Kalyn Really Really Experienced Joined Apr 29, 2002 Posts 385 Dec 13, 2002 #1 Oh, never mind, it appears to just be a giant candy cane, crook end first. Carry on.
Rhys the once and future Joined Dec 14, 2001 Posts 33,020 Dec 13, 2002 #3 I think there was a spotlight thread on lubricants...
Kalyn Really Really Experienced Joined Apr 29, 2002 Posts 385 Dec 13, 2002 #4 Rhys, thanks for the tip, I'll head over there as soon as I can see and walk again.
Minkey Boodle clit-o-rific Joined Oct 17, 2002 Posts 11,594 Dec 13, 2002 #5 Now you'll have minty-fresh ass! Flatulence can be your friend!
Shadowann2 My give-a-damn's busted Joined Aug 24, 2002 Posts 8,829 Dec 13, 2002 #6 Mmmmmm...minty fresh farts....I'll have to try that on my husband!
Kalyn Really Really Experienced Joined Apr 29, 2002 Posts 385 Dec 13, 2002 #7 Now I can indulge my appetite for cornea jelly , which used to give me the worst gas. No longer will I be backed into a corner by my intestinal distress.
Now I can indulge my appetite for cornea jelly , which used to give me the worst gas. No longer will I be backed into a corner by my intestinal distress.