Sweet Zydrate
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Katherine (Katie) Prescott
Age: 29
**** 1 year ago ****
She hadn't wanted this to go this far. All he had to do was sign the papers. Simple as that but no, Sean always had to have the last say in everything. He had admitted to cheating on Katie, not just once, but several times... he admitted to falling in love with someone else. Like that wasn't evident. They had only been married 4 years and it was as if as soon as they were married, the sex stopped between them. Hell, it wasn't even about the sex. It was about the love. There was no real love. She had married him because she thought they could learn to love each other. Others just assumed she married him for the money.
The only reason Sean took to this to court was to make sure Katie held up her end of the bargain.. the prenup agreement. She wasn't going to fight it. In fact, she had said she didn't want anything from him. But of course, to save face and the fact that this was all going to be public knowledge, he wanted everything on record so Katie couldn't come back later for more money.
Again, it wasn't about the money.
In the end, the prenuptial was paid out, she got 3 million and that was it. Her life was over in LA. She didn't want to stay. Katie, maybe to spite Sean, had donated all but 500K to several charities, of course, she did it in Sean's name... yes, to spite him.
*** Present day ***
Katie had moved to Colorado... Evergreen, Colorado, to be exact just outside of Denver. She bought a small cabin, complete with a barn set on a 3 acre plot of land... and had even bought 2 horses and of course, a dog. This was a drastic change from her life in Beverly Hills, married to a successful lawyer. She had it all. Money. Homes in different parts of the world... but had given it all up just find some sort of peace.
She had made it a habit every morning to take one of the horses out for an early morning walk. She was used to handling horses from her time growing up. Although she married into a rich life, she had come from humble beginnings. Her father was a trainer of horses. He made a good living at it too, allowing her mother to stay home with her and her older brother. Of course, Katie did pick up a thing or two while growing up and helping her father out. As much as she had wanted her own horses when she married Sean, he said there was no time for his wife to mess with horses.
It pained Katie to think she had seen something special in Sean. As they say, hind sight is 20/20.
This morning, the air was a bit colder. Winter in Colorado was close and soon, it would only be getting colder. She survived just fine last year and it had prepared her for this year. She had plenty of provisions in case something should happen to where she couldn't get into town. Plenty of wood for her fireplace and plenty of feed for the horses.
She guided Ellie, a black and white painted horse, through their usual trail. It was peaceful. The peace she had wanted for a long time. Katie's dog, Chance, followed closely to them, sometimes running ahead, other times, staying right by Katie and Ellie. As they made it halfway through their morning walk, about halfway around the fenced in 3 acre lot, Chance took off running. Katie had assumed he saw a rabbit and decided to chase it but then, he started barking. That alarmed Katie and of course, Ellie stopping. Not wanting to go forward. Urging her on, Katie called out to Chance but he didn't wavier. He stood over something, pawing at the ground... a snake? It was hard to tell in the tall bushes.
She had a rifle with her and thankfully, never went riding without it. Katie reached back to make sure it was still holstered to Ellie's saddle. Although she hadn't had to use it to this day, she at least knew how to use it.
"Chance?!" Katie called out and the dog looked back at her and then where he was standing. Usually he was good about coming when Katie called but this time he wasn't. Ellie also stopped, refusing to move forward. With a sigh, Katie slid off Ellie's back and moved toward Chance, who was probably bothered by some dead rodent.
As she got closer, Katie noticed an arm... "What the hell..." she muttered as she moved closer. To her surprise, Katie saw a man sprawled out on the ground. His right side on his abdomen dark from blood? She didn't think about it as she rushed to him. Katie's brother was a doctor and from helping him study, she knew a thing or two about first aid... that and helping out her father with the horses. Yes, this man wasn't a horse but she'd still help him as best she could.
"Sir... can you hear me?" Nothing. He wasn't dead. She checked for a pulse and he was still alive. He needed help. He was pretty beat up...
