What Literotica man is the BEST in BED ???????????????

yeah, I'm still gonna have to go with glamorilla, sug.
I was 14th in the world in recent rankings

I excel at post-coital hugging, pillow-talk, whispered nothings, and all that kind of stuff.

I figure after three hours of intense action the least I can do is give her ten minutes of my company before I head back to my ship.
guilty pleasure said:
Any man I manage to coax in with me.


You don't need to coax me baby cakes.

Now let me show you the power of my tantric temple...
RosevilleCAguy said:
I'm no good in bed.

Now, in a longship...................

Care for a little plundering?

We'll save pillaging for the smoke afterwards
Right off hand? Hard to say, since we all have our little weaknesses and foibles, and since what one oman wants at any given time can be subject to change, than we're all crappy in bed at some given point or another.

But fuck it, I say Hogjack is the best.
I AM GREAT in bed...man you should see me sleep.

Hours and hours, sometimes without moving...

I could win award...
just pet said:
I have to nominate <your name here>


It's like figure skating...if your partner sucks you end up on your ass, spinning across the rink with your skirt up around your ears--

okay, maybe it's not EXACTLY like figure skating but the point I am trying to make here is---

---thanks for nominating me.
In bed? Does it have to be in bed? Gee, Gusty, what about on the coffee table? Or on the floor? Um, or in a leather arm chair?
Funny, but I've never had a Literotican man in bed.
