What made you smile today....

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
"I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. "

Peachy's sig line...

peachykeen said:
TH, for noticing LOL

Thought the last couple of days I tend towards...

"Get real... Who the fuck said the roses were for you."

Her sig line made me smile also - I loved that book!

But MY addition to this thread would be the two kids romping outside in the garden under my balcony. A brother and sister who are sledding down the hills. The brother who's maybe about 8ish and his little sister who I would guess is about 3. The little girl wanted to go down the hill on her own like her "big brother" and "big brother" was apparently already informed by the parental unit that he was NOT to let her do this....so after she had a crying fit about the injustices of the world <grin>, he very sweetly said, " don't worry Maggy, it's not as fun without you."

Isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard? Now who can claim to having a big brother like that? That little guy is going to be a real lady killer in 20 years!
My daughter waking me up with breakfast. Two uncooked eggs and a cup of something that resembled... coffee? She is 5.:)
Having a VERY silly discussion on the phone with my Dad earlier about which of the 7 dwarves we'd be.

Seeing lobito posting again made me smile.

Watching The Rookie again made me smile.

Being called a gorgeous, sexy, goddess really made me smile.
Watched Circle of Friends again today, and I love the line when she asks if he'd like to have sex and he raises his brows...and she laughs and says:

"It wasn't an invitaion, simply a request for information!"
a phone call about five this morning. what a wonderful way to start the day (or end the night). had the big goofy grin on all day, just thinking about it.