"How the hell did you end up here?" she said to herself... the nearest trail was over a mile away with the main road 4 miles away... Katie's place wasn't that far from town but the mountains and trees didn't exactly provide a clear signal for her cellphone. She'd have to use the mainline at home but she didn't want to leave this guy like this... With a hard sigh, she knew she'd have to take him with her. She looked at Ellie and knew that was the only way to get the man to her home so she could call for help.
As she was thinking all this, she took of her top button up shirt and rolled it up. She reached down, talking to the guy, mostly saying what she was doing and that she would take him to get help. She wrapped her top shirt around the guy's middle, tightening it to help stop the bleeding. It didn't look too bad and from what she could tell, it looks like it was either a deep graze or the bullet passed through? Maybe he had been stabbed? It wasn't that serious but she had a feeling it was more the beating he took was what did him in.
Katie jumped up and grabbed Ellie's bridle reins and lead her toward the man. She knew the horse was gentle and wouldn't run as long as Katie was there soothing her with her words. Reaching down and lightly slapping the man's face, hoping to get him awake enough so he could open his eyes, "You need to help me out here guy... OK?" He nodded slightly. At least he understood.
Thankfully it only took one try, with Katie doing a majority of the work, as she helped the man up long enough for him to get onto Ellie's back. Once he was seated on Ellie, Katie reached up and placed the man's hands onto the saddle horn, for him to hold onto. With Katie guiding Ellie like this turned a normal 20 minute ride into 45 minutes, but soon, they were at Katie's cabin. She lead Ellie to the steps where she had an easier time with getting the guy off and having him lean onto her as she led him into her home.
It wasn't until about an hour after she was able to clean up his wound as best she could that she realized, she had just brought a total stranger... a hurt stranger into her home. She needed to call the sheriff to see if they could get some help up to her place. Yes, it was old fashion but everyone in this town still had landlines, only again, because of signal issues. She sat next to the couch the man was laying on, he still hadn't fully woken up, and reached for the phone on the stand. Before she could dial the first number, the man's hand grabbed her hand and was only able to tell her "no" before passing out again.
Age: 29
**** 1 year ago ****
She hadn't wanted this to go this far. All he had to do was sign the papers. Simple as that but no, Sean always had to have the last say in everything. He had admitted to cheating on Katie, not just once, but several times... he admitted to falling in love with someone else. Like that wasn't evident. They had only been married 4 years and it was as if as soon as they were married, the sex stopped between them. Hell, it wasn't even about the sex. It was about the love. There was no real love. She had married him because she thought they could learn to love each other. Others just assumed she married him for the money.
The only reason Sean took to this to court was to make sure Katie held up her end of the bargain.. the prenup agreement. She wasn't going to fight it. In fact, she had said she didn't want anything from him. But of course, to save face and the fact that this was all going to be public knowledge, he wanted everything on record so Katie couldn't come back later for more money.
Again, it wasn't about the money.
In the end, the prenuptial was paid out, she got 3 million and that was it. Her life was over in LA. She didn't want to stay. Katie, maybe to spite Sean, had donated all but 500K to several charities, of course, she did it in Sean's name... yes, to spite him.
*** Present day ***
Katie had moved to Colorado... Evergreen, Colorado, to be exact just outside of Denver. She bought a small cabin, complete with a barn set on a 3 acre plot of land... and had even bought 2 horses and of course, a dog. This was a drastic change from her life in Beverly Hills, married to a successful lawyer. She had it all. Money. Homes in different parts of the world... but had given it all up just find some sort of peace.
She had made it a habit every morning to take one of the horses out for an early morning walk. She was used to handling horses from her time growing up. Although she married into a rich life, she had come from humble beginnings. Her father was a trainer of horses. He made a good living at it too, allowing her mother to stay home with her and her older brother. Of course, Katie did pick up a thing or two while growing up and helping her father out. As much as she had wanted her own horses when she married Sean, he said there was no time for his wife to mess with horses.
It pained Katie to think she had seen something special in Sean. As they say, hind sight is 20/20.
This morning, the air was a bit colder. Winter in Colorado was close and soon, it would only be getting colder. She survived just fine last year and it had prepared her for this year. She had plenty of provisions in case something should happen to where she couldn't get into town. Plenty of wood for her fireplace and plenty of feed for the horses.
She guided Ellie, a black and white painted horse, through their usual trail. It was peaceful. The peace she had wanted for a long time. Katie's dog, Chance, followed closely to them, sometimes running ahead, other times, staying right by Katie and Ellie. As they made it halfway through their morning walk, about halfway around the fenced in 3 acre lot, Chance took off running. Katie had assumed he saw a rabbit and decided to chase it but then, he started barking. That alarmed Katie and of course, Ellie stopping. Not wanting to go forward. Urging her on, Katie called out to Chance but he didn't wavier. He stood over something, pawing at the ground... a snake? It was hard to tell in the tall bushes.
She had a rifle with her and thankfully, never went riding without it. Katie reached back to make sure it was still holstered to Ellie's saddle. Although she hadn't had to use it to this day, she at least knew how to use it.
"Chance?!" Katie called out and the dog looked back at her and then where he was standing. Usually he was good about coming when Katie called but this time he wasn't. Ellie also stopped, refusing to move forward. With a sigh, Katie slid off Ellie's back and moved toward Chance, who was probably bothered by some dead rodent.
As she got closer, Katie noticed an arm... "What the hell..." she muttered as she moved closer. To her surprise, Katie saw a man sprawled out on the ground. His right side on his abdomen dark from blood? She didn't think about it as she rushed to him. Katie's brother was a doctor and from helping him study, she knew a thing or two about first aid... that and helping out her father with the horses. Yes, this man wasn't a horse but she'd still help him as best she could.
"Sir... can you hear me?" Nothing. He wasn't dead. She checked for a pulse and he was still alive. He needed help. He was pretty beat up...
"How the hell did you end up here?" she said to herself... the nearest trail was over a mile away with the main road 4 miles away... Katie's place wasn't that far from town but the mountains and trees didn't exactly provide a clear signal for her cellphone. She'd have to use the mainline at home but she didn't want to leave this guy like this... With a hard sigh, she knew she'd have to take him with her. She looked at Ellie and knew that was the only way to get the man to her home so she could call for help.
As she was thinking all this, she took of her top button up shirt and rolled it up. She reached down, talking to the guy, mostly saying what she was doing and that she would take him to get help. She wrapped her top shirt around the guy's middle, tightening it to help stop the bleeding. It didn't look too bad and from what she could tell, it looks like it was either a deep graze or the bullet passed through? Maybe he had been stabbed? It wasn't that serious but she had a feeling it was more the beating he took was what did him in.
Katie jumped up and grabbed Ellie's bridle reins and lead her toward the man. She knew the horse was gentle and wouldn't run as long as Katie was there soothing her with her words. Reaching down and lightly slapping the man's face, hoping to get him awake enough so he could open his eyes, "You need to help me out here guy... OK?" He nodded slightly. At least he understood.
Thankfully it only took one try, with Katie doing a majority of the work, as she helped the man up long enough for him to get onto Ellie's back. Once he was seated on Ellie, Katie reached up and placed the man's hands onto the saddle horn, for him to hold onto. With Katie guiding Ellie like this turned a normal 20 minute ride into 45 minutes, but soon, they were at Katie's cabin. She lead Ellie to the steps where she had an easier time with getting the guy off and having him lean onto her as she led him into her home.
It wasn't until about an hour after she was able to clean up his wound as best she could that she realized, she had just brought a total stranger... a hurt stranger into her home. She needed to call the sheriff to see if they could get some help up to her place. Yes, it was old fashion but everyone in this town still had landlines, only again, because of signal issues. She sat next to the couch the man was laying on, he still hadn't fully woken up, and reached for the phone on the stand. Before she could dial the first number, the man's hand grabbed her hand and was only able to tell her "no" before passing out again.