What junk food is closest to you right now?


in search of...
Apr 18, 2001
and you wish it wasn't?

someone please get rid of these chocolate covered raisins before i eat another and puke:(
Is plain popcorn a junk food? If so, I can't eat another bite.

I would rather have some homemade tortilla chips (baked), some good salsa, and some good homemade guacamole.
junk food

Sun Chips - way too yummy! :p

I should eat an apple instead! :(
I'm about 20 feet from some cranberry walnut oatmeal cookies. Their siren song is calling to me...eat me...eat me.

Why can't they be a woman?
My sweetie just put a cake in the oven.....
I'll hate myself later.
Ick.. they're already selling Halloweeny stuff in the stores. My kids want $20 each costumes! :eek:
so many goodies, so little time

~staring at a wide open Lit pantry~

and what, prey tell are Red Vines?
Someone put some chocolate ice cream with fudge brownies in my freezer.:(

I still don't know who would do such a thing, as I live alone.:confused:
Ruffle's Ranch Dip.

I'm just eating it with my finger. No Frito's left!

Make it stop!
MorgaineLaFay said:

I'm naughty that way.

You remember dontcha?

:blushing: me noooooo you got me confused for some other sex starved perv...... oh look an angel.....