What the common Iraqi thinks... For both sides.


Warmup Act...
Mar 13, 2003
Saw this gem at the end of a Drudge link:

'The Arab television network Al-Jazeera, sometimes criticized for its coverage by U.S. officials, carried a report Saturday about American soldiers' efforts to provide fresh water for beleaguered civilians in the city of Nasiriyah.

One of the men waiting in line for water was evenhanded with his gripes.

"All are liars. Bush is a liar. Saddam is a liar," the man said. "We are an exhausted people."

© 2003 The Associated Press'
Sounds about right. As the invader and potential occupier, GWB has more people to convince. He also has to hide the profits, not hordily flaunt them.
The old 33/33/33 rule

33% prefer the status quo

33% want change

33% want to be left the fuck alone