still seems odd.

How much of an attorney-client relationship could possibly be formed? (I'm not deriding your decision but am curious.)

I agree about the Esquire.
peachykeen said:

Well, good to know you're not going to be overly judgemental about something that really doesn't concern you, or anything :rolleyes:
he's a mixer, peachy. a beloved sometimes literotician, but a mixer, nonetheless.
I never saw your post until i had already posted.
Siren said:
You know, I find this very disingenious of you. Obviously you just want to bash me. Have at it. The second quote came from the same incident, why dont you comment on that too?

Not sure how this is disingenious. I did find that statement to be rather ridiculous.

If I wanted to bash you I would do so outright.

The second quote is just a jumble of words. Its mildly comical but doesnt garner much natural response. But it may apply to me.
siren i think MM is just poking because he is interested sometimes his poking isn't always tactful :p but does it count as a complement if someone is interested ?

MM it may appear to be odd but there was good reasons for it ... the guy appeared very serious about trying to sue siren ... and although it may of got chucked out of court i can understand why siren wouldn't want the hassle of it all
MM to answer you previous question:

Asked and answered. (wink)

Thank you Siren for explaining yourself. Its unfortuante that such a situation would arise but I understand your reasoning.

Lit is, indeed, filled with a number of less-than-sane types including perverted lawyer types.
Siren, there is no last dig. None.

The perverted lawyer comment was a joke. Perverted isnt a bad thing, last time I checked. You answered with class and clarity. If I havnt made myself clear then let me say: Thank you for your reply. I now understand the reason for your sigline and hope that you dont feel too restrained in what you can say.
For the love of God ....

it's disingenuous people.

If you're gonna use 50 cent words to look smart, it really helps if you spell them correctly. Otherwise you end up looking like a two bit fool.
There are three ellipses and a period when the omission comes at the end of a sentence. Actually. I'm so anal about ellipses; it's actually pathetic.
KillerMuffin said:
There are three ellipses and a period when the omission comes at the end of a sentence. Actually. I'm so anal about ellipses; it's actually pathetic.

"Like April can count on the showers,
March can count on the dew,
I'll smile all the while for I'll always know
That's how I can count on you."

It's a song. It came into my mind immediately when I saw your post.
Actually, if you analyze the post, it's rather wrong on several levels.

The beginning statement was an exclamation, a partial statement with no meaning beyond the expression of exasperation. To compound that, it added the ellipses to indicate a trailing off rather than an omission. Or perhaps that it had bitten off more commentary. It also did so incorrectly as there is no space between ellipses and the final letter of the word preceding it.

Additionally, if the first line and the second line had been used, the correct punctuation would have been either a period or a semi-colon. "For the love of God; it's disingenuous people." or "For the love of God. It's disingenuous people." As there was no actual omission, the ellipses are not the correct punctuation. Popular usage has them as appropriate for statements where the thought trails off and is incomplete, but correct usage has them as only when something already stated has been omitted.

To continue with its last statement, you'll find necessary punctuation has been omitted there as well. For example, "two bit" is not accurate. The correct way is "two-bit." The usage here is that the two words are indicating the same thing so they must be connected with a hyphen. Otherwise, two is modifying bit and bit is modifying fool. While the sense of meaning isn't mistaken, the actual meaning is because bit would require pluralization if two were modifying it. Two bits, as it were. Two is not an adverb or an adjective, it cannot modify something else without altering it's plurality.

A final note: while it's the standard to use the quotation marks within punctuation unless quoting direct speech in Britian, is is the standard to put punctuation within quotation marks in all circumstances in America. I am an American, ergo I follow the standard I'm familiar with.

I'm such a geek.
A Ruling In The Matter of Anon v Siren

Siren, after having reviewed the matter for several moments, it is my considered opinion that your sig is a piece of self-serving and self-aggrandizing crap.

First, if you are a practising lawyer, revealing you are one by way of a half-assed disclaimer in your sig shows poor judgement at best. Accordingly, I advise you to report yourself under a blanket future malpractice claim to your insurers now and save the trouble.

Second, unless you were called to the bar and practise under the name Siren, Attorney at Law, I fail to see how any claim advanced on an anonymous pron board would result in anything other than a dismissal with costs as frivolous and vexatious.

Third, without a potential claimant securing Laurel's server blogs, no potential claimant would have a snowball's chance in hell of finding you in a fashion that would be considered evidence in any claim. The chances of Laurel giving up server blogs without a court challenge are, I suggest, slim to none.

Fourth, without evidence of having been properly retained the chances of being ruled as having been retained on a pron board under the name Siren are also effectively zero.

It is my recommendation that you change your signature. Or cease and desist yammering about it. I find you "boring & boorish" in this regard.

Thank you for retaining my services in this matter. Your invoice will follow via PM.


Lance Castor Esq.
Over, Hill & Dale
Notorious Pubics