What kind of cereal do I eat for breakfast?

I eat grown up cereal now...but hardly ever for breakfast. Usually for dinner. I love the Special K red berry.
The Cap'n will never let you down!

Quisp is so cool...though you got to spend $$ to get it from quisp.com
sunstruck said:
I always pictured you as a cold pizza kind of guy.

Either that or the kind of guy that doesn't eat breakfast but wants to go to lunch at 10:45.
Aphrodisiac said:
I still eat HoneyCombs, I like their taste.

that damn box always take up half the pantry...settling may have occcured, my ass
Marxist said:
Either that or the kind of guy that doesn't eat breakfast but wants to go to lunch at 10:45.

Yeah, that works too. lol

Where the hell have you been?
I think that DCL has us all fooled. He's a Cap'n Crunch kinda guy.
I think you don't eat cereal at all.
perhaps you aren't even a breakfast person.