What it takes


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
What does it take to be attractive?

I know what I see in women. Is it the same in a guy?

Beauty, Body shape, presentation, and X.

  • Beauty, the face, the most important bit. I think no one can argue with what is beautiful. I've never been with a woman who isn't, that's probably my one claim to fame.
  • Body Shape, between this and presentation, it's the first thing I notice. But it's subjective. It's the thing that means everyone will be found attractive by someone. Personally I like a thicker shorter body. One over flowing with womanhood and fertility.
  • Presentation, the packaging, the clothes. So much is attractive in so many ways. The slut has a little something, the business woman, and the farm girl. Mmmmm gingham and dungaree's.
  • X. That little something which says, I'm sensual, I'm sexual. Perhaps it's a pheromone, perhaps it's an attitude.
Anyone with a cartoon character in their av is attractive, and yours is cooler than mine, so...
That was the line of thinking yes. And to be honest, the last in the list is the most elusive, and you have it by the bucket full.

I wish I did.
RawHumor said:
Anyone with a cartoon character in their av is attractive, and yours is cooler than mine, so...

Much obliged Raw, comming from you that's cool.

Now, Respect My Authoratah!
Mellon Collie said:
Bah, the one out of four I actually have ain't too bad.


From all that one can tell via the net, I'm giving you two out of four, and the other two I can't tell from this medium anyway. ;) I always did say you was cute.

Back on topic :)p), do those seem the same from a womans point of view? Not so much what makes a good partner, just attractive. And what's the take on each of them, I know my choice of bdy shape is not universally held.
Thank you.

I wasn't fishing for compliments, I swear!


But I think what makes one attractive is different for different people. Sometimes you have so much of a few that you don't need to have the others. Like if you have a ton of the X factor, the lack of the other three wouldn't really matter so much, you know what I mean?
A good sense of humor is always attractive. I liike being able to laugh with someone, even if it's just over a shared moment at one moment in time. That's something that would stand out more to me than a nice body or a beautiful face, tho those things don't hurt to have around either.

Mellon Collie said:
Thank you.

I wasn't fishing for compliments, I swear!


Judging from the AV and how you are in this place it's not like you have to.
The things you listed are all important, but are we talking about attractiveness in an eyecandy sense, or in a wanna-be-with-you sense?

A woman can have all the characteristics you've listed, but if she's a vapid bimbo, I won't give her more than elevator eyes. Same goes with guys, but even more so. Exceptionally beautiful men are often assholes, so I rather like a moderately handsome man with a brilliant mind and a killer sense of humor.

Looks are very important to me; don't get me wrong. But there has to be something equally compelling going mind-wise to hold my interest. I get bored fairly quickly with people who have nothing to offer beyond looks.
I think men can usually get away with more as they age, given they have grace and wisdom to make up for whatever physical imperfections the years have given them.

I think it would go something like:

Younger Men:
~ handsome mug
~ healthy body
~ charisma
~ cosmetic accessories (clothes/car/money)

Older Men:
~ handsome mug/ open smile
~ healthy body/ well fitting clothes for whatever form the body is in.
~ charisma/ presence & wisdom
~ career choices (big wallet?)

Or something along those lines. I think you'd also notice that many people aren't very physically attractive but their personality and the way they carry themselves catches the eye. It's all about attitude.
Yeah, I'm talking about that initial attraction. The bit that makes you want to go over and say "Hi", find out if they have a brain, and a sense of humor.

As far as wanting to be with someone, only the beauty is really important to me in the long term. *chuckle* And a truely sexual nature, regardless of whether their 'X' describes them that way to outsiders.
Wiggles my dear, what a delightful av. I've missed you. Why aren't you on MSN?
superlittlegirl said:
The things you listed are all important, but are we talking about attractiveness in an eyecandy sense, or in a wanna-be-with-you sense?

A woman can have all the characteristics you've listed, but if she's a vapid bimbo, I won't give her more than elevator eyes. Same goes with guys, but even more so. Exceptionally beautiful men are often assholes, so I rather like a moderately handsome man with a brilliant mind and a killer sense of humor.

Looks are very important to me; don't get me wrong. But there has to be something equally compelling going mind-wise to hold my interest. I get bored fairly quickly with people who have nothing to offer beyond looks.

I think the discussion is about eyecandy.
In the case of the vapid bimbo though I'd have to say that if it was only about flesh (One night stand) then I'd probably overlook the vapidness in some circumstances and go to bed with the woman,no matter how vapid she was or no matter how big an asshole she was.
Though if it comes to being with someone then a whole other set of characteristics come into play.Sure it's nice if your partner is goodlooking but for a relationship that isn't the end all be all of things as you siad (And did it so much betterthan me).

I consider myself fair to middling when it comes to looks so I get by on my winning charm.
Of course I might be wrong and I'm considered a vapid male bimbo only there for the short haul.
I'm not sure I understand the question ... But I am going off of the other posts...For me to approach a man, something has to grab my attention. It is usually one of two things. His mouth, I am obsessed with lips. And the way he carries himself. I am attracted to men who are comfortable in their own skin. I like men who aren't out to impress anyone. They are who they are.
attractive, for me, isn't all about pretty, when I'm looking at men.

I like them to look like men. I like some of their aspects to be pretty, like say maybe their skin, or their eyes, or lips, or forearms, or thighs, holy god, or thighs<grin>. But I don't do pretty. They need to have an arrogance, and exude sexuality, or humour.

For women, I definitely do pretty. What I'm attracted to is definitely in the details though. I love the curve of the hip and a full trunk. I like my women soft and pliable, with lots of intensity and fire.

I can look at something and say, yes, that is pretty, but I often look at the same thing and even though I know it is pretty or beautiful, I am not attracted to it.

Attitude, laughter, sexy something, that's what I'm attracted to.
make 'em laugh

Mellon Collie said:
Bah, the one out of four I actually have ain't too bad.
Don't let her kid you, it's at least a "three."
superlittlegirl said:
. . . I rather like a moderately handsome man with a brilliant mind and a killer sense of humor.
I'll take that as a compliment.
perky_baby said:
They need to have an arrogance, and exude sexuality, or humour.
Okay, two outta three ain't bad either.
Re: make 'em laugh

kotori said:
Don't let her kid you, it's at least a "three."
I'll take that as a compliment.
Okay, two outta three ain't bad either.
you have all three, you just don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there <grinning>
Here's what catches my attention:

1. Bearing: I find posture, the way she holds her head up, a sense of grace and pouse...terribly attractive.

2. Eyes: Lively, playful, happy, slightly mischievious eyes do it for me every time.

3. Smile: a great smile, especially if her lower lip is slightly fuller than the upper, grabs me, hard.

4. Style: It's not about money, it's about confidence, creativity, panache, flair, regardless of the labels.

5. Class: a woman with social graces, manners, who knows how to enter a room, mingle with strangers, carry a conversation....without being snooty or showy or selfish...is a genuine find for me.

6. Humour: witty, slightly saucy, but not mean. The less profanity the better.

7. Shoes: Need I say more?

8. Joints: neck, knees, elbows, wrists....and yes, there is something very attractive about a woman who whispers "Hey, wanna slip outside and smoke a joint?"

9. Shoulders: Mmmmm, shoulders. My finger traced from the nape of her neck to the top of her shoulder will tell me if she is Mine.

10. Small of the Back: The second place I want to touch her skin.
The clinical answer is:

Males are attracted to Youth, Health, Fertility, & Variety.