What makes you nervous?


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
Dentists (you already know this)

Driving on major highways
conversations with men when i'm not sure if they're into me yet.
(that could be turned into a dirty line :D lol when i'm not sure if they're in me yet)
Driving at night on dimly lit roads and highways.

My 4 year old grandson when he goes into meltdown mode.
(Was never nervous like this when raising my own but he makes me all kinds of wacka do crazy nervous.)
Being stuck between lots of lorries on the motorway
Rotten people being unusually nice
Letting my guard down in matters of the heart
Sharks (on the telly of course)
Job interviews
I sung last night. I was really nervous, but it was fun.

My partner reckons I did alright.
being in a dentist chair,its the drill sounds that get me and enclosed spaces,totally freaks me out:(
Nothing really makes me nervous.
I got over being nervous and tense a long time ago... there didn't seem much point.

Tomorrow, when the kidlet has his last big op, I will be a little afraid. But I have enough faith in his excellent surgeon that my fear is more about the unknown possible side-effects, not the surgery itself.