What the fuck is a toque?



And since when condors fly at night? Night-vision goggles? Genetic mod? I'm jumping right back to p8. Bye.


If that is a "G" then a "togue" is a typo.

If that is a "Q" then a "toQue" is a stocking hat.

Does that help, CV?
you're all way wrong...it's the feminine form of toga.
Webster sez:

Main Entry: toque __
Pronunciation: tk
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle French, from Old Spanish toca woman's headdress, veil, toque
1 a : a soft hat with a very narrow brim and a full crown pleated into a snug headband, usually ornamented with a plume, and worn especially in the 16th century b : a woman's small brimless hat made in any of various soft close-fitting shapes
Wow and I thought it was the bedsheet i wore around at parties.
Re: Webster sez:

superlittlegirl said:
Main Entry: toque __
Pronunciation: tk
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle French, from Old Spanish toca woman's headdress, veil, toque
1 a : a soft hat with a very narrow brim and a full crown pleated into a snug headband, usually ornamented with a plume, and worn especially in the 16th century b : a woman's small brimless hat made in any of various soft close-fitting shapes
No. My Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary still doesn't have it in.
Re: Re: Webster sez:

ChilledVodka said:
No. My Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary still doesn't have it in.

You want to look in my Webster's Unabridged?

I think it's wonderful that Canadian men like to wear women's hats. Adorable.
Re: Re: Re: Webster sez:

superlittlegirl said:
You want to look in my Webster's Unabridged?

I think it's wonderful that Canadian men like to wear women's hats. Adorable.

fuckin canadians are weird. :)
Think about this CV,

The Frenchies were first here where I live...

Half the places have names I can't spell!
Stocking cap:




Look the same to me...
Note the wide, up-turned brim on the stocking cap. That is what differentiates it from the touque.
freakygurl said:
Stocking cap:




Look the same to me...
They are both what the Brits call ''woolly hat''. Yes they are technically caps, but technicality never bothered the Brits.

Yes, there are two ''L''s in woolly.