what makes a woman good in bed

and naked. dont forget naked.

:D <--with one front tooth missing.
desire makes the experience that much better but the main thing is still just being there. Different for men
When someone says what makes a woman good in bed to me, I'm saying being there and willing does it for me.

Tight pooch, good shape, technique, that's all a mystery to me. Men are more concrned about not embarrassing themselves. They can talk all they want about how good a lay they had but really, being there was the important thing.
much2much said:
When someone says what makes a woman good in bed to me, I'm saying being there and willing does it for me.

Tight pooch, good shape, technique, that's all a mystery to me. Men are more concrned about not embarrassing themselves. They can talk all they want about how good a lay they had but really, being there was the important thing.

So.....do you like aggresive? Passive?
A round, bubbly ass...full, pink lips made to suck cock...a pussy made for milking...extremely adventurous...and a constant desire.
toys- lots of them

*Oh wait, I thought you meant for ME, not in general.
Re: Re: what makes a woman good in bed

lilminx said:
toys- lots of them

*Oh wait, I thought you meant for ME, not in general.

the feeling is mutual :)
Re: Re: what makes a woman good in bed

lilminx said:
toys- lots of them

*Oh wait, I thought you meant for ME, not in general.

you sound like a big bag of fun. where are all the agressive ladies?
woodcarver said:
have you noticed that most of them only talk a good line though? I've met very few aggressive women that can actually pull it off.
Oh, I can totally pull off being aggressive, but it gets old after a while. I'd much rather prefer being chased (or submissive) than being the aggressor.
Re: Re: what makes a woman good in bed

lilminx said:
toys- lots of them

<<< Packing a bag to go to lilminx's house...
very well thought out post birdsWife.

I would add, enthusiasm.
woodcarver said:
have you noticed that most of them only talk a good line though? I've met very few aggressive women that can actually pull it off.

You've just met the wrong girls then. :p :devil:
much2much said:
Being there.

You know my ex-wife?

That's what she thought her job was in bed, and it wasn't very good, I can assure you.

I agree with minxie. Desire is first and foremost, followed by a sense of humor and an openness to play and experiment.
For me, it's a woman who has been with enough men in her life to know how to get our "little boy" within us to come out and play. She's at total ease and in her realm and guides without ever using verbal "yeses" or "nos". She loves the skin she's in and she's secure.

SHE!......will fuck you silly!:p