What my drunk neighbor just told me...


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.

Well that's just common sense.
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.

I've never heard of wasps doing that. Crows, on the other hand...
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.


Use the one that you have in your closet.
No. Cover up to keep them from biting as you work around them.

Long sleaves and face protection.

That's why bee keepers wear these:

My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.


Those wasps are still here.

We told you what we are gonna do if you don't get rid of them.

Do you have any last words?

Boys, take care of Mr. Yates...
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.

When you think about it, Mike, that's pretty good advice for just about anywhere you might go.
My drunk neighbor told me to wear a mask when I get rid of the wasp nest in my front yard shrubs because the wasps might recognize my face and retaliate.

It's best to wear a mask AND carry a badminton racket.

I recommend the Yonex NANOSPEED 9900. X-FULLERENE frame for sharp repulsion and FULLERENE shaft for speedy racquet handling.
My son Stuart is allergic to wasp stings and it could be life threatening.


Is it okay if I dropped him off and he could help you get rid of those wasps?
No. Cover up to keep them from biting as you work around them.

Long sleaves and face protection.

That's why bee keepers wear these:


Duh, I am hiring a professional exterminator because obviously I don't have one of those suits. I simply mentioned getting rid of the wasp nest during a conversation with my drunk-ass neighbor and then he told me to wear a mask to conceal my identity from the super-smart wasps.

I hope I don't have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life in fear that those wasps are going to get their revenge against me. I bet they'll chase me to the ends of the Earth no matter where I go. ;););):D
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I learned a long time ago that at cocktail parties WASPS look for a place to stand and drink, Jews for a place to sit and eat. Hope this helps with your wasp issues:rolleyes